Quote Originally Posted by Eric J. Moreels
For this issue I wrote Omega Flight, Revanche, Ladyfair and Slayback.
Oh nice, I'm digging these handbooks as it's bringing back characters we havn't heard from in awhile

Quote Originally Posted by Loki
Just chiming back in on this one - I've just found the volume 1 reference to Puck choosing his name from Shakespeare's elf again. I knew I had read it when I originally wrote his entry, but it's taken until now for me to find it again - naturally when I wasn't looking for it anymore.

Alpha Flight Annual #1, p.3, panel 2

Madison Jeffries "What're you readin, Puck?"
Judd "A play about my namesake, Mr. Jeffries..Shakespeare's "A Midsummer Night's Dream"."

While the argument could be made that the namesake comment isn't definitive (eg even if I shared the same name as someone but the sharing was coincidence rather than design, I could still describe that other person as my namesake), it still supports the "named after the elf" over the "named after the hockey equipment" - and it comes from Judd himself, not a doppleganger of same. And it is where I got the information I used in the Handbook entry.
Good find I had to look back and read it myself and no I agree it makes complete sense if Puck named himself after a Shakespearean character rather then a hockey puck. Puck was indeed a scholar and several times would actually quote Hamlet in battle. I was confused why he would name himself after a "puck"

Oh is the discussion of Sasquatch powergrid still open?