It looked like an attempt at a chronological reading order.

Alpha Flight #1
Marvel Two-In-One #83 - 84 - Thing needs Walt's help as a biochemist, fights Sas; then they get together with the team (minus Puck and Marrina, who hadn't been invented yet) to fight proto-Great Beast Ranark
Incredible Hulk #279 - Big crowd scene; Hulk gets accepted by the world, and AF is there. They make a mini-speech
Marvel Two-In-One ann 7 - The Champion takes on all the strong guys, including Sas who has a decent-sized role
Rom Spaceknight #56 - 58 - AF help Rom fight Wraiths in Canada. The final issue is one of those where they're still around to follow up the previous ones, but don't really have a role. Byrne covers on 56 and 57.
Alpha Flight #2

Some of those are on the new list before #1.