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Thread: Ultimate Alpha Flight

  1. #76


    I didn't get the whole, "Snowbird is a combat pilot" thing. I really think that it ought to have been Vindicator flying the plane, or a Dept. H. operative. It just seemed odd to have Snowbird be a pilot, since she can fly on her own. Dunno, I've just seen her for a few panels, but she didn't seem like the pilot type to me.

    Otherwise I really liked the issue, especially the beautiful art on the pages right before the attack during the ball game. That one panel with Vindicator blasting Wolverine to Maine is totally awesome.

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  2. #77


    Wolverine is in Maine now? Cool.


  3. #78


    Nah, he made it back to Westchester by hitching rides and stuff. It's pretty far [as considered by citizens of the NE US] from Maine to Westchester, about 5 hours driving, not including any time waiting around. Later in the book he makes it back to the school.

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  4. #79


    Over at they have some more tidbits 'bout Ultimate AF and some preview art to boot too!

  5. #80
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Does anyone else wonder if the Ultimate Guardian is Feedback, the mutant from the East Coast who showed up at the end of the first AF series?

  6. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd
    Does anyone else wonder if the Ultimate Guardian is Feedback, the mutant from the East Coast who showed up at the end of the first AF series?
    Nope Wasn't feedback depowered?
    (Average person + Internet Forum + Anonymity = Screaming Douchebag)

    "This is why I don't post often, *wink*"

  7. #82


    Quote Originally Posted by Manikin
    Nope Wasn't feedback depowered?
    I don't think it was revealed if he was, but most likely

  8. #83


    yet another writer with a love for alpha flight, yet no alpha ongoing....


    From a plot standpoint, the introduction of Alpha Flight makes sense because they, according to Coleite, "are integral at finding the roots of this mysterious drug [Banshee] and its origins." However, the Flight holds personal appeal for writer as well as he has "had a love for this team since I first started collecting."

    Playing his cards close, Coleite offers only a few hints about what readers can look for coming up with Ultimate Alpha Flight:

    "This is a more international team for a reason. More will be revealed in issue #95. Sasquatch's identity will be revealed in issue #95. You'll have to wait for Vindicator's. But that will come soon enough."

  9. #84


    LANGKOWSKI with a K. I bet the writer used the "Official" Handbook with the spelling error. Grr...

    In the preview art, it looks as if Shaman gets knocked around, the impossibly curvy Snowbird gets blown away, a round-eared Aurora gets spooked, and it's not exactly clear what's happening to Sasquatch, but it's something purply and bad. At least mysterio-Vindicator gets some Alpha Flight butt-kickin' in for good! He seems to be the most powerful of the bunch.

    For the record, I can't tell if Aurora's still wearing her tube top. Rrwow!!

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  10. #85
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manikin
    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd
    Does anyone else wonder if the Ultimate Guardian is Feedback, the mutant from the East Coast who showed up at the end of the first AF series?
    Nope Wasn't feedback depowered?
    I'm talking the Ultimate version of Feedback, not the 616 version.

  11. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd
    I'm talking the Ultimate version of Feedback, not the 616 version.
    Ah. Indeed that would make sense considering...that. Heh, sorry. Though I doubt that anyone in Marvel even remembers who Feedback was these days, let alone want to resurrect the character for an Ultimates series. But who knows. If they bring Feedback into the Ultimates maybe there is a chance that they will put Manikin somewhere in the Ultimates Universe too. That would be fun.
    (Average person + Internet Forum + Anonymity = Screaming Douchebag)

    "This is why I don't post often, *wink*"

  12. #87


    Whoever Sasquatch and Vindicator are. I'm guessing Americans. Maybe Sasquatch will be Doc Samson and Vindicator... maybe, I don't know who to guess.
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  13. #88
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by rplass
    I didn't get the whole, "Snowbird is a combat pilot" thing. I really think that it ought to have been Vindicator flying the plane, or a Dept. H. operative. It just seemed odd to have Snowbird be a pilot, since she can fly on her own.
    Interesting... First, you've all seen my CG Sasquatch. If I get around to doing the others (the twins would be next), my Mac costume will be based on a fighter pilot's jump suit (I'm going to be trying to combine real clothes with superhero uniforms).
    Second, and I'm not disagreeing with you that somebody else would make more sense as a pilot; why shouldn't Snowbird fly a plane?
    I can walk, but I've got a car.
    And a bicycle.
    (edit: I just checked, and the patch on my bike's tyre is holding up! Yay!)

    - Le Messor
    "Finance is the art of passing money from hand to hand until it finally disappears."
    - Robert W. Sarnoff

  14. #89


    I can't exactly put my finger on it... it just doesn't seem to make sense to me. I have no problem with Jean Grey piloting the X-craft, or Heather Hudson piloting an Alphajet.. so I know it's not some anti-woman pilot thing. See, it just seems that I'm used to Snowbird being more aloof, as if she's more of a nature-person, connected with animals and the great outdoors, that sort of thing, and not an adrenaline tech-junkie combat pilot type.

    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  15. #90


    Well here's the spoilers

    -Rahne Sinclair ie. Wolfsbane is revealed to be Sasquatch, so my guess Dana Moonstone is Snowbird and Warpath is Shaman. Uuuuuh...
    -X-Men w/Banshee fight Alpha Flight and their basically losing until Cyclops amps up
    -Wolverine tested positive with Banshee, but doesn't recall when he did it
    -Rogue reveals she killed her father when he was drunk he would touch her in sexual ways, but then her powers kicked in killing him
    -Cyclops revealed he accidently killed his foster parents when his mutant powers kicked in
    -Northstar is overdosing on Banshee and looks like he has died at the end of the issue from it.


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