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Thread: Spoiler-FULL Chaos War:Alpha Flight Previews/Reviews

  1. #76



    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Well, according to her origin, she was pretty accepted growing up (she's shown swimming with kids and such). So I don't think, until Alpha Flight, she's had much to hide from. In Alpha Flight though, she got exposed to The Master, gutted Puck once, tried a second time a few issues later, turned on Sub-Mariner, ... so the poor lass hasn't had much need to hide anything, as she was widely accepted for how she appeared.

    As for her being cursed... who in ALPHA FLIGHT isn't? Strangely, the most solid character is Northstar. Aurora has her MPD issue. Sas has been killed who knows how many times (just in VOL1). Snowbird... Well, what hasn't happened to her? Mac - how many times has he died? I am almost convinced he's been touched by the Phoenix Force with how many times he's come back! I mean even the Phoenix Force is like, "WTF dude? You put me to shame!" Shaman... Well, he's lost his wife, his daughter, then his daughter again, his humanity, his... Well, you get the idea. Puck... Well, when you have this big bad genie living inside of you...
    Tawmis, you are so right. I do not read many titles from Marvel anymore but I do imagine that Alpha Flight is the one team that may have taken the most liberties with multiple deaths and rebirths all through its' existence.

    Too funny about your take on the Phoenix Force getting all flustered about how Mac keeps coming back from the great beyond. Had me chuckling away here. I chuckled even more when I read it again.
    Last edited by ClawMaraud; 11-29-2010 at 06:54 PM. Reason: Spolier space added

  2. #77


    Quote Originally Posted by suzene View Post
    Northstar's been through the half-elf thing, been killed, been resurrected and brainwashed by the Hand, then re-brainwashed by the Children of the Vault, restored to default settings through the efforts of Rogue and SHIELD, and then mind-controlled again over in Hellbound. I'm surprised that his mind isn't as fragmented as Aurora's by now.
    I, at least, think Northstar being brain washed could be explained. I think deep down, despite his gruff exterior, Northstar just wants to be accepted for who he is. Which is "Gay" and a Mutant. (Talk about having two strikes against you! - At least in how "Society" accepts who you are commonly...) I think he just wants to be accepted - so seizing his mind and brainwashing him to to something where he feels like he belongs to something, might come across as easy to do.

    I'd wager brain washing Aurora, should, be next to impossible with her MPD. Because what if one person is brainwashed and she switches? What then? Would the other persona be brainwashed? I'd think not, with how severe Aurora's MPD issue is.

    As for being killed, I think he's only been "killed" once, right? (That I can remember?) Which is when all of AF "died" in VOL1 (somewhere around issue 20's? I think, was it? Where they all "died" to save Walt? I may be mis-remembering the issue number area... which is why I am currently re-reading all the AF stuff). I know Wolverine "recently" gutted him, but I don't think he "died" from the wounds?

  3. #78


    Quote Originally Posted by ClawMaraud View Post

    Tawmis, you are so right. I do not read many titles from Marvel anymore but I do imagine that Alpha Flight is the one team that may have taken the most liberties with multiple deaths and rebirths all through its' existence.

    Too funny about your take on the Phoenix Force getting all flustered about how Mac keeps coming back from the great beyond. Had me chuckling away here. I chuckled even more when I read it again.
    I can hardly think of someone who hasn't died and come back more often than Mac has.

  4. #79


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I can hardly think of someone who hasn't died and come back more often than Mac has.
    Jean Grey, I'm sure there's more.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  5. #80


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    Jean Grey, I'm sure there's more.
    You know, I am not sure that there is. I can... count I think three times that Jean Grey has come back? (Originally with X-Factor, then twice after that... but she's currently still "dead").
    Where as Mac... I believe there's about four times, right off the top of my head, I believe if I am remembering correctly... (counting this most recent one).

  6. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    Jean Grey, I'm sure there's more.
    I figured I'd humor myself and google ""how many times has Jean Grey died?"... I guess it depends on how "technical" you want to be... LOL

  7. #82


    And on that note, an interesting thread on another forum.

  8. #83


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I, at least, think Northstar being brain washed could be explained. I think deep down, despite his gruff exterior, Northstar just wants to be accepted for who he is. Which is "Gay" and a Mutant. (Talk about having two strikes against you! - At least in how "Society" accepts who you are commonly...) I think he just wants to be accepted - so seizing his mind and brainwashing him to to something where he feels like he belongs to something, might come across as easy to do.
    Northstar is a fiercely independent personality who was brainwashed into killing hundreds of people the first time, and then into trying to kill his friends and students the second. He was shown fighting as hard as he could against it, even managing to overcome it briefly before his free will was smothered again. No way on this earth are you ever going to convince me that any part of him ever wanted to belong so badly that he'd give in to the surrender of self, especially not at that price.

