*Dances in and does the happy dance!*

Hullo hullo!

For those who might remember me, I'm the gal who wrote "A Remedy for Hope" and has he original character who was a healer.

I still have her now very ancient page still up for the curious, which also has the old story up! (I'm still thankful for all the people who gave me feedback and seemed to enjoy my little fanfic).


I still write about her occassionally, still draw her alot, play her on City of Heroes, and have roleplayed her a few times on a couple of message board RPG's to get a better feel for her character. HUGE fun!

Anyways, I'm a professional artist, and am currently in school learning how to do artwork, 3d animations etc for the videogame industry. I have a Deviant Art gallery with some of Rem's pictures in it if you're curious:


I just picked up two issues of the newest Alpha Flight and am laughing my butt off and enjoying Nemesis's return! WOOHOO!

Now if only Marvel would stop dicking around with our poor beloved beleaguered Kyle! (What's with the nosferatu-wannabe look!??? ARGH!)

*waves madly*

Will try and stay current if the last semester of my course doesn't kill me first!

HUGZ all!
