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Thread: wolverine: origins movie news. *spoilers*

  1. #1

    Default wolverine: origins movie news. *spoilers*

    theres spoilers below regarding wolverine and his origin regarding alpha flight so you've been warned.

    wolverine escapes the weapon x program and seeks shelter and finds it in a barn. but its not heather and mac, its a elderly couple. the mans name is travis, but not sure they ever say the womens. anyways, they take him in, give him clothes and food, then get killed. such a shame since it could have been mac and heather.

    btw, if your a deadpool fan, this movie will drive you nuts.

  2. #2


    Varo, please don't tell me you downloaded the pirated version.

  3. #3


    no, read a very detailed description, just to see what happened with that. i am going to see the movie regardless, but i read it to see what happened with mac/heather and deadpool.

  4. #4


    Well I havn't seen it but just seeing the trailers I already knew they completly messed up Deadpool.

  5. #5
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Default Re: wolverine: origins movie news. *spoilers*

    Quote Originally Posted by varo
    wolverine escapes the weapon x program and seeks shelter and finds it in a barn. but its not heather and mac, its a elderly couple. the mans name is travis, but not sure they ever say the womens.
    Actually, according to the closing credits, their names are Travis Hudson and Heather Hudson.


    My review will follow shortly...

    - Le Messor
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  6. #6
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    Default Re: wolverine: origins movie news. *spoilers*

    On his LJ,
    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    Last night, I saw X-Men Origins: Wolverine with a bunch of people. In fact, most of the people who read this (that I know of) were there.

    Overall, it was fun. More entertaining than insulting, so not quite an Akiva Goldsman-style movie (ooh, I'll go check IMDb... I wouldn't be surprised if he was attached. I'll feel sullied, but not surprised. No, but... Doom Patrol? Teen Titans? Those could've been great! and he's in Star Trek - but only as an actor, so maybe he can't mess it up too much. I'll still watch it...)

    I had gone in expecting the movie to be an adaptation of this:

    Being an encyclopaedia, it shows you a bunch of characters without giving you a real feel for them; it just describes them, covers a bit about their history, and shows you pictures*. Given the number of characters and events covered by the movie, I didn't expect time for much else.
    I was right about that part; but another assumption I'm making about the Encyclopedia, or an expectation I have of it, is that it's accurate. The movie version is not. Characters are attached to the Weapon X program at random. Relationships are jumbled.

    The movie dumbs it down a lot.
    Producers, here's a hint: there's this law scientists are developing. It's called 'gravity'. It means that half the stuff that happened in this movie couldn't. Trust me on this.

    It not only messes up the comics, it messes up continuity from the previous movie. Remember Stryker's line in X2 about "Logan, we always thought there were several others just like you and we can make our own anyway"? 'Coz I remember it being more like "We always thought you were unique".

    This is one of those movies where they reference the comics by having characters reject them. For example, one of the characters' Berserk Buttons is, in the comics, his codename.

    Worst moment, for me: When we see Ma and Pa Kent (not the hip younger versions from Smallville, the older versions from the comics and movies), their screen credit is Travis and Heather Hudson. Heather Hudson?!? To quote Darth Vader: "NOOOOOOOoooooooooooOOOOooooOOOooo"!!!
    Annette O'Toole as Heather I could handle. But no! Bad movie! No biscuit! She is not a sweet little old lady!

    Anyway, the movie was enjoyable, for all its many flaws, but barely. It wasn't as good as X3 (which is saying something), but the lack of disappointment factor made it rise above that movie.

    * Actually, I'm assuming. I've read bits of Marvel encyclopaedias, but not this one.
    Note that, being from LJ, a couple of things on this are now inaccurate. Namely, I didn't see it with any of you guys.

    Also, I second the 'fans of Deadpool will not be pleased' comment above.

  7. #7


    I'm surprised there are so few comments on this. My expectations weren't high with the movie but I was excited to see Mac and Heather's film versions. To know that the man is called Travis and that Heather is actually an old woman makes me angry. Alpha Flight fans have been mistreated by Marvel for many years now but it seems that Fox jumps on that train too.

    What problem would have been casting a young couple as James and Heather??? They could have helped Wolverine when he finds them and once they are attacked in the farm Wolverine leaves to protect them from being hurt. Was this so difficult??? And why name the man Travis instead of James? I simply don't understand it, so many slaps on our face...

