In 2008. What do u think of that? Let's do a test.

Q: What do you think of a woman President?
-a: worst idea ever (that's what I think, personal opinion)
-b: bad idea
-c: mediocre idea
-d: passable idea
-e: pretty decent idea
-f: good idea
-g: capital idea

Q: If she becomes President (remember the "if" part, because in all honesty, it's not that likely a woman gets elected), how do you think she'll treat Canada?
-a: as awful as the other Presidents
-b: nicely
-c: like crap, but she cuts us a break
-d: tries to annex us
-e: always wants our help and such, but never thanks us because Americans are terrified of acknowleding that we exist

Q: How do you think she'll treat the rest of the world?
-a: as badly as Dubya
-b: maybe better
-c: she'll do nothing
-d: she'll actually try to make peace (LOL yeah right!!!)
-e: same as most other Presidents; polices the world, but not on Dubya's scale of sheer nastiness

Q: What do you think she'll do about terrorists?
-a: remove more of the average Americans' rights like Dubya did
-b: nothing
-c: invade some Middle Eastern counry/s
-d: spout more crap to terrify the American people and the world
-e: blame it all on some Middle Eastern leader who she can't prove to have something to do with it, but everybody (powerful) believes it because...he's Middle Eastern looking, and not a white guy

Q: What do you think she'll do about abortion?
-a: she's pro
-b: she's anti
-c: she says both at once to appease both groups and get more votes
-d: she foolishly attempts to appease both groups (which is obviously impossible)

Q: What do you think she'll do about marijuana?
-a: definitely NOT legalize it (I prefer this one)
-b: probably not legalize it
-c: maybe legalize it
-d: legalize it
-e: definitely legalize it

Q: What do you think she'll do about the US military?
-a: get it in better shape
-b: make a few improvements, nothing spectacular
-c: do nothing
-d: do what Clinton did, which was really mess it up (EG, he made it so that if a private gave his officer a special card, he could get out of exercize, and Clinton also greatly lowered the level of training required for special forces just so more women could join...ungh)

Q: What about medicare?
-a: improve it
-b: make it worse
-c: destroy it
-d: do nothing