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Thread: New Guardian question

  1. #1

    Default New Guardian question

    Hello all,

    What's the current speculation on the identity of the new Guardian in OF?

  2. #2


    Some speculations are that it's Walter Langkowski, perhaps as Vindicator to vindicate the deaths of his team-mates. Other thoughts are that it's steve Rogers. Some hold out that it's still James MacDonald Hudson.


  3. #3


    And some are secretly wishing that it is Lou Sadler.

    I can only really see it being Rogers if that whole "Iron Cap" thing comes to pass at the end of CW. If that happens I suspect it would be a P.R. move by SHIELD to publicly relieve Rogers of the title. I can't really see Cap reacting by moving to Canada though... And the idea of an American in the suit rubs me the wrong way. It would be interesting though, since Byrne often wrote Guardian comparing himself to Captain America and wondering if Cap had the same doubts as he did. I can't see the switch to a mini if Cap was in the suit though.

  4. #4


    I have to wonder why Walt would be in the suit. I suppose if he was 1)de-powered or 2)unable to use his powers for some reason it would make sense. Perhaps he finds after the encounter with the Collective that he can't use the Sasquatch powers without Tanaraq taking him over or something.

  5. #5


    I'd say this, again:
    a) Walter, as he's alive and may somehow lose his ability to transform, or just feel that Omega Flight needs Guardian so he takes on the role. Besides, he has the USAgent and Arachne folders.

    b) James Hudson, he's maybe not dead and is Guardian, after all.

    c) Wild Child, depowered but well trained.

    d) Sadler, takes up the role in honour of those dead.

    e) Flex, Feedback, Box, Windshear maybe, just because they could be.

    Captain America is 100% no. Think about it this way: if he's Guardian after CW, why would Marvel downgrade the book to a miniseries? The book he appears in is to last 5 issues and then Steve Rogers goes into limbo after CW? Way too unlikely, and if we buy the 'economics' reason for the downgrade, then pretty uneconomical.

    So to guess, and vacillate, I'm still leaning towards Hudson but Walter is very possible because at least we know he exists and isn't in any Omega Flight team art. After that it's anyone's guess.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  6. #6


    I hope it's not Walter. He's better as Sasquatch.

    I hope it's not any American.

    If it's not Hudson, I'd prefer it was Northstar or Jeffries. As "former" villains, they need somewhere to hide and/or rehabilitate themselves. Masquerading as Guardian would work.

  7. #7


    Whatever happened to Jeffries anyway? Did he ever get rescued or stop being Gemini? The last time I remember reading anything about him was back in volume 2...which of course left a ton of plot threads that were never resolved to my knowledge.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Obsidian3d
    Whatever happened to Jeffries anyway? Did he ever get rescued or stop being Gemini? The last time I remember reading anything about him was back in volume 2...which of course left a ton of plot threads that were never resolved to my knowledge.
    He was captured by the Weapon-X program when the attacked and killed the rest of the Zodiac. He became the Weapon X director's right-hand man (branwashed of course) and created an army of robots (one of which beat Diamond Lil). In the future timeline "days of future now" one of his bots became the new Mastermold.

    For more see:


  9. #9


    Here's my take on Louis being Guardian, taken from 'Alpha Death Revisited'. I think it pretty much sums up why I hope Lou is Guardian.

    'frankly, seeing the rest of your team (hopefully) almost slaughtered, that should do. Also, put against such an incredibly powerful foe without Thunder had to make him feel incredibly helpless. To not be able to protect the only person who's ever looked beyond his facade and yet still loved him for it, would foster a horrific sense of helplessness and anger. It would make sense for him to turn to the Guardian suit, not just as a way to avenge his wife but to also prove to himself and his father that he is worthy to exist.

    See, what interests me about Louis is that he has such potential to be a fascinating character. He earnestly, honestly yearns to be a super hero, to help people in need and protect Canada. Even though all that he's really had in his life was his beloved brother's slow and painful death and his father's verbal and physical abuse, he keeps on truckin'. There's real faith in this kid that it is his duty to help people and make the world better, and that's a rare thing. Also, he's absolutely selfless. Even though Thunder is his only real powerful way to fight, he sends Thunder off to get help. And even without Thunder, he still is a member of Alpha Flight, even though he is nowhere near as strong or resilient as the other members. The fact is, this guy knows that he has a very real possibility of dying, and yet he continues to try.

    And the other thing is that his drive to help and protect really makes sense for him to become Guardian. I know that a name is just a name, but that would be a very powerful thing for him to go from being 'Major Mapleleaf', i.e. the younger weaker version of his father, to 'Guardian', i.e. strong protector of Canada and the world.

    Granted, there's no way that it'll happen. Louis will disappear to D class character that no one remembers, and that's fine because a few of us will remember him, but he'll never return to real fame. But in my mind, I'll have that idea and go 'Man, that would be awesome.''
    I seriously want the Walter stuffed animal from AF #106. Seriously.


  10. #10


    Oeming stated once that he would not be using any v.3 characters, that he was basically planning on ignoring it.


  11. #11



    Awww. Poor little Lou. He don't get no respect. *cuddles MMJr*

    That is seriously sad. Absolutely understandable, but horrifically sad.
    I seriously want the Walter stuffed animal from AF #106. Seriously.


  12. #12


    If it's Walt, maybe we'll get a nod to Avengers Vol. 1 #60 where they reveal Yellowjacket is really Goliath (picture Sasquatch bursting out of the Guardian suit).
    I'd love for it to be James; with an ironic tragic loss of Heather for once (is she 0 and 5?). But that might be too high a hope.

    (By the way, is James a cyborg or not? He hasn't seemed very cyborg-ish since before vol. 2, especially when beaten to death in X-Men Unlimited)

    Maybe it's Puck in the suit!

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by Effexxor

    Awww. Poor little Lou. He don't get no respect. *cuddles MMJr*

    That is seriously sad. Absolutely understandable, but horrifically sad.
    I didn't mind him, he was campy fun.

    Quote Originally Posted by SpaceGuardian
    (By the way, is James a cyborg or not? He hasn't seemed very cyborg-ish since before vol. 2, especially when beaten to death in X-Men Unlimited)
    He's a cyborg, even eluded it in the handbook

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    Some hold out that it's still James MacDonald Hudson.


  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    Oeming stated once that he would not be using any v.3 characters, that he was basically planning on ignoring it.


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