  8. #8


    I think all this negative talk about the Hudsons in the film is a bit much. First off, this isn't Marvels doing, they had little to do with this film, its a Fox thing. I read an interview with Joe Q who said Marvel had nothing to do with the film as it was a Fox property and so he had no input (though if he did he Might have killed Alpha Flight off screen ).

    And for James Hudson, the old couple referred to stuff in the movie used to belong to their son. It can be implied that he is dead but it was never said so I took it as an opening as their son, presumably Mac, could be in future movies.

    As for killing them off, I think the Hudsons were made to be that old couple, and not Mac and Heather, so they could be killed off to add to the emotional hatred that Wolverine and the audience would feel towards the Weapon X/Stryker crew. All leading into the line that someone tells Wolverine that 'people tend to die around you'.
    "How do you know that my dimwitted inexperience isnt merely a subtle form of manipulation used to lower peoples expectations, enhancing my ability to effectively maneuver within any given situation."

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by mreeez
    I think all this negative talk about the Hudsons in the film is a bit much. And for James Hudson, the old couple referred to stuff in the movie used to belong to their son.
    They do talk about him in the past tense, which leads to the 'he's dead, Jim' conclusion... That said, I'm taking the 'they're his parents, and he married a woman with his mother's name' theory (that happens. I knew a guy who had two girlfriends in a row with the same names as his sisters--he used to joke the next one would have his Mum's name. Only, he married the second.)

    On the 'it's definitely them' side, they have the same last name, and, like the comic versions, are the first to find Wolvie after Weapon X.

    Actually, I usually just take the theory they're Ma and Pa Kent.

    - Le Messor
    "I have opinions of my own - strong opinions - but I don't always agree with them."
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  10. #10


    I actually fell asleep twice during the film but did see the whole scene where he meets up with the old folks. I sat through the credits and didn't see any mention of their last names but really wasn't looking for it either.

    How about the fact that we have two potential Alphans featured still though with Persuasion and of course Diamond Lil?

  11. #11


    where was diamond lil? i saw the movie and didn't see her at all.

  12. #12


    I just saw the movie. The character who could have been mistaken for Diamond Lil, was Kayla Silverfox's sister, Emma. Her skin could frost over into a diamond-bright texture. I don't think she was meant to be Diamond Lil. Possibly, she was Emma Frost?

    I liked the movie, myself; especially the opening montage with Logan and Victor fighting their way through a series of wars, (Civil War, WWI, WWII, and Vietnam). And I also liked the scene after the end credits, (which I won't reveal here). If there's one thing I learned after X-Men 3, it's to stay after the end credits.

    Incidentally, according to the credits, Mrs. Hudson's name is Heather, although I didn't actually hear anyone say it in the movie.

    And the sweet elderly Hudson couple mention their "son" a couple of times. Could that son be Mac? Interesting to speculate.

  13. #13

    Default Re: wolverine: origins movie news. *spoilers*

    Quote Originally Posted by varo

    btw, if your a deadpool fan, this movie will drive you nuts.
    omg omg omg omg omg omg

    im going to see this film right now.

  14. #14
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Default Re: wolverine: origins movie news. *spoilers*

    Quote Originally Posted by Trewqp
    Quote Originally Posted by varo
    btw, if you're a deadpool fan, this movie will drive you nuts.
    im going to see this film right now.
    Steady up there! Drive you nuts... not in a good way.
    I've started hearing that Deadpool fans don't like it, which doesn't surprise me.

    Emma Frost's skin actually changes to diamond, and that character's on the posters, and in white (while everyone around her is in red) -- so I've always assumed it's Frost, and not our Lil. Which would've been ...very.

    I don't think Heather's name was mentioned in the movie, but Travis's first one was, and there were a Travis Hudson and Heather Hudson credited.

    Birdy, I've heard that the post-credits scene changes depending on where you live. I got Wolverine ordering a drink. Did you get that, or anything you can say without spoilers?

    I think the couple's son was meant to be Mac, yes. Or Kal El.

    - Le Messor
    "For the lesser evil is reckoned a good in comparison with the greater evil, since the lesser evil is rather to be chosen than the greater."
    - Aristotle

  15. #15


    yeah, i meant drive you nuts in a bad way. a very bad way, i like deadpool, not love and i hated what they did to him.

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