I have by and large not been very excited about much coming out. I knew there was a SHIELD mini starting in April but assumed it was based in the current time line. This mini is exactly the opposite. This book features Leonardo DaVinci, Imhotep, Sir Isaac Newton, Nostradamus, Gailileo, and Zhang Heng as super heroes from their respective eras. it would appear that the concept is that these figures from our world history where members of SHIELD during their lifetimes fending off threats such as Galactus, The Celestials, and apparently a threat from the infinity gems.

Now this is a retcon of sorts as Nick Fury started SHIELD right after WWII. But apparently this story reveals that this is not the case and it has been around since the beginning of man in one form or another. Now, while this sounds a little like the League of Extraordinary Gentleman. Keep in mind the Alan Moore book was characters from classic literature banding together as a team and not actual figures from history.

I myself love history. The cast of this book is like a who's who of people I have been fascinated with. It comes out next week Apr.7th and I am for sure gonna get this. Ill post a review soon after reading it.