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This issue has pretty much redeemed most of my quibbles with the other two issues (No Claire mention though, sorry folks).

I had a bit of an issue with Northstar's dialogue; about Aurora (as KM mentioned here) and about children - have Kyle & Yost not read the legendary #106? And Aurora makes a comment implying she wasn't at JP's wedding when she clearly was, but other than that AF were a major part of this issue.

I loved the way the teams are split up and everyone is shown and Sasquatch's beastial nature makes sense given the context - Great Beasts over Gamma.

Plus, Mac & Talisman are alive!
I also noticed Aurora implying she wasn't at the wedding. Interesting...

Sasquatch getting all bestial does indeed make sense the closer they get to the "wound of the mountain" and I love Colossus's comment "Sasquatch seems... unreliable" as it helps deliver what's coming next.

Bringing back the Alpha Flight team that is so close to the original (considering the Great Beasts connection) brings me back to Alpha Flight volume one issue one. That's one of my favorite comic issues of any ever written for Marvel. John Byrne has always been a fan fav of mine. His issues of the Avengers West Coast made that series. Golden touch. But I digress... Marvel NOW needs Alpha Flight back in the line-up with an art and writing team that have made the Amazing X-Men one of my must buy comics every month!