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Thread: Besides Alpha, what are some other comic characters u like?

  1. #16


    I love threads like this!

    I'm pretty much a Marvel guy. I've been collecting for 12 years and my collection is pretty Marvel-centric.

    I'm really a fan of the B-C string characters. Some of my all-time favorites are: (besides Alpha Flight of course)

    Wonder Man, Iron Fist, Luke Cage, Hawkeye, Black Panther, Genis-Vell, The Thunderbolts, Deadpool, Longshot, Madrox, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch,She-Hulk, The Great Lakes Avengers

    The Wizard, Mad Thinker, Masters of Evil, Baron Von Strucker, Graviton, Maggia Crime Syndicate, A.I.M., Serpent Society

    Outside of Marvel I love "The Goon" by Eric Powell, The Flash, Green Lantern.

    I have to agree with everyone who mentioned New Warriors, The Roger Stern/John Buscema run of Avengers, The West Coast Avengers

    Now-a-days I really love The New Thunderbolts, Marvel Team-Up, New Avengers

    That's about 2 cents worth I think.

  2. #17


    Dont laugh but one of my favorite character is Franklin Richards, probably because of the first comic I followed was FF. I liked him better when Bogdanove was involved in Power Pack, he really sounded like a real kid but with powers and not a deus ex machina tool plot used in FF.

    I'm mostly character driven and my favorite character usually change depensing of the writers. which in the end what made me loose interest in comic in a sense. the way you really like how a character is been portrayed and after his run someone else took over the book and character and destroyed what you like about them. Like I'm totally tired to read about the invisible women been unsecure and become a confident women, come back the way she was with LEE and Kirby and then again come back as a strong women, over and over again. I saw a little bit what Waid was doing and it looked very interesting since they seemed to kept the essential but did new things with them.

    It's always like that in comic mostly Marvel or DC and the super-hero genre(not including Vertigo). So I lost interest even if I like a lot of characters for stange reasons. But I can say I like the most character that are anti-violent and familly link like Colossus or Illyanna. Tourmented character with great hearts but I do not like characters that represent violence, those with guns or "cool" characters.

    Now I'm more into franco-europeen comics. I got tired of the endless useless combat in american comics (I like Sandman better or V for Vendetta for it's subversiveness) but now I get frustrated reading franco-europeen comic because the girls ends up naked for no particular reasons(I got nothing against nakedess but it's got to be a good reason, no?). Go figures!
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  3. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    But I can say I like the most character that are anti-violent and familly link like Colossus or Illyanna.

    I feel the same way about Quicksilver/Crystal and their daughter Luna.

  4. #19


    I've mostly been a Marvel fan too, but not too much anymore. I'm really more of a character-follower. Some of my favorites...

    Alpha Flight(of course)

    The Original Spider-Woman(Yay....that she's back)

    Werewolf By Night..Jack Russell(the Werewolf, himself)and Topaz(Hated the "Witches" mini though)

    Yes, He's a big Batman rip-off, but I love the Shroud.

    The Tomb of Dracula(I love Dracula, Blade, Frank Drake, Hannibal King....although, I really despised the latest was the worst crap, I've ever read...blech, ptoo..spewey!)

    I collected The Champions, back in the day...

    I used to collect the X-Men, original New Mutants, the original X-Factor, Original Excalibur...but I can't pick any of them up now....I just lost interest in the nineties(the introductions of Bishop, Gambit, Cable and all of those other lame-a$$es didn't help...ick) and that interest never came back.

    I did pick up(and really liked) X-Men: The Hidden Years by John Byrne, but that got canned, unfortunately. Nothing about the thirty-some X-books appeals to me anymore.

    Oh...I picked up most of the Weapon X series, but that was only to see the former Alpha characters.

    At DC....the only characters I follow are...

    The Doom Patrol

    I also collected the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans way back in the eighties...but nothing else is interesting to me about DC.


  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Yes, He's a big Batman rip-off, but I love the Shroud.
    I can't believe I forgot THE SHROUD!

    He's one of my favorites! I don't neccessarily agree with the "Batman Rip-off", but I do see where you're coming from. I always thought of him as Marvel's Undercover Cop.

    It's such a shame that they're so many great characters that are just floating in limbo (Alpha included).

