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Thread: A Reason For Alpha Flight

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  1. #11


    What I really don't get, is that Alpha Flight desperately has to have a unique hook for Marvel to relaunch it....Why? Why not a book with a great creative team that wants to do it, with a familiar line-up of heroes and some familiar villains (I'm sure any new writer and artist team would want to throw in something new also...I know I would)?

    How many X-books are out there, with all basically the same premise (a team of mutants who are hated and feared by their fellow humans and who fight against evil mutant and evil human alike)? How many Avengers books are there now? It seems insane to me for Marvel to put so many books out that are all so similar to each other, but not give a chance to a book that just might be different enough to stand out and have the very unique-ness they claim they want in a book.

    Another thing I'm wondering about is this....Won't Marvel eventually lose the rights to the name Alpha Flight, if they don't use it? They lost the rights to use the name Champions for a team (they didn't use the name for many years, then another company used the name for their team of super beings and now Marvel can't use it)...Couldn't the same happen with Alpha?

    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 05-04-2010 at 02:49 AM.

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