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Thread: The #0.1 Thread (Contains Spoilers)

  1. #31
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by varo View Post
    anyone else notice agent brown from the omega flight series? pretty cool.
    I did!
    Kinda. I noticed Agent Brown, but forgot where I knew him from.
    I would've totally got away with it, too, if I hadn't just admitted it right here.

    Quote Originally Posted by MonsieurTaffy View Post
    - The political analogy is a bit far-fetched, though interesting considering our recent elections.
    Yeah, I wasn't a fan of that side of it.

    Quote Originally Posted by MonsieurTaffy View Post
    Good timing, a lot of humour (who would have pictured Snowbird handling parking tickets!)
    I loved that bit. At first, I thought 'Do mounties do that?', then I though 'presumably, she just got a different job in a similar field'.

    Quote Originally Posted by MonsieurTaffy View Post
    Jean-Paul scenes with Kyle had a nice gradation for anyone who may not know them, with the realization they are a couple only being really apparent on the last page).
    Really? I thought it was kinda obvious from the start, but I knew it going in.

    Quote Originally Posted by DelBubs View Post
    Reviews here.
    She's teamed with a heavy named Citadel, one of Marvel's never-ending parade of adamantium experiments turned rogue. He's likely appeared previously and I fell asleep.
    I lol'd!

    the exception being Guardian's face - too feminine, and his mask makes him look sleepy.

    I did not get that at all. Thought it was fine.

    Quote Originally Posted by DelBubs View Post
    Reviews and here .
    Why is Persuasion suddenly a villain? Ben Oliver's art ... generally gets the job done... his Sasquatch is comically tiny.
    Agreed on both points. I won't be adding Oliver to my list of people who can draw Sasquatch, though he's by no means the worst. (Eaglesham, on the other hand, has made my list! Mwahahah-- wait, I meant that in a good way.)
    Also, they did lampshade Kara's switch to the bad side. It came a bit late in the book for me, but it's not like they spent the whole book acting like she'd always been a villain.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    More reviews here
    Yeah, I'm not sure the human monster works for me either.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    More reviews and here.
    It’s okay if you didn’t read Alpha Flight; not too many people did.
    Actually, the original, a lot of people did read it!

    Plus, quite honestly, you don’t find many openly homosexual characters-even in current books.
    True, unless you read anything with Katrina Dean (but not, oddly enough, her girlfriend in Runaways), Wiccan and Hulkling (Avengers: Children's Crusade), Batwoman (various Bat-books, her own title is supposed to be coming soon), The Question (she's... around somewhere), Rictor and Shatterstar (thanks to Peter David's canon slash in X-Factor or X-Force), Anatole (X-books), Daken (X-books)...
    this isn't something I keep track of, so I've probably forgotten examples.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    I don't think Aurora was trying to liquefy Citadel's adamantium armour, but his flesh and bone hand inside it. Like if you grabbed someone by the head and shook them real hard, you'll injure the brain, but not the skull.
    A theory backed up by the artwork. That was what I thought, too.
    They never proved I did that, by the way.

    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    Okay, Shaman seemed a little OOC when he talked about punching people out for calling him an Indian, and Marrina calling Citadel "land mollusk" was kinda silly, but overall the writing was great. I liked JP's reaction to being called on by Dept. H, as well as his snide comments to Guardian.
    Although, (and this has been discussed elsewhere), the pingers are over-distributed in this issue. Only about three or four of them had them in the original. Shaman and Heather never did, and Northstar had his removed.

    Quote Originally Posted by DelBubs View Post
    All I'll say about Purple Woman and Citadel is one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.
    If crimefighters fight crime, and firefighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?

    Quote Originally Posted by DelBubs View Post
    character growth can only be a good thing.
    Uh, not true.
    Also, well done your son. You have taught him well.
    But remember to bury your feelings, they can be used against you.

