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Thread: AF Appearance Chronology

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  1. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Canberra, Australia


    This is part 1, based on the catalogue of my collection (which I try to keep in chronological order). If anyone disagrees, feel free to tell me and I'll tell you why I'm right and you're wrong nyah nyah!
    That last part was a joke.

    I originally thought the origins should be in the same comics that featured the characters. But they weren't.

    After a long time, I decided the only way to make sense of the .5s' order was to decide they were in chronological order. Looking at the above, 5.5 could work for me, though I think it covers a longer time period than that. (edit: when I typed that, I'd forgotten it was two separate issues. I've now moved 5.5 accordingly.)
    That said, since I don't have doubles of most of them, I've just shoved these roughly into place just then.

    Suggested order, part 1: Before the series:

    Alpha Flight 5.5
    Alpha Flight 2.5
    Alpha Flight 3.5
    Alpha Flight v.2 #-1

    Wolverine: Origin of an X-Man - Mac has a small but important role, and Jeffries gets an origin
    Wolverine #-1 - similar to Origin, above, the Hudsons are here as a framing story, picking up and dropping off Logan
    Wolverine #144 - and again, this one ret-conning what happened right before Wolvie's first meeting with Hulk.
    Incredible Hulk #s 180-181 - technical appearance only, but an important one. This is Wolverine's first appearance; he was, technically, a member of Alpha Flight at the time. This and Gt Size X-Men #1 are the two of these I'm counting.
    Alpha Flight 6.5
    Alpha Flight 7.5
    Alpha Flight 8.5

    First Flight Special
    Alpha Flight 9.5
    X-Men Origins: Wolverine #1 - different to the origins one above; this is largely a 'The story so far,' including the Hudsons finding Logan in the snow. In this one, Mac wasn't present when Charlie X recruited Logan (against Cl. Chasin's wishes); a couple of these stories ret-con it so he was.
    Wolverine First Class #5 - a proto-Alpha consisting of Logan, Shaman, Snowbird, and Aurora fight Citadel, who dies. How he's around for v4, we don't know - though it's written by one of the same people. Also ends Charlie X recruits Logan (against Cl. Kinney's wishes)
    Giant-Sized X-Men #1 - A double technical appearance; though not in this issue, it's sometimes ret-conned that Mac was there whent Charlie X recruited Logan (against Cl. Chasen's wishes); sometimes not. Either way, Logan started that scene as a member of AF.
    Alpha Flight #10.5
    Uncanny X-Men #109 / Classic #16 - Mac's first appearance.
    Uncanny X-Men #120 - 121 / Classic #26 - 27 - The whole team's first appearance; the Classic version has extra pages of Mac, including bits with Heather.
    Incredible Hulk ann 8 - Walt fights Hulk
    Contest Of Champions #1 - 3 - Every superhero in the world fights each other; the whole team appears in #1, and Sas has a large role. But then, he's a large guy. He's on the cover of #s 1 & 3, and only symbolically in #2. There's a mini-Handbook in the back pages. Also, Talisman is in these, but this version is completely unrelated to our Talisman; is Australian, in fact.
    Machine Man #18 / Uncanny X-Men #139 - 140 - Sas, Aurora, and Northstar fight then help Machine Man against Madame Masque in New York, while Logan and Kurt help Mac, Michael, and Narya against Wendigo. Heather's first appearance.
    Incredible Hulk #272 - 273 - Walt and Hulk fight Wendigo in the first of these; Walt and Michael help with the clean-up in the second (but are only in the first few pages)
    Alpha Flight #1
    Marvel Two-In-One #83 - 84 - Thing needs Walt's help as a biochemist, fights Sas; then they get together with the team (minus Puck and Marrina, who hadn't been invented yet) to fight proto-Great Beast Ranark
    Incredible Hulk #279 - Big crowd scene; Hulk gets accepted by the world, and AF is there. They make a mini-speech
    Marvel Two-In-One ann 7 - The Champion takes on all the strong guys, including Sas who has a decent-sized role
    Rom Spaceknight #56 - 58 - AF help Rom fight Wraiths in Canada. The final issue is one of those where they're still around to follow up the previous ones, but don't really have a role. Byrne covers on 56 and 57.
    Alpha Flight #2

    - Le Messor
    "I have the heart of a little child and the brain of a genius - I keep them in a jar under my bed."
    Last edited by Le Messor; 05-31-2014 at 06:23 PM. Reason: New information - Hulk ann #8 is before Machine Man #18

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