History (continued)

Powersurge was once again sent into action when the super-powered vigilantes, Canucklehead and Roughrider, got into a skirmish with the police in downtown Toronto. The duo had foiled a bank robbery, but a civilian was killed by a stray bullet (from the robbers) in the process and they forcefully refused to submit themselves to police for questioning following the incident. Backed up by a team of rookie Epsilon Troopers, Powersurge confronted the duo and urged them to surrender before they made matters worse for themselves and further endangered others, but he was promptly mind blasted and left severely stunned by Canucklehead, before both he and Roughrider tore into the Epsilon's. However, when Morningstar happened upon the seen by chance, he managed to keep the vigilantes busy long enough for Powersurge to recover. And with his recovery, the tide of the fight began to quickly turn against the superpowered bikers.

Before a victory could be decided however, the third floor of a business building up the street exploded. Powersurge quickly turned everyone's attention to the dozens upon dozens of streaks of light, meteors as it turned out, descending from the sky towards the city. Both he and Morningstar immediately took to the air in a frantic attempt to decimate as many of the metoers as possible before impact, while Canucklehead and Roughrider engaged in damage control on the ground saving as many people as possible from the incidental effects of multiple meteor stirkes. Nevertheless, when all was said and done, the vigilantes were nowhere to be found, and Toronto looked as though it had just suffered a massive artillery strike.

In the wake of the meteor bombardment, Powersurge was summoned to Department H along with a number of Canada's mightiest heroes were they learned the Canadian villain Graviton was behind the bombardment. He subsequently set to work alongside Morningstar, Major Mapleleaf, and Major Mapleleaf Jr. in assualting a Canada-based A.I.M. installation to learn more of a device called the Gravity Well Graviton was believed to be utilizing in this most recent plot.

With the disappearance of the Fantastic Four and the combined might of the East and WEst Coast Avengers, presumably at the hands of Graviton, the U.N. reactivated the Protectors and Powersurge was once again given field command of a massive team that included the Examiner, Battlehammer, Morningstar, Nightcrawler, Shadowcat, Binary, USAgent, Black Panther, Darkstar, the Crimson Dynamo, Radioactive Man, Blitzkreig, Shamrock, and Peregrine.

This team was eventually led to an orbiting A.I.M. space station known as the Gravity Well, where they confronted the would-be Emperor of all Earth, Graviton. In the ensueing battle, with Graviton making short work of the assembled Protectors, Avengers, and Fantastic Four, Powersurge ordered his fellow X-Man, Shadowcat, to get the drop on Graviton and phase him into the floor. While reluctant to do so, Powersurge persuaded her that the magnitude of the situation, and both the nature and raw power of Graviton demanded such a course of action. However, when Shadowcat failed to surprise the Master of Gravity, and he momentarily increased the gravtional pull of the sun on her in retaliation, Powersurge was forced to finally put the life supporting properties of his energy sheath to the test and chase the young mutant into spaces in hopes of saving her from certain death.

While somewhat at a loss as to how he would save her with his energy sheath on, fortune smiled on the mutants as Powersurge spotted a derelict Shi'ar scouting craft floating nearby. Placing himself on a trajectory for the craft that would intersect with Shadowcat, Powersurge deactivated his energy sheath at the last possible moment and snagged his fellow mutant, and then managed to remain conscious long enough for the momentuum to carry him and Shadowcat to the vessel; where he further managed to get the two of them inside and hit the ship's life support before at last passing out.

Upon regaining consciousness, Powersurge found that Shadowcat was already up and busy pecking away at an onboard computer. Having informed him that the ship was basically running on fumes, and that soon even the life support would fail, Shadowcat encourage Powersurge to leave her and make his way back to others. However, remembering something he had been told during his tenure as an X-Man, the energy generator decided instead to recharge the cell with a focused pulse-blast. Shadowcat protested saying that such an action could kill him, but Powersurge retorted that while it might, leaving her onboard with the life support about to fail would most certainly kill her and that it was his responsibility to ensure her safety. He then ordered Kitty to set the energy cells to the proper calibration and then let loose with the ultimate expression of his power. Powersurge collapsed thereafter, again suffering from cardiac arrest, but while the energy cells were damaged and thus lossing energy relatively quickly, they were neverthleess charge to capacity, allowing for communications and at least a couple of hourse of life support. Thus, Shadowcat resuscitated Powersurge and got him into the ships med-bed before sending out a distress call.

In the meantime, the remaining heroes managed to at last save the Earth from Graviton and the blackhole he had become/brought into being. Soon following which Shadowcat and Powersurge were themselves rescued, and the latter was immediately taken to a S.H.I.E.L.D. medical unit were he remained for over a week, with several days spent in a coma.

Upon his release, Powersurge was sidelined by Department H until he was once again fit for duty, and so decided to spent a bit of time in jolly ole England, visiting Nightcrawler and Shadowcat. While it seemed that romance might spark between Powersurge and Shadowcat, both ultimately recoiled from the notion, professing a more sibling-like affection for each other. Nevertheless, when Kitty introduced Powersurge to the mutant Psylocke (NOTE: Psylocke was not tranformed by the Seige Perilous and had remained in England since her emergeance) a mutual attraction was immediately evident between the two.

At present Powersurge and Psylocke are getting better acquainted as Elizabeth shares the sights of her homeland with the Canadian mutant.