Okay, so it is looking like, of all of us regular visitors to this site, only Tawmis and I have played Dragon Age: Origins.

I am Shocked.

I work in a department with 13 other people, ranging in age from 24 to 70, and five or six of us have played this game.

*shrugs* Oh well.

Tawmis, when you played this game, did you have to use any internet walkthroughs for any of it? For me, there is NO WAY I can get through certain parts without using them. For instance, when you get trapped in the Fade by the Sloth Demon during the rescue of the Circle of Mages in the Tower...man, that took me two and a half hours of gameplay to get out of the Fade, and that was using a walkthrough. Without it, I would be trapped in that place forever. Insanely complicated.