  6. #21


    I'm definiet old school when it comes to comics. Alpha is now and will forever be my favorite. Avengers West Coast and New Warriors rank right up there. Hawkeye is my favorite Avanger by far. And I absolutely loved the youthful exuberence New Warriors brought to the table with Speedball. I always loved Cloak and Dagger also. I still pick up a few titles, but they are really hit and miss. Only Exiles do I keep up with consistently. As it's been stated here already, Marvel has become depressing to read. Either they're raping my favorite characters in Alpha Flight or they're killing all mutants. I understand that writers may have gone a little overboard with the number and nature of mutants, but what ever happened to just not writing about the masses instead of marching them into concentration camps. I'd take Power Pack over most of the crap they're printing today any day!

  7. #22


    I pick up pretty much anything and everything with an X in it, although I've been branching out lately to some other stuff. On the non-Marvel front, I'm really digging Y the Last Man and Fables, but I've managed to limit myself. Unfortunately, some of the post-Infinite Crisis stuff (especially 52) looks intriguing. Damn. Looks like thing are going to get even more expensive.

    My favourite comic book characters, period:

    1) Northstar
    2) Gambit
    3) Banshee (I AM NOT A HAPPY CAMPER)
    4) Diamond Lil
    5) Aurora
    6) Cannonball
    7) Mesmero (DAMMIT)
    Madison Jeffries
    9) Lacuna (fingers crossed)
    10) Mercury

    As for non-mutants, I really like Nick Fury, Hercules and Dr. Strange. And, I suppose, Mesmero. Grr.

    Also, when I found out Loa was still powered, I just about had an aneurism. Despite her, like, never having lines and only one small appearance, I always just inexplicably loved her. I never in a million years expected her to keep her powers. It almost makes up for Mesmero. Almost.

    I love Mirage too, pretty peeved about that. Forge is cool, too. Rogue'll always be one of my favourites even if Peter Milligan continues to MASSACRE her character. Argh! But he created Lacuna, so he gets a bit of slack. He's running low, though.

    I'm sure there's many more.

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Weapon Omega
    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    Yes, He's a big Batman rip-off, but I love the Shroud.
    I can't believe I forgot THE SHROUD!

    He's one of my favorites! I don't neccessarily agree with the "Batman Rip-off", but I do see where you're coming from. I always thought of him as Marvel's Undercover Cop.
    I only mean about the Shroud having a very Batman origin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Weapon Omega
    It's such a shame that they're so many great characters that are just floating in limbo (Alpha included).
    Yes...most all of my faves are in limbo.


  9. #24


    I adore the Fantastic Four, both 616, Ulti, and even that horrible movie. So not surprisingly my favorite character is Ben Grimm (by almost no matter who writes him), followed by Dr. Doom in 616 (I'm actually partial to Waid's interpretation but I really am digging the mini-series). In Ulti I love Sue, she's like my non-sexual comic girl crush. Or she was, until Mark Millar took over from Warren Ellis and kidnaped NinjaGeek!Sue and replaced her with InvisibleGirl!Sue with even less common sense. *Pretends that run doesn't exist.*

    Recently, I've become a big fan of Captian America; yeah, he's a goodie-goodie, but I love his pretty much 'liberal' stance through out his existence. And Steve's got the best male ass in Marvel. I'm an American History major, so I'm not all that keen with Ulti!Captain America (he seems too 'modern') and while I know he's a jerk, we've got some glimpses he's really just a kid, no older than 25 and possibly as young as 20.

    And of the X-Men, I really, really liked Magneto; I still do. I'm looking forward to him without powers. I also like pre-Gambit Rogue, Jubilee, Colossus, early!Marrow, and I adore Pete Wisdom.

  10. #25


    Like a lot of people I have been a Marvel guy for years, but I have recently found a new appreciation for a lot of the DC guys…anyways here are my favourites (other then Alpha Flight)

    Spider-man – First and foremost. He’s the reason I started reading comics and the reason I continue to do so today.

    Archangel – Metal winged Warren will make my list every time. I love that guy.

    Black Panther – This new series is actually quite fun. I love the character and I love the concept.

    Moon Knight – I am so psyched that he finally has a new book coming out. I can’t wait.

    Wolverine – I don’t care if he is over exposed, I love the little guy.

    DeadPool – Currently he is my favourite comic book character in the world. I only recently found him, but it was love at first read.

