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Thread: Will there ever be a AF vol. 4?

  1. #16


    I just sent two emails(and I'm working on a snail mail letter too) to Marvel and one to Joe Quesada. Both letters were very polite and offered my viewpoints on why this series and the last series failed to generate the sales needed to keep them ongoing(i.e. the fact that both vol 2 and 3, lacked the main elements that would keep long-time Af readers buying the series....Alpha Flight itself). I basically stated my personal opinions and backed up why I feel the way I do.

    I asked for AF to be relaunched soon, with a premise more in touch with Volume one, indicating that AF has a rich history and a wealth of characters to use and explore. The original AF needs to return and new characters are welcome too, but to ignore the origins and original faces of this team is a big, big mistake(two failed series prove this). Some people may not see eye to eye with me on this, but I believe I am correct on this. I know a few AF fans here have had very similar, if not the very same feelings on why the series failed. I'm glad I'm not alone in my opinion.

    I hope my letters will reach somebodys' eyes/mind(s)/heart(s) and they will relaunch the book the way it was meant to be.


  2. #17


    I hope my letters will reach somebodys' eyes/mind(s)/heart(s) and they will relaunch the book the way it was meant to be.
    Unfortunately, the problem with Marvel these days is that they are currently owned by a toy company. Marvel's resurrection from fiscal ruin was great at the time, but what this essentially means is that the only titles that are going to get dedicated attention are ones that you can make action figures from that tie into a movie that's been made.
    Hence the popularity of Spiderman and X-Men titles.
    We've got a Fantastic Four movie that's in the middle of production, talk about an Iron Man movie, talk about a Punisher and Daredevil sequel (not Elektra), a Ghost Rider movie....
    How long before an Avengers movie?
    Who knows. Considering their current lineup, maybe they're just going to completely rely on Spidey and Wolverine's presence to boost their sales.
    I can hope and pray for a good Alpha Flight series to be reborn, but unfortunately, I'm not expecting least in the immediate future.
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  3. #18
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    The movies, tho', include Iron Fist and Namor. And there's the Blade soon-to-be trilogy. They include obscure characters, and ones without current books - so why not AF?
    I doubt they'll do a (good) Avengers movie soon. Too many characters which Marvel Movies don't have rights to - Hulk, Thor, Iron Man (all upcoming or recent movies). They could maybe make it out of second tier Avengers.

    [ - edited by Ben to end certain discussions - ]

    "What is in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." - Juliet

    - Le Messor.
    "Beware of all enterprises that require new clothes."
    - Thoreau

  4. #19


    thread unlocked please continue the discussion

  5. #20


    AF will be back...somehow, somewhere....somewhen.


  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by HappyCanuck
    I have to agree with TK: not only would the government prolly keep a foundation like Dept H open, but they would prolly allecute more funds for it, as well as provide any cover-story they'd need.

    Sorry guys, but Canada isn't quite as idealic as you'd like to think. O'course, in my eyes, it's better than most of the alternatives...

    Idon't have a problem with Canada's corruption, it's with military funding I've got more problems with, just look at the Chicoutimi submarine fiasco.No,I see corruption in healt care, in income taxes, and in the prmotion of Canada, like what we call it in french "Les Commandites", non?

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