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Thread: News you're not gonna like...

  1. #31


    This is some ****ing bull****. Why don't they just downgrade the paper quality or something? And maybe cancel a title that ISN'T selling as well? WTF?

    Itr's a real shame I just never cared about DC's characters or universe. Marvel has such great history and characters, and such a big name, but they never seem to know wtf they're doing with it!

    They almost had me on board as a fan again, too. ****ing Marvel.
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
    -FlightPath07 Don't you feel all important now?

  2. #32


    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    Well, when the series was supposed to be 8 issues we were pretty damn happy, remember? They just put it back to where it used to be. Still, it sucks, but this is where we were earlier in the year. What we got was amazing so now should be the time to celebrate volume 4 and the fun times! Sort of weird about the change in plans though, yeah.

    I'm still feeling so up on Alpha Flight. Marvel really did try to promote this comic and made particular effort to push it in ways we never saw with v3 nor Omega Flight and hell, we got Dale Eaglesham! So let's enjoy the last three issues and go out on a high note.

    Speak for yourself.

    This mini series and short lived ongoing series BS is part of what drove me away from marvel. The fact that Alpha was going to go ongoing is what got me interested in Marvel again. I miss the days when series went a good fifty issues or more before being cancelled, and when sales were bad they'd have the common sense to figure out why fans stopped responding, and make some changes. The fact there are so many new volumes of old series is just absurd. Someday we'll be on Alpha Flight Vol 10, the three-book mini-series and begging for more scraps. **** Marvel.
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
    -FlightPath07 Don't you feel all important now?

  3. #33


    i really wish we could get the real story as to why this series is being ended. its not based on sales as 3 other titles with similar sales are in the same boat(avengers academy, xfactor and thunderbolts) heck, black panther and daken are even lower than alpha's sales.

    so please, some adult, not some marvel editor thats going to speak to me like a infant, i would love to hear the real reason why this series was so mistreated.

  4. #34
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    Well, when the series was supposed to be 8 issues we were pretty damn happy, remember? They just put it back to where it used to be. Still, it sucks, but this is where we were earlier in the year. What we got was amazing so now should be the time to celebrate volume 4 and the fun times! Sort of weird about the change in plans though, yeah.

    I'm still feeling so up on Alpha Flight. Marvel really did try to promote this comic and made particular effort to push it in ways we never saw with v3 nor Omega Flight and hell, we got Dale Eaglesham! So let's enjoy the last three issues and go out on a high note.

    You're right that all Marvel did was return the title to the mini/maxiseries it was meant to be, but unless they're going to produce more of these in the future I can't see any hope of AF seeing the light of day again. Well, they might show up in the X-men or Avengers, or Spider-man, or Deadpool as punching bags like they use to. Maybe we should hold off speculating about the team's future until the final issue to see where they leave off, but I can't help feeling like Charlie Brown after Lucy pulls the football away.

    Marvel did promote this quite a bit, far more than any time before, but it still seemed like only a drop in the Marvel flood of Fantastic-Spider-X-Avengers-Pool Events. I don't think Axel Alonso said one word about the book in his CBR columns after the first issue came out, nor did Tom Brevoort have anything to say in the few interviews with him. Honestly, compared to the terrific job the creative team did to spread the word, Marvel promotions did very little. Now, if there was stuff being done on Twitter or FaceBook, I'll admit I don't follow those, but I would have expected to hear about something coming from those venues either here or another forum. I didn't, and so assume there was nothing, but please if anyone can correct me I'd be willing to change my opinion.

    I hope someone from Marvel will eventually explain why the book was reduced from an ongoing while other titles with lower numbers are left to limp along. If there was a solid business reason for this move as opposed to some other book getting the axe so AF could be saved, I think fans should hear it. Otherwise this is just self-fulfilling prophecy that AF won't sell, and only serves to poison the water for any future attempts.

    Well, I guess all that's left is to enjoy the remaining issues (as I know I will), before going back to my non-Marvel lifestyle.

  5. #35


    It just seems like Marvel had a con in Canada and wanted to give the sales a temporary spike and didn't want to take **** from fans all weekend so announced an ongoing they were never going to keep.
    Unfortunately Phil, i agree with you.

    To me, this shows Marvel as a spineless, no-class, lying company...which I have known for quite some time that they are!

    As well, i beleive we will shortly see a big push forward, to try to get all or most of their comics as 'digital only', thereby massively reducing the cost to the company.

    In the end, despite what many of us feel is an I-hate-Alpha-Flight slant from some of the suits at Marvel (right or wrong, the perception is there, and has even been fed by some of those very same suits), this is about DC kickin' Marvel's arse.

    i wrote on another thread somewhere that what DC did with their company-wide relaunch was very ballsy. Short-term (long-term won't be known for quite some time yet), it worked, and worked well.

    Marvel panicked. That is what short-sighted, stuck-in-a-rut executives with little business sense do; they panic.