    Quote Originally Posted by DelBubs View Post
    A tad negative methinks.
    And I thought we'd been filtering out the negative ones. It's good to see we're not; that means that most of them have been positive.
    While I agree that the people monster would be impossible (and that's not a plus of this book for me), I don't care nearly as much as this reviewer does. Also, did he notice that there was a restofthebook? It wasn't twenty pages of just that monster.

    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    But anybody (at Dept. H) who thinks putting "ping"-inducing implants in a demi-goddess...
    I never got the impression Birdie had one - she was just there the whole time.
    Also, Byrne established that they couldn't implant one in her. Not that these guys, frankly, got everything right.

    - Le Messor
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  2. #32
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor

    I never got the impression Birdie had one - she was just there the whole time.
    Also, Byrne established that they couldn't implant one in her. Not that these guys, frankly, got [I
    everything[/I] right.

    - Le Messor
    Excellent point. But AIM cloned Snowbird, so who knows what somebody else might try to do. But I truly hope that no one attempts to put one in Snowbird. [I feel sorry for the one who tries]. Yet, Northstar seems to have an implant, and he's just the main one who (imo) would object. I don't see Michael willingly subjecting himself to this, nor Heather. Who would Michael trust enough to perform this type of surgery?

    BTW, the giant human purple monster-man was a bit of a stretch for me, too, but you can't have everything.

    In one of the interviews, I believe this series is supposed to be an "in-continuity reboot". Seems to be working.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 05-21-2011 at 07:22 PM. Reason: None of this should bog down the upcoming series
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  3. #33
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan View Post
    Yet, Northstar seems to have an implant, and he's just the main one who (imo) would object.
    And has, on-panel, had his removed. Marvel Fanfare v.1 #28.

    - Le Messor
    "Try and make the feelings and actions of Christmas part of everyday life."
    ~ Sars Henderson

  4. #34


    i loved the people monster, showed originality and a really cool way to use her powers. movies like batman and iron man really are killing books that things have to be SOOO realistic.

    put me in the "fan of the people monster" category!

  5. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by varo View Post
    i loved the people monster, showed originality and a really cool way to use her powers. movies like batman and iron man really are killing books that things have to be SOOO realistic.

    put me in the "fan of the people monster" category!
    Yeah I agree that it showed alot of originality. Makes Purple Woman seem very bad ass and cool. Almost make you want her on the team again.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by varo View Post
    i loved the people monster, showed originality and a really cool way to use her powers. movies like batman and iron man really are killing books that things have to be SOOO realistic.
    I am completely and fully behind your second statement; in fact, it's one of my biggest bêtes-noir in current comics.

    'originality'? Nuh-unh. I've seen it done, and very recently, and much better (partly because it takes away the realism issue). Details to follow.

    - Le Messor
    "I’d love to, but I have to knit some dust bunnies for a charity bazaar."

  7. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    True, unless you read anything with Katrina Dean (but not, oddly enough, her girlfriend in Runaways), Wiccan and Hulkling (Avengers: Children's Crusade), Batwoman (various Bat-books, her own title is supposed to be coming soon), The Question (she's... around somewhere), Rictor and Shatterstar (thanks to Peter David's canon slash in X-Factor or X-Force), Anatole (X-books), Daken (X-books)...
    this isn't something I keep track of, so I've probably forgotten examples.
    Karma (X-Books)
    Mystique ( the very least!; X-Books)
    Bling! (bisexual; X-Books - notice a bit of a theme here?)
    Moondragon (Marvel Cosmic)
    Phlya-Vel (Marvel Cosmic)
    Flatman (GLA)
    Obsidian (JSA) and his boyfriend Damon
    Tasmanian Devil (non-assigned DC)
    Starman (JLA)
    Ramsey Spencer (Manhunter)
    Savant (bisexual; Birds of Prey)
    Creote (Birds of Prey)

    And that's not even getting into the very minor characters, the creator-owned stuff, or even the imprints at the Big Two (Vertigo, Wildstorm, Icon, etc.). The issue is usually less the number of queer characters in comics, but how few of them get anything like significant page time, let alone get to be leading characters in a team line-up.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by suzene View Post
    how few of them get anything like significant page time,
    Lots of them do, though.
    And, given the number of X-books listed above, where nobody but Scott and Emma get page time anyway...

