Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
Peking duck, yes it does! Actually, that was one of the easiest-to-understand complicated-answers that I have read lately. My ADD wasn't making any sense of everybody else's instructions (not YOUR fault, people; entirely mine!), but this I understood perfectly.
Really? I was pretty sure I was coming off sounding like I was talking in circles there. Thanks!

Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
As far as Heather goes, I have literally nothing good to say about her since she put on the suit. Unpowered Heather was awesome, and she really should have stayed that way. I know some will disagree, but I'd like her to go back to how she was during Byrne's run; I'd have her go through some horrible accident, become paralyzed, put her in a wheelchair (a la Barbara Gordon, pre-New 52) running the team from the safety of her home while she takes care of her daughter. That would allow her attitudes to slowly shift back more towards how she used to be, I think.
As much as I dislike Mantlo's Heather, I do not think seeing her paralyzed to a wheelchair is quite the answer.
It would have been best, imo, for her to have remained like Byrne's Heather. The fact that she was the leader of AF WITHOUT any powers was one of the most interesting things about her. She was relatable. She had lost her husband, grieved him, and even in that grief, she managed to be there for AF. She was a pretty awesome character.

Now she's arrogant, crazy, and completely unrelatable.