    Unfortunately, long-term, the future of comics IS digital comics, like it or not. Kids don't read books anymore. And WE are all getting older...
    Last edited by Flightpath07; 10-22-2011 at 12:33 PM.
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  6. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by varo View Post
    i really wish we could get the real story as to why this series is being ended. its not based on sales as 3 other titles with similar sales are in the same boat(avengers academy, xfactor and thunderbolts) heck, black panther and daken are even lower than alpha's sales.

    so please, some adult, not some marvel editor thats going to speak to me like a infant, i would love to hear the real reason why this series was so mistreated.

    It was purely about sales.
    Let's not get back to this conspiracy theory.
    If you check out Rob's thread elsewhere in this forum you'll see that, as you pointed out, AF was only outselling 3 ongoing titles, the reasons for why or why not they haven't been cancelled I've outlined.
    The mini was losing sales on a rapid slide.
    Yes X-Factor & the other titles you mentioned were selling similar, but they hadn't dropped dramatically over the course of 4 issues.
    It's not the sales of a single issue it's the dramatic rate at which the book was losing readers, as I tried showing in the sales figures articles, without going into pessimistic mode.

    The only real confusing thing is the ongoing announcement.
    Did Marvel genuinely think the #1 numbers would sell or were they just telling Canadian fans what they wanted to hear at the Con in order to avoid a weekend full of AF questions, because it was an easier option.

    The timing of the cancellation isn't out of the blue & the news of all the editorial firings hints that Disney are taking a very different route with Marvel than Time Warner did with DC.

  7. #37


    i understand that, but didn't the readership also start to level off with only a 4% loss in readership from 3 to 4?

  8. #38


    I wonder if any Alphans will join the Avengers?

  9. #39


    also, if marvel is only allowing a series to trend out for only 4 issues, they have some seriously poor decision makers with very bad attention deficit disorders.

    sorry. i'm done with my rants. this one really annoys me though.

  10. #40


    It's not a poor decision at all though, it's a case of stopping thousands of dollars from slipping through their fingers like grains of salt.
    You HAVE to see it as a business point of view.
    Writers and Artists can't be expected to work for free. Nor can the people above them, and nor can the people every step below them from printing to distribution to sales.
    I know I couldn't finance a title personally, and that's still essentially what Marvel/Disney execs have to do on a daily basis.

    Feel free to rant, it's part and parcel of this place and you're not being offensive.

  11. #41


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    The only real confusing thing is the ongoing announcement.
    Did Marvel genuinely think the #1 numbers would sell or were they just telling Canadian fans what they wanted to hear at the Con in order to avoid a weekend full of AF questions, because it was an easier option.
    I think it was a little of both. I believe they wanted to look good up here and get the people at the Expo excited enough to go out and buy more Alpha Flight, hoping to get the numbers increased.
    I think its a rotten thing to play with Alpha fans like this. They dangled a carrot in front of us and then yanked it away when we didn't put enough money in their profit line.
    I understand that, in the end, it's just business... but its an unethical business.
    If they think that all Alpha fans will simply put their money into other Marvel books instead, they are mistaken. I just came back to Marvel after a 10 year absence because of this title. Since Alpha returned, I have also bought a few other titles to show my appreciation. But that loyalty only exists as long as Alpha is around.
    This version of Alpha Flight is well-written, well-drawn, and extremely enjoyable to read. But when they are gone from Marvel... so am I.
    The Flight Forever !

  12. #42


    Quote Originally Posted by Sasquatch17 View Post
    I wonder if any Alphans will join the Avengers?
    Hopefully not (IMHO). We've already seen Alpha Flight as written by Bendis.


  13. #43
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    Though it does look as if Heather is killing Mac on the solicit for #8 of v4... sort of matches what Greg told me at NYCC that they are going to do something shocking. hmm...
    Mac dying is shocking? Haven't we seen that already?

    My initial reaction to this news (which didn't come from this site) was 'maybe it's old copy'; ie: they were using a solicit written before the extension to on-going.

    Del has now said more than once on this thread 'Freg have pretty much confirmed on twitter'; but what have they said, exactly? I'd like to hear from them or Wolfie?

    - Le Messor
    "If I don't see you in the future, I'll see you in the pasture."

  14. #44


    I understand that, in the end, it's just business... but its an unethical business.
    If they think that all Alpha fans will simply put their money into other Marvel books instead, they are mistaken. I just came back to Marvel after a 10 year absence because of this title. Since Alpha returned, I have also bought a few other titles to show my appreciation. But that loyalty only exists as long as Alpha is around.
    This version of Alpha Flight is well-written, well-drawn, and extremely enjoyable to read. But when they are gone from Marvel... so am I.
    Completely agree with Alpha East. I'm in the same boat. I came back to comics (and Marvel specifically) because of the news about Omega Flight. I stuck around, but now i am done with Marvel. I'll collect any Alpha stuff that is good and that i want to read and own, but other than that they can't have my money. Image and Dark Horse and DC can have it, but not Marvel, not any longer.
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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    FaceBook = or search for me at " Life Less-Ordinary "

    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  15. #45


    I'm alot like you FP07 I only collect two tiltes from Marvel AF and GR. That it. If Marvel wants my money they better make those series into ongoing ones and not canncel it after a few years as they did to the last GR, 35 issues then canned only to bring it back three years later because of the movie? Why not just keep it going? I guess it's better than nothing.

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