hey their alpha fans, if that isn't an insult. I'm Chris Carlson, former escaped inker from Marvel. I worked on the second series with Scott Clark and Stephen Segal, issues 1 thru nine, i think, anyway, I recently created a website for me to sell my art returns from the Alpha Flight series, and some other issues i've done. visit it at www.comicartdepot.com and be sure to let me know what you think, i mean, at conventions and at signings i've sold some of my original art returns to individuals and collectors, but that process was slow and didn't produce many sales. with this website, i hope to reach a much larger group of collectors and fans, compleat more sales, and so on.
but, with this method, it's impersonal, no one on one contact with people who like comic books for comic books. not as an investment, or 'this will be worth something down the road', no i mean the people who buy the comic book to read, to follow the story, those are the people i enjoy talking to. so, check out my site, and e-mail me any thoughts, questions, opinions, or ways to improve my site. tanks!