Game Restart: New Rules

1. Each character starts off with five points( the forum I got this game originally from started with ten points each, but their game even with around ten people playing on a daily basis, took two months to finish and the thread was at least 45 pages long)
2. When you vote you add a point to the character of your choice, while also taking away a point from another character.
3. Each player can only vote once per day
4. Once a characters point level reaches zero, they are eliminated
5. Last character remaining wins.
6. I limited this to characters who actually made the main Flight/Alpha Flight/Omega Flight roster simply to keep the list down. Il leave this list below up for twenty four hours. If during that time frame some one feels that I've left a character out or that I'm including characters that you feel weren't actual Flight members, either post in this thread or feel free to private message me. When the 24 hours is up, I will add/eliminate characters based on the input, post the updated list, and the game will begin.

Aurora 5 points
Beta Ray Bill 5 points
Centennial 5 points
Diamond Lil 5 points
Earth Mover 5 points
Flex 5 points
Ghost Girl 5 points
Goblyn 5 points
Groundhog 5 points
Guardian 5 points
Madison Jeffries (AKA Box 2) 5 points
Major Mapleleaf 5 points
Manbot 5 points
Marrina 5 points
Michael Pointer 5 points
Murmur 5 points
Nemesis (Amelia Weatherly) 5 points
Northstar 5 points
Pathway 5 points
Persuasion 5 points
Puck 5 points
Puck (Zuzha Yu) 5 points
Radius 5 points
Roger Bochs (aka Box 1) 5 points
Sasquatch 5 points
Shaman 5 points
Smart Alec 5 points
Snowbird 5 points
Spider Woman (Julia Carpenter) 5 points
St. Elmo 5 points
Stitch 5 points
Talisman 5 points
U.S.Agent 5 points
Vindicator 5 points
Wild Child 5 points
Windshear 5 points
Yukon Jack 5 poin