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Thread: Alpha Flight - The Movie!

  1. #31


    Not to be a dink... but I don't think it really matters what colour an actors hair is or if they have any... it's not like years and years and years ago when they couldn't do a good natural job on hair... but nowadays...
    aka Tyvin on FFXI server Seraph.
    If I'm not at work or on MSN... I'm in Vana'Diel

  2. #32


    How about Sarah Michelle Geller as Puck.
    David Boreanaz could make a great Weapon X (Wildchild).
    Kristen Kruek she could Snowbird.
    Dean Cain as Radus.
    Richard Vasseur

  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by Richv1
    How about Sarah Michelle Geller as Puck.
    David Boreanaz could make a great Weapon X (Wildchild).
    Kristen Kruek she could Snowbird.
    Dean Cain as Radus.
    I like the idea of using Sarah Michelle Geller *ahem* but not as Puck. Zuzha is half asian, and SMG doesn't have that quality about her...though I must admit I do quite like the qualities she has....


  4. #34


    How about Lauren Holly as Heather? She's got the red hair, the sexy smart looks and the right build.
    Here's a pic:

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by PWalk
    How about Lauren Holly as Heather? She's got the red hair, the sexy smart looks and the right build.
    Here's a pic:
    Yeah, I could see Lauren Holly as Heather... either her or UK performer Bonnie Langford would be good... *ahem* (sorry for those none-UKers - it's a joke that will be sadly lost on you as she's only known over here... I think!)

    With regards to the whole casting-actors-for-the-right-hair-colour issue, I know that a lot of people are very worried about the casting for Susan Storm-Richards in the upcoming Fantastic 4 movie. Truth is I suppose we won't know what Jessica Alba will be like in the role until we actually see her in it. She is certainly a beautiful actress but I just can't picture her with blonde hair!

  6. #36


    I think Will Smith would make a good Mac! :P

    PS:Afleck is da bomb yo!

  7. #37


    I think Will Smith would make a good Mac!
    He has the right hair color

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
    Forthcoming stories in Breath and Shadow, Star Dreck anthology and The Aether Age: Helios.

    ~I woke up one morning finally seeing the world through a rose colored lense. It turned out to be a blood hemorrhage in my good eye.

  8. #38


    If Hollywood were to make an AF movie then Will Smith would be taken as a serious suggestion.

    I actually think Paul Gross (Due South, Men With Brooms) would make a good Mac.

  9. #39


    I see Paul Gross as a more obvious Major Mapleleaf, but I'm thinking a movie wouldn't use him. Probably centre around the Great Beasts storyline. So he'd work as Mac.

  10. #40


    Excuse me while I go be quietly sick in the corner. I suppose it's just that I grew up in Southern Lousiana, but I want Gambit to die. A lot.

    Well, living in Southern Louisiana now, and I can second the Gambit offing! Maybe he could get his boot stuck over der and a train could hit him or something, Chere!

    Would the world not accept a southerner without a drawl? Poor, poor Rogue and Gambit. Guess you'll have to stay after class and wok on your diction with Puck, eh?

  11. #41



    This is too easy. I did this very same exercise for the Unstable Molecules fanfic site, back when I wrote Alpha Flight for them all those years ago. Remedy knows what I'm talking about

    Anyway, I picked all big name stars, of course, so the movie would never be made. Now, though, I'm going to treat this fairly. I'm going to think of how real casting would be done. I'm not going to have all-stars, but rather a believable and affordable cast.

    Here we go: (if you don't recognize an actor/actress, I recommend looking them up on )

    Guardian- George Clooney- there needs to be a strong, male lead in any movie. Clooney's shown he can pull it off. Plus, he's got experience playing a superhero, albeit in a bad movie.

    Vindicator/Heather Hudson- Gillian Anderson- she's just perfect for the part. She's shown she can create a strong female lead that people care about. Plus, since most of the other women roles on this movie are going to go to young women, I wanted to get a woman who is more mature, yet still damn sexy.

