|real_name=Jean-Pierre (full name unrevealed)
|debut=Wolverine #165
|aliases=[[Wendigo]], Evil (literal translation of alias)
|height=6'2" , as Wendigo (9'7")
|weight=145 lbs, as Wendigo (1000 lbs)
|eyes=Blue, as Wendigo (black with no visible pupils)
|hair=Blonde, as Wendigo (white)

Little is known about the past of the cannibalistic sorcerer Mauvais except that he attempted to conquer Canada during the French-Indian War (circa 1750?s), an endeavor stopped by the [[Northern Gods]]. Later, during the French Revolution of 1789, the gods orchestrated Mauvais? downfall with the era?s Sorcerer Supreme ([[Ancient One]]), cursing him with an immovable existence and imprisoning him in the remote island prison [[Le Prison de La Morte]]. Centuries later, the superhuman prison called ?[[The Cage]]? was constructed atop the ruins of the French prison, and two guards discovered Mauvais still-immobile form. Hoping to kill the mutant [[Wolverine]], who had been sentenced to the Cage after being framed for murder, the guards awakened Mauvais and bargained to kill Wolverine in exchange for his freedom. [[Dr. Strange|Doctor Strange]] received a premonition of his return, which caused the Sorcerer Supreme great pain and with worry. As he commented, ?the reemergence of evil, [[Wong]]. One that has not seen the light of the sun for centuries?one that I am not certain even I can stop? Wolverine was drugged and taken to Mauvais, who restored his mystic energies by consuming pieces of Wolverine?s flesh. Mauvais teleported away before Wolverine was rescued, but not before eating one of Wolverine?s eyes as a parting warning.

Weeks later, Mauvais enthralled the quasi-vampire [[Bloodscream]] and the feral mutate [[Vermin]] to go on a murderous rampage. He tied himself to the spell that originally turned Bloodscream into a faux vampire, he belonged to Mauvais. After Wolverine defeated Vermin and Bloodscream, Mauvais infiltrated the set of a reality television series ?[[Stay Alive]]? by slaying and taking the form of the show?s host. Traveling to the show?s set in the Canadian Arctic, Mauvais revealed his true nature and began slaying the contestants. Mauvais began a ritual with the dead bodies and created a magical barrier meant to block the Northern Gods from Earth forever. He wanted to prevent them from being able to enter Canada, so he could rule it.

Witnessing the carnage on television, Wolverine headed north and confronted Mauvais. In actuality it was the Northern Gods leading Wolverine as their champion to confront Mauvais. The two fought until Mauvais attracted one of the Northern Gods creations...The monstrous [[Wendigo]]. They all began to battle and Mauvais killed Wendigo and consumed his heart, thus he became the Wendigo himself. He retained control of the beast?s persona, allowing his mind and abilities to remain but his strength amplified more than a regular Wendigo and thus Mauvais savagely beat Wolverine with his newfound power.

The timely arrival of [[Alpha Flight]] saved Wolverine, and together the heroes battled against the sorcerer. They arrived as [[Snowbird]] felt the place where the connection between Earth and the Northern Gods' home is strongest was being disrupted, which also weakened Snowbird. Unfortunately Mauvais?stength kept increasing, feeding his mystic column and locking the Gods out. During the battle Mauvais caused [[Aurora]] to have a mental breakdown, while [[Shaman]] and Wolverine attacked the column with a mystic root that was squeezing the life out of the column. Mauvais destroyed Shaman's mystic tree, revived the dead Wendigo and summoned other monsters whom rivaled it from Canada's past. Half of the team tried to fend off the monster horde, while Shaman and the others focused their energy on Mauvais' energy column.

Mauvais stretched his power far too thin maintaining the monsters, column, as well as holding off the attack on him allowed the team to destroy the column. However, all the mystic energy from the column went back into himself, now fully charged he was using his full power to try and kill Alpha Flight and Wolverine, until the Northern Gods arrived. [[Nelvanna]] felt their punishment was to lenient. In an act of deviance, Mauvais sent a blast at Nelvanna, who caught the energy and sent it back at him. It?s not their way to kill as told by Nelvanna or the blast would have killed him. Deeming a new prison needed to be implemented, they banished Mauvais into a portal. He struggled to the bitter end, and Wolverine made sure he was going, but was caught and was nearly pulled in until Mauvais let him go. As a premonition told him that his life is about to take a dark path, a place far worse than what he could have created. Mavais was sent to the [[Realm of the Beasts]], which a terrified Mauvais notices the [[Great Beasts]] are watching over him.

Mauvais is a sorcerer who derives his power from consumption of living flesh, growing stronger the more he eats. Mauvais can perform such mystic feats as teleportation of himself and others, moving objects via telekinesis, mentally controlling weaker minds, projection of mystic energy, illusion-casting, creating magical blades that can even seriously injure the [[Wendigo]], plant growth and manipulation, magical blasts, magical shields, ground manipulation and even resurrecting the dead to perform his bidding

Following the transformation into the [[Wendigo]], Mauvais gained superhuman strength in the excess of more than 100 tons, endurance, and reflexes, as well as supernaturally enhanced healing process enabling him to survive virtually any injury unharmed and giving him immunity to all forms of disease. He was in fact vastly physically stronger than a typical Wendigo, having his powers further augemented due to his magical influences making him the deadliest Wendigo incarnation ever.

For a full listing on the Wendigo abilities, please view the [[Wendigo]] entry.