    - Le Messor
    "Few people do business well who do nothing else."
    ~ Lord Chesterfield

  9. #39


    I'll bet that guy who complained about the purple person-person probably hated the Stay-puffed Marshmellow Man from Ghostbusters too because there was no way he could have supported his own weight. Also on another topic, I thought artists were going for the more realistic look but when did Northstar get implants!

    DIGGER (sorry about the implants bit)

  10. #40
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by DIGGER View Post
    I'll bet that guy who complained about the purple person-person probably hated the Stay-puffed Marshmellow Man
    I actually agreed with him about the purple person (I've just written a review that talks about it), but not about Stay-Puft. One of the differences (mentioned in my review) is that Stay-Puft is magical. Another is that for this to work, every single one of those people would have to have breath-holding training from Jacques Cousteau, and acrobatics training from Cirque De Soleil. Otherwise, they couldn't hold themselves together like that, or, if they were on the inside, breathe. Let alone the strength required to pull it off.
    What I disagreed with him on was, it wasn't nearly as big a deal as he made out of it. Okay, I wrote in length, but I do that. It wasn't the only thing in the issue, and unlike him, I noticed.

    Yes, I know he didn't actually talk about Stay-Puft.

    - Le Messor
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  11. #41


    ...but this is a COMIC BOOK and that means the improbable is, well, probably probable. And maybe they all held their breath til they turned purple.


  12. #42
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by DIGGER View Post
    ...but this is a COMIC BOOK and that means the improbable is, well, probably probable.
    Also covered in the review, with a link to Linkara.

    - Le Messor
    "It is always the thought that counts."
    ~ anonymous

  13. #43


    I loved the issue. There was just one thing I hated. And I mean I _REALLY_ hated it.
    When Marriana goes off about the media and flips the camera off.
    I mean _REALLY?_

    Do you think the media would care about an alien?

    The team has a member who died and came back a bazillion times.
    The team has a championship skiier (though he swears he's not on the team).
    The team has a mystical creature (Sasquatch).
    The team has a demigoddess.

    Really. You think an alien is so amazing?

    And why the shiesty attitude?

  14. #44


    I really liked it. It was great to see Heather leading part of the team (Aurora, Shaman, Sasquatch and Marrina)...I hope to see more of her doing so in future issues. It was also a nice touch to see Heather being upset about Kara being an adversary (very in character, for how Heather would react). On that note, Kara may have been doing what she thought was right (trying to expose the danger of the Unity party), but she employed terrorist tactics to do it...That's just messed up. Kara's powers would easily allow her to get into the building past security and out safely, just by commanding the building's staff to help her...She really didn't have to place hundreds of civilians in danger. That part of the story really didn't sit well with me, perhaps her time on the Utopia island (which was pretty much attacked constantly) messed her up a bit? Kara certainly had a fancy ride waiting for her.

    The giant purple people monster was a bit silly...I also don't get Shaman's astral self leaving his body and his body being able to still perform surgery, that too was a bit out there. Marrina's extremely rebellious attitude seems a bit over the top at the end too.

    I liked seeing Jean Paul and Kyle interact as a couple, as well as Heather and Mac's moments. For the most part, it seems Van Lente and Pak have a good handle on who the Alphans should be and Mr Oliver did a wonderful job illustrating the issue.

    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 05-22-2011 at 02:43 PM.

  15. #45


    i loved the purple people monster and could care less about the physics that go into it and i love marinas new attitude. she is a teenager revolting against the establishment and trying to find herself. we have all been there.

    i have 0% complaints about this issue. 0.000000%

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