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Thread: Marvel sucking in the comic department.

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  1. #1


    RE: Wildstorm reboot.

    I believe it's a clean reboot AND completely separate to the main DC Rebirth Universe.
    I may be wrong though.
    I am kind of hoping for that as well. But I am also hoping they go to their more classic look. The recent Cyberforce stuff from Top Cow, I feel lost touch. So I am hoping Wildstorm goes back to the more classic type look and story. But, chances are, they won't.

    RE: Good vs Evil Stories.
    Statistically though, there's only so many times that particular story can be told.
    Well, they didn't have a problem telling it from 1940 through 1980. That's 40 years. (The 90's were a little chaotic, to say the least). With the THOUSANDS of characters Marvel has; there should be no problem bringing in new characters, and even telling a somewhat similar "Good vs Evil" story. There's so much untapped potential. The real problem is that they stick to the same characters, and wash them over so much, that they've lost focus. Both writers and characters.

    RE: Stories I don't enjoy.

    Again, you're using 'good' and 'bad' stories and writing, when you just mean stories that you don't enjoy.
    So ... you've never said that something sucks, because you didn't enjoy it? Nothing? Ever? At all? Everything you've ever experienced that was bad, didn't suck, it was just "not your thing"? If so, you're a much better person than I am. (Which may not take much...)

    RE: Reign in RED Blood!
    But the majority of the blood is black; as per the Comics Code back then to desensitize.
    So... if Deadpool were a B&W comic, you'd let your kid read it? Because the blood's not red? It's the actual coloring of blood that crosses the line?

    RE: Llan the Lameness and the dead bodies
    But they were vague bodies, with less detail and certainly not graphic detail.
    Am I misremembering? I thought it was pretty "graphic" (in terms of clarity) if memory serves me right...?

  2. #2
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis
    But - there's blood and violence all over comics. Is it just because the ink is colored red so YOU KNOW it's blood that makes it different?
    There are a lot of comics these days I wouldn't show to a kid. It isn't just the colour of the blood, it's the amount of unrelenting, mean-spirited violence in any given comic.
    Sure, why not. But this is what I would show a kid - not what I think should be out on the stands or what I would tell others to show a kid or not. Even if I express surprise when they do.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis
    RE: Llan the Lameness and the dead bodies

    Am I misremembering? I thought it was pretty "graphic" (in terms of clarity) if memory serves me right...?
    There are some issues in the Llan saga I wouldn't show a kid.

    ~ Le Messor
    "I might repeat to myself slowly and soothingly, a list of quotations beautiful from minds profound - if I can remember any of the damn things."
    ~ Dorothy Parker

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