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Thread: Article: PREVIEW: Alpha Flight #4 **SPOILERS** UPDATED

  1. #1

    Default Article: PREVIEW: Alpha Flight #4 **SPOILERS**


    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  2. #2

  3. #3


    I love this series

  4. #4


    This leaves a sick feeling in my stomach. I pity Heather when she realizes what she has done.

  5. #5



    Vindicator is badass!

    I really hope AF goes past 8 issues!

  6. #6


    I'm really hoping that Heather is being brainwashed/controlled, something. She has always been one of my favourites in the Flight, I cannot see her doing this on her own. Even so, I am absolutely loving this series... keep it coming.

  7. #7
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    No matter how this unfolds, poor little Claire is going to be messed up.

    On the other hand, a double murder that endangered a child never looked so good! Can't wait for this issue to come out.

  8. #8


    Amazing! I am so excited! I loved Heather before, but adore her now! When is this issue out?

  9. #9
    Lion-O's 2nd Cousin Alpha Flight
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    I cannot believe that in 2011 I will have been able to say that Alpha Flight, Cloak and Dagger, New Mutants, Heroes for Hire and The Defenders have been in my file box. This is the Marvel I grew up with, anyhow the series is fantastic I just hope it stays in the top 100 throughout and Marvel can lock most of the creative team in if it continues.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Alphan East View Post
    I'm really hoping that Heather is being brainwashed/controlled, something. She has always been one of my favourites in the Flight, I cannot see her doing this on her own. Even so, I am absolutely loving this series... keep it coming.
    Heather is definitely off her nut...She sees Ranark and the Wendigo as heroes and Alpha Flight as enemies, she also knows she's serving some ancient "of the Earth" being. I don't see how she can be a superhero after this...And I hate that.

    I also don't see murdering people as being badass or how it makes Heather more awesome. It's awful.

    Last edited by cmdrkoenig67; 08-23-2011 at 03:40 PM.

  11. #11


    I always felt that AF needed a true real enemy. One they would fear because they know him/her and him/her would know them. Most enemies that AF had were pretty sad (The Master... OF THE WORLD, come on!, The Dreamqueen, bah!). Heather is the perfect choice for it. I, unlike most people here, really hope she is not brainwashed/controlled. The most interesting characters are the ones you love to hate, and right now, I love hating Heather for what she's doing

  12. #12


    For me, it's an interesting plot device.
    I don't see her as a villain or evil, but I do think she's being brainwashed.
    I always preferred Heather as behind the scenes rather than in a costume so I can see her retiring from being a Superhero after this. Probably forgiven pardonned for her crimes due to being brainwashed & in reocgnition of all the good things she's done for the country/the world.
    She'll be the person hardest on herself.
    That'll possibly make her more of a behind the scenes person, making sure that Dept. H doesn't become corrupt again. At most being a government liason while Mac fights the good fight.

  13. #13


    Oh snap at 1st glance I thought Vindicator was holding Puck's stuffed animal, why that sick ... I was pleasantly relieved those pig-tails weren't soft floppy ears at all. Great sneak peak. I am just blown away in the art work.

    Alpha Strike hmmm maybe if Flight doesn't get picked up they could snip off a Strike run. Wendigo Citadel Ranark = Sasquatch Box Shaman pronounced sha' man like don't squeeze they... if your old enough to remember Mr. Wimple Oh I smell a fight a brewin' and my money is on the under utilized Snowbird with all her potential please figure out a way to include more of her. Course Shaman could carry his own book as well but that's a different story.

    Always been a fan of Purple Girl and now that she has grown up skys the limits.

    Still vigilant till Century man makes his return

  14. #14
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Centurymanstillsucks View Post
    Shaman pronounced sha' man like don't squeeze the... if you're old enough to remember Mr. Wimple
    I don't, but I do remember the song:
    "Better squeeze all the Charmin you can, while Mr. Wimple's not around!"

  15. #15


    Well then the way the old lady dragged out charmin that's how I like to say it. Right or wrong reading it like a 80 year old lady always makes me giggle

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