Ya know I don't really know a better way to express it. I MISS ALPHA FLIGHT AND I WANT THEM BACK! I know there is no justice in the world and there are much better examples of it than missing my favorite comic book characters. But its long overdue. I know most if not all of you feel the same way but its getting silly at this point. What do we have to do to show Marvel we want Alpha Flight and that if presented in the right way it is a book that can do well? Its frustrating.
As I have gotten into my 30's I find my tastes evolving. My pull list at the local comic shop at points in my life have been 30+ books. At the moment its maybe 3. I find myself clinging to the arts that have stood the test of time in my every changing interests. Alpha Flight is one of those interests. I would love for all of us here to be talking about last months issue and the issue to come. Not how JoeQ and Marvel hate us and AF. So what more can we do? Lets try really try to do something. I love fighting city hall. The folks on this board are all bright and passionate so lets put our heads together and give this another go. If its writing lets write, if its calling Marvel lets call. I am all for organizing and giving it our best. So what so say you? You wanna bring Alpha Flight back from the dead?