    As for being killed, I think he's only been "killed" once, right? (That I can remember?) Which is when all of AF "died" in VOL1 (somewhere around issue 20's? I think, was it? Where they all "died" to save Walt? I may be mis-remembering the issue number area... which is why I am currently re-reading all the AF stuff). I know Wolverine "recently" gutted him, but I don't think he "died" from the wounds?
    If we're counting AF #24 and the second run-in with Deadly Ernst, he's died three times. But yes, when Wolverine killed Northstar, he was really most sincerely dead. They had him on a slab in the morgue and were getting ready to cut his head off so that the Hand couldn't steal his corpse. He was kabob. An ex-Quebecois. Pining for the fjords and the rest of it.

  9. #84


    I sit corrected, then!

  10. #85


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    You know, I am not sure that there is. I can... count I think three times that Jean Grey has come back? (Originally with X-Factor, then twice after that... but she's currently still "dead").
    Where as Mac... I believe there's about four times, right off the top of my head, I believe if I am remembering correctly... (counting this most recent one).
    Jean's only died 'for realsies' twice, the high-profile nature of her first resurrection and her Phoenix powers tends to give her a label as a resurrection queen that just isn't warranted. She died on the moon in the Dark Phoenix Saga, that was later retconned into not actually being her, and then she was never actually killed off again until she was killed by Xorn/Magneto in Morrison's run. She came back from that death in Phoenix Endsong, and she's currently chilling in another plane of existence, waiting until she's ready to come back to Earth.

    Not counting all the one-off deaths that every hero racks up, Jean has only died twice. And she's not currently dead, just in character limbo. Mac's got her beat.

  11. #86
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Suzene, nice Python bit there.

    Quote Originally Posted by MistressMerr View Post
    Jean's only died 'for realsies' twice,
    Depends on how you count it. As a reader, I don't care how they retcon it - I care about how many times I've been told she's dead, only to later on be told 'Ha, ha, fooled you'. Or the characters have been.

    And that's as many as four-tens times. And that's terrible.

    - Le Messor
    Visitor: "Is Jean here?"
    Charles: "I'm, I'm sorry, haven't you heard? She's dead."
    Visitor: "I'll wait."

  12. #87


    Yeah...But how many times has Mac really died? Isn't his first "real" death technically in X-Men Unlimited, where the Heather-obsessed scientist kills him and he is resurrected by Angel and Shaman (even though his death in #12 of vol 1, should have been his actual first and only death)?...He was again killed in New Avengers #16 by the Collective. Most of the other "deaths" were all presumed, weren't they?

    What never made sense to me (thanks to Fabian Niceiza), is that Delphine Courtney (disguised as Mac) had apparently used Mac's survival story (that she must have downloaded from Roxxon) in issue# 25 to explain how he survived the explosion of his suit, yet Delphine never went after Mac at Roxxon? Fabian made a big mistake in using that story that Byrne came up with as the real story for Mac's survival...It doesn't make any sense (not to mention, John Byrne intentionally meant the story to be ridiculous as a clue to Mac being a fake). Due to Delphine's programming, I would think the first thing she would have done is to go after Mac in order to exact revenge for Jaxon, not pretend to be Mac and go after Alpha Flight.


  13. #88


    I'd only count two as deaths. #12, and the Postman thing. Nothing else counts, as it wasn't in continuity, not shown as a death....
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  14. #89


    To me Mac only died once in New Avengers #16, as I don't think he even died in X-Men Unlimited. I believe they got to Mac before he passed or Shaman kepted him in stasis (As he did already in the issue) until Angel's blood healed him. As far as I know Angel's blood cannot bring people back from the dead, or they would use it far more then that.

    All others were just presumed deaths

  15. #90


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67 View Post
    What never made sense to me (thanks to Fabian Niceiza), is that Delphine Courtney (disguised as Mac) had apparently used Mac's survival story (that she must have downloaded from Roxxon) in issue# 25 to explain how he survived the explosion of his suit, yet Delphine never went after Mac at Roxxon? Fabian made a big mistake in using that story that Byrne came up with as the real story for Mac's survival...It doesn't make any sense (not to mention, John Byrne intentionally meant the story to be ridiculous as a clue to Mac being a fake). Due to Delphine's programming, I would think the first thing she would have done is to go after Mac in order to exact revenge for Jaxon, not pretend to be Mac and go after Alpha Flight.
    I am confused. She never went after Mac, no. But she was the one who picked up Heather from the airport - while the rest of Omega Flight was going after Mac. So she was very much a part of that whole plan, and probably knew what was happening - and being a robot - no doubt, as you said, may have easily gotten the information of how Mac "died" and used it to explain while she was pretending to be Mac, how "Mac survived."

    Or am I not understanding entirely? (Which is always possible...)

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