Quote Originally Posted by Barnacle13
Quote Originally Posted by Legerd
I'm refusing to buy for the simple reason that Marvel thinks I will buy it because the Guardian suit is in it. Nope, not going to let them hook me anymore with little tidbits. Either it's an ongoing series or nothing.
Unfortunately I don't think they'll hear our dollars say "We don't want this! We want an ongoing!" They'll bend it exactly the way they want it to appear. "See we told you nobody likes an Alpha Flight story! We gave you the Guardian (AF's head guy) and nobody is buying it. Omega Flight sells were obviously inflated by fanboys buying up multiple copies."
That's why I posted on the Marvel boards saying that I wasn't going to buy anymore of their comics until an AF/OF ongoing happens. We may not be a huge community compared to other fan bases, but if we all posted/emailed/mailed in that message Marvel might rethink trying to take advantage of us.

EDIT TO ADD: I've started on two new DC titles (and I'm no fan of DC) to sate my comic hunger, so I'll not give in and buy any Marvel comics.