That whole "Canada will be giving up its sovereignty..." is the biggest pile of $#!+!!! No one should believe for one minute the Bush gov't would listen to any input from Canada during a missle attack, nor would they hesitate to destroy missles over Canada leaving us to suffer the fallout, literally! The only reason Bush wants Canada involved, is so we can pick up part of the tab as well as let the US build some silos on our land. Of course, the good thing is the missle system doesn't work so even if an attack happened no missles would probably get intercepted, here or anywhere else. This is one of reasons Canada doesn't want anything to do with Star Wars. Other reasons are:

1. It is escalating international tensions and increasing arms build up.
2. The nuclear non-proliferation pact signed by the US and Russia was scraped just so the US could chase this rainbow, an utterly idiotic move.
3. It is a prelude to weaponizing space, something no one other than the Bush gov't wants.
4. It won't stop a terrorist with a nuclear device from attacking the US, terrorists wouldn't use a missle.
5. The money being wasted on it could be put to better use, such as: education, job creation, medicare, housing or just paying off the debt.

The US ambassador to Canada, Paul Selucci, is (IMO) someone who needs to shove his head further up his butt so we don't have to listen to anymore of his BS! The same goes for Bush, Cheney, and all the other hawks who would rather waste money, piss off their allies and heighten tensions around the world than take care of their own people.

If I've offended any of you who are American with my rant, I apologize. Understand, it's not aimed at you or your country, but at those in your gov't who are causing all this anger and upset.