    Puck- Bruce Campbell- Campbell has shown he can be one of the most versatile actors in the industry today. He's had experience working with CGI, as that would be what makes him a midget, and he could even pull off wearing a bald cap and a moustache

    Sasquatch- Neil McDonough- McDonough has been a slew of bad films and the spectacular cancelled television series 'Boomtown'. In each he shows incredible acting ability, moreso than more of his cast members. He's a great, little-known actor that would portray Walter Langkowski in the best way.

    Northstar- Orlando Bloom- Bloom, even though his small role in the Lord Of The Rings trilogy was not worth the acclaim it got, has shown to be an exceptional actor in his post-Rings career. Also, he's been careful to pick quite diverse roles that deviate from the standard 'heartthrob' roles that one would expect him to be typecast in. Troy and Pirates Of The Carribean are great examples of this (though Troy blew hard). He could pull off the cocky, yet tortured Jean-Paul Beaubier quite fine. (Okay, and I want to hear the disappointed sighs of the girls in the theatre when it's revealed he's gay. I know, I'm awful)

    Aurora- Gigi Edgley- in a way, this is the most difficult role of the entire movie. You must not only portray a schizo, you must portray a schizo whose personalities are so warped and different from one another. So, we need a young actress to balance Bloom and one who is exceptional at acting. Have you ever seen Farscape on the Sci-Fi Channel? Gigi plays Chianna, who is so much like Aurora, it's scary. She's perfect, she'd just need a black wig and a fake French accent. If you've seen Farscape, you know that'd be no problem for her.

    Shaman- Wes Studi- yeah, there isn't much in the way of Native American, fifty-something actors, but if there's one whose name you should know, it's Wes Studi's. For those who don't know him, his largest role was probably in Dances With Wolves. He also played 'The Sphinx' in 'Mystery Men'. And, if you like awful movies, he played 'Sagat' in the 1994 movie version of 'Street Fighter'.

    Snowbird- Laura Allen- most recently seen in the television move 'The 4400', Allen is young, blonde, gorgeous and a great actress. All of which make her perfect to play the coldhearted goddess of Alpha Flight's ranks.

    Marrina- Jennifer Love Hewitt WHOA~! Okay, I can hear the wails now, but stay with me. Look, Marrina needs to be young, but not too young. Hewitt is reaching that point now where she isn't gonna be able to be a teen character anymore. Plus, we need someone who'll look great in a bathing suit. Hewitt wouldn't have any problem. Now, you might bemoan that Hewitt is not a great actress. Wrong. Yes, she's played basically the same character in each of her movies. But have you ever seen The Audrey Hepburn Story? Yes, my friends, she finally proved to me that she has acting ability by portraying the most beautiful actress ever to the point where at times I thought she really was Hepburn. Plus, she'll be in make-up and CGI for most of the movie, so people might not even know its her! Plus, she'd look sexy with short hair and you know it!

    The Master- Lani John Tupu- okay, okay. Yes, yet another cast member from Farscape. But this guy just rocks so hardcore. I mean, really, if you're not down with Farscape, you don't know what you're missing. This guy plays a wonderful insane villian on that show and he'd definitely turn it up a notch in this movie.

    Other cast members...just in case we get a sequel

    Radius- Heath Ledger- now, now, girls, calm down. I chose Heath because he's the closest example of a pure pretty boy that I could think of. But, he's shown he's got the acting ability to go along with it. I'd love to see him in a role that would force him to be a jerk, as most of his roles so far have been cookie-cutter.

    Flex- Keiran Culkin- yes, that's right. Maculay's little brother. Hey, he's young, wussy-looking, and, of course, got the acting ability his brother doesn't have. He could be Heath's half-brother and I'm sure they'd have great chemistry on screen.

    Madison Jeffries/Box- Scott Bakula- yeah, Scott's pushing it, age-wise, but I feel he needs to be up there with Heather and Mac in that category. Bakula has experience in sci-fi roles and this one should be no sweat for him.

    Diamond Lil- Lucy Lawless- oh yeah. Come on. How could you see anyone else playing the rock-hard ass kicker Diamond Lil? This is almost too perfect.