    Puma – A little known villain in the Spider-universe. Man I hope they bring him back soon.

    Superman – For most of my life I thought he was over-rated and a bit boring. I have recently discovered what I have been missing.

    Batman – Even when I hated DC I still got Batman. He is just too cool to hate.

    Nightwing – I love to watch people develop and evolve and no one has done more of that then Dick Grayson.

    Green Lantern/ION (Kyle) – I don’t know what it is about him but Kyle speaks to me more then Hal does. I felt a connection to him the moment I started reading him.

  11. #26


    Let's see here:

    Kitty Pryde: First saw her in KittyPryde Wolverine mini a kabillion years ago.
    Wolverine : especially in the 80's
    Captain Britian : Excalibur days
    Hell's Angel/Dark Angel: Marvel UK
    Firestar :
    X-factor / original X-Men
    Invisible Woman
    She-Hulk : Byrne series
    Danger Girl
    original Gen13
    Prime (Ultraverse)
    Solitude (Ultraverse)
    Cloak & Dagger (Rick Leonardi artwork was the best)
    Black Cat
    Black Widow
    Spider-Woman (the red costume one)
    Spider-Woman (the Black costume one)
    Elektra esp Miller and Seinkiewicz (sp?)
    and it's not a comic but the show 6teen on Cartoon Network or Nick.

    I could go on but bandwidth and all.


  12. #27


    Oh, to add, Alpha Flight is easily #1 for me for a long time. Besides the Flash, Teen Titans does catch my eye. Team books over individuals for me.

    Out of the team books it seems I go:
    Alpha Flight
    Teen Titans
    Who knows?

    Individuals go:
    Batman - Spider-Man
    Iron Man

    But I never individual books.

    And individual from team books?
    Ghost Girl
    Major Mapleleaf
    Likely more AF
    Shinobi Shaw
    Superboy, sort of

    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  13. #28


    Oh, as for my favourite characters ...

    My all time favourtie character is Cyclops. He is my herewo.

    Wolverine was my second fav. back in the day. I still like him, but then I have yet to enter the world in which he appears in every other title, and even makes guest appearences in his own solo. Retch ....

    Ummm, I've also been partial to Cap.America, and for the same reasons I've always like Batman. The reason being that, despite their degree of training et al. they are basically "normal" humans who can nevertheless hang with the most powerful. They exemplifiy the virtue of mankind, and its ability to overcome.

    My favourite image characters were Spartan and Grifter.

    My favourite females were Rogue, and then Psylocke before she received her Oriental make-over, but after she received the armour. I figured they could have developed her "warrior" thing fully with the context of English, or even British culture, without any need to make her over in another Japanese-based warrior.

    Silver Surfer is always cool.

    I guess those are my individual favourites.

  14. #29
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Strange, I go for team books over individuals, too. Wonder why?

    Alpha Flight is my first love in comics, but this is about what isn't Alpha, so:

    New Warriors - a lot of people around here seem to like this one. Pick up the original if you haven't; you might enjoy it.
    Runaways (written by a writer from The OC, but don't let that fool you, it's really an okay series)
    New and Young Avengers (also better than you might think)
    Byrne / Claremont era X-Men; to a lesser extent the recent Claremont / Davis run (and their Excalibur) and Astonishing (but I'm into Joss Whedon, so what do I know?)

    I've got into Peter David a bit lately:
    Supergirl (which, on further thought, seems like a Buffy rip-off) / Fallen Angel (Loving the art on the new #1)
    Young Justice, which has edged out New Warriors as my second fave.

    Characters? Non-Alpha?
    In the order I think of them:
    The Joker
    Catwoman (though not in her own series)
    Impulse (Young Justice, not New Warriors)
    Empress (imagine an Amalgam of her and Silhouette)

    bla bla bla... Okay this is now just a long list of names, I'll stop boring you.

    - Le Messor
    "We were in our hotel room, looking for material for a song. Now, every hotel room has two books; the Bible is basically just a long list of names and numbers. So we chose the Phone Book."
    - Scared Weird Little Guys

  15. #30


    Runaways (written by a writer from The OC, but don't let that fool you, it's really an okay series)
    New and Young Avengers (also better than you might think)
    Actually, Runaways is written by Brian K. Vaugn, Young Avengers is the one that's written by an OC writer, Allan Heinberg. Both awesome books.

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