This past weekend, the comic book world lost yet another great artist in Mike Weiringo. Known for his work on Fantastic Four, Flash (Mike was co-creator of "Impulse") and numerous other comics, Mike died suddenly of a heart attack over this past weekend at the age of 44.

I didn't follow Mike's career too closely, but I am aware of his talents, having seen them not only online but in numerous comics over the years. As an artist, I always appreciated his clean, crisp lines and how he could take the most gritty piece and add a flavour of colour even before the inks dried.

According to his personal blog site, Mike was a huge supporter of the ASPCA and Hero Initiative. Anyone wishing to contribute to these causes in his name would be much appreciated.

Newarama Story Covering Mike's Passing
Mike Wieringo's Blog Page includes fantastic art by Mike