    Murmur- Audrey Tautou- Ever seen Amelie? It's easily one of the best films I've ever seen (though it is French, so that knocks it down a few pegs). Audrey played the lead role in that movie and was damn fine. She doesn't have the drop dead gorgeous looks of Murmur as Scott Clark drew her, but she does fit the illustrations done later by Chris Bachalo and Duncan Rouleau.

    Talisman- Irene Bedard- young enough to be Wes Studi's daughter, and a fine actress at that (if you've seen the coming-of-age Native American-centric film Smoke Signals, you know what I mean), Irene should easily pull off this role.

    Earthmover- Adam Beach- yeah, okay, his character is pointless since Talisman should be Shaman's apprentice, but whatever. That's Chuck Austen for you. I hope Lobdell gives this character some needed exposure or at least a quick death. But, if he does make it into the movie, Adam Beach would do it damn well, as he proved in the aforementioned Smoke Signals.

    Wildchild- Adam Copeland- whew, if you only knew who this guy was, then you would howl at me for suggesting him. But, let's face it. Wildchild doesn't necessarily need a good actor to make his role. Wildchild is primarily a primal character in all of his portrayals, so why not get an actor who makes a living out making facial expressions and being violent, like Copeland does?

    You know, I would keep going with who I would cast for the new Alpha Flight movies, but this post is already too long. I'll think about it and then come back with my picks.

  12. #42


    I agree with all of those castings, crozack, with the singular exception of Laura Allen. I had the extreme displeasure of being cursed watching her character on 'All My Children', and the girl just doesn't have the versatility to play a character as singularly, inhumanly detached as Narya. She just doesn't have the bearing.

    Being the big Farscape fan that you are, have you considered Virginia Hey portraying Snowbird? She's a very regal, statuesque woman, and she retains that bearing even in a casual setting (I had the pleasure of meeting her about a year ago.). She even has the face, and I think that's important, to capture her elegance in totality.

    But as for the rest, I think you're pretty much dead-on.

  13. #43


    Quote Originally Posted by Major Mapleleaf Jr
    I agree with all of those castings, crozack, with the singular exception of Laura Allen. I had the extreme displeasure of being cursed watching her character on 'All My Children', and the girl just doesn't have the versatility to play a character as singularly, inhumanly detached as Narya. She just doesn't have the bearing.

    Being the big Farscape fan that you are, have you considered Virginia Hey portraying Snowbird? She's a very regal, statuesque woman, and she retains that bearing even in a casual setting (I had the pleasure of meeting her about a year ago.). She even has the face, and I think that's important, to capture her elegance in totality.

    But as for the rest, I think you're pretty much dead-on.
    You know, you could be right about Allen. Her character in The 4400 does remind me of a soap opera character, so there might not be much depth in her.

    Virginia Hey as Snowbird? Well, I was going for possibly a younger actress to play up the aspect that she's so detatched, smart, regal and yet still so young. And I may be retreating into fanboyishness if I suggest anymore Farscape cast members LOL But, it could work. Zhaan the character is so much like Snowbird it's eerie. And you say she fits the bill even without make-up, so hell, I'd go with it.

    I was thisclose to casting Ben Browder as Madison Jeffries, you have no idea.

  14. #44
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Guardian- George Clooney-

    I think I've made my views clear.
    While I can see this one, I still can't go past Ed Harris - who has mos tof the advantages you've mentioned, and none of that crippling, let's slay him before he touches another superhero movie disadvantage.

    Wildchild- Adam Copeland- Wildchild is primarily a primal character in all of his portrayals,

    How many of them have you read?
    He's on the list of really, really mucked around characters, who's completely different every time he's written. Sure, he's nasty, and he's cloned Wolvie's powers (among others), but he's had his eloquent phase, his James Bond phase, his primal phase, his Nosferatu phase...

    - Le Messor
    "Art is the lie that enables us to realize the truth."
    - Pablo Picasso

  15. #45


    While I respect Ed Harris (hell, The Abyss is one of my all-time FAVORITE movies), I don't think he has the ability to portray Mac's many layers. I just don't. George Clooney would be excellent in the role of devoted husband to Heather, leader to Alpha Flight despite his intentions, and he could even portray Mac's shadier side. I don't see Ed Harris doing the latter very well. He's too... personable, lol. But I could be wrong.

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