Recently I purchased the DVD "X-Men Volume 2", the second season of the hit 90's X-Men cartoon show.

The second episode (listed as episode eighteen) is entitled "Repo Man", and is an 'interesting' retelling of the first appearance of Alpha Flight.

All in all, the characters are handled well, if not exactly true to form. The plot...well, they made some changes, they really did their best to make Vindicator into somebody that seemed to be bordering, at times, on being evil, while Heather was the rational and caring one.

It may not have been perfect, but it was Alpha Flight, and I enjoyed it. I am willing to bet that, even though there were a lot of changes, it was still likely MUCH closer to reality than the Wolverine Origins movie is.

If any of you get a chance to pick this up and view it, take that chance - you won't be too disappointed.

If i think of it, i will watch this again, on my PC, and try to capture some screen images...