|character_name=The Master Of The World
|debut=Alpha Flight #2 vol.1
|past_affiliations=[[Omega Flight]], [[Strike Force One]]
|status=Presumed Dead
|aliases=The Master of the World, Joshua Lord, The Forever Man, Master of Time, Master of Life
|weight=275 lbs
In prehistoric times, a man name Eshu was cast out of his tribe. When an alien ship owned by the [[Plodex]] race crash landed in [[North Pole]], Eshu was lured to it's beacon, to seek out Earths dominant life form. After an arduous journey Eshu reached the [[Plodex]] ship and entered it, where he was captured. Over many years, perhaps even hundreds, or thousands, the Plodex ship experimented on Eshu. He was dissected and reformed just to be dissected again. Over the many years spent in the Plodex ship's experiments, Eshu became more intelligent, and he learned to tap into the ships systems with his mind, eventually taking them over altogether; he was however unable to leave the ship. He sent out a signal to [[Marrina]], herself a member of the Plodex race, which brought her and Alpha Flight behind her. Knowing something of Alpha Flight's potential, Eshu, now calling himself The Master Of The World, planned on using Marrina as bait, to have them destroy enough of the ship to allow him to escape in a [[Master?s Submarine Base|submarine]] .

[[Image:Master_2.jpg|right]]Though no longer bound to the Plodex ship, The Masters' plans for word domination still revolved around his knowledge of this alien race. Using The technologies of the Plodex to yet again control Marrina, and her "[[Plodex Mate]]" The Master tried to dominate the world. Being foiled by Alpha Flight's [[Puck I|Puck]] and Marrina, with assistance from [[Namor]], The Submariner, The Master vanished for some time.

The Master managed to escape once again, and entered a state of suspended animation to preserve his body. After being revived by [[Llan]] The Sorcerer, The Master used enzymes extracted from the corps of [[Scramble]] The Mixed Up Man ([[Omega]])to rebuild his entire body, making it a perfect human specimen. In his new perfect body, the Master attempted to take over the Canadian government in the guise of Joshua Lord, taking advantage of the chaos triggered by the [[Super Power Registration Act]]. At the same time The Master reformed [[Omega Flight II]] to destroy [[Alpha Flight]], and prevent them from spoiling his plans. The Master managed to find [[Guardian I|James MacDonald Hudson]] trapped in dimensional limbo, and tried to use him as his secret weapon against Alpha Flight. [[Vindicator II|Heather Hudson]] helped her husband break the mental control of the Master, and together the seemingly made The Master destroy himself when his plans had failed.

The Master next rescued the [[U-Foes]] and drafted them into his service, an uneasy alliance. [[White Tiger]] came to the Master with information on the evil [[Man-Beast]], which she had been ordered to kill. After the White Tiger obtained materials for the Master, he told her that the Man-Beast was in the [[Vault]]; however, each side double-crossed each other. The White Tiger deliberately the Master the means to use the materials she had stolen for him, while the Master sent the U-Foes to destroy one of the Vault?s generators, causing a mass breakout, during which Man-Beast escaped.

When the U-Foes and the Hulk (under the [[Controller]]?s influence) attacked the UN during a meeting between several of the world?s prominent scientists, they were thwarted by [[Iron Fist]], White Tiger, [[Hercules]], who later formed the expanded [[Heroes for Hire]]. The Master began to monitor the group from within; mind-controlling their manager [[Hammond Jim|Jim Hammond]] and co-opting new recruit Luke Cage. Claiming he knew Cage?s father and cultivating a friendship of sorts with Cage, the Master told him of his ?benevolent? plans for the world and convinced Cage to join Heroes for Hire as an additional spy within the group. After the U-Foes and the Controller outstayed their welcome, the Master gave them up to the Heroes for Hire just before sending them into comas. He then had Jim Hammond send the Heroes for Hire to retrieve [[Hessler Wolfgang|Professor Wolfgang Hessler]] , who had been working on the [[Compound Omega Virus]], which renders it?s victims sterile. Hessler retreated to Symkaria and was under the protection of mercenaries [[Silver Sable]] and the [[Wildpack]]. Luke Cage betrayed his teammates, grabbed Hessler, and was teleported away by the Master?s retrieval plan. Raising [[Hydra Island]], the Master planned to release the Compound Omega Virus as a means to slowing the world?s rampant population growth. He unleashed [[Strike Force One]]-[[Amazon]], [[Behemoth]], [[Demi-God]], [[Dragonfist]], [[Knight Errant]], [[She-Cat]], [[Stinger]], which were clones of Heroes for Hire members [[She Hulk]], [[Hulk]], [[Hercules]], [[Iron Fist]], [[Black Knight]], [[White Tiger II|White Tiger]], and [[Ant Man II|Ant Man]] respectively, each imbued with the Master?s intelligence and experience-to fight the heroes off; however, Cage could not condone the Master?s willingness to kill in the pursuit of his goals, and he ultimately betrayed Eshu. Cage electrocuted the Master and destroyed Hydra Island, incinerating the virus with it.

At an unknown time, the Master found the long believed dead Marrina in a coma and began to experiment on her. He created Plodex clones to serve his will. When [[Kang]] decleared war on the world, the Master placed North America under his protection during Kang's assault. He erected massive half mile high, quarter mile thick walls all around the major U.S cities and kidnapped North America's major leaders and explained his plans to them. He wished to seal of North America, so Kang could eliminate part of the world's population which he earlier tried to do. A group of Avengers, led by [[Warbird]], set out to retrive the kidnapped leaders and seize the Master's technology as it was the only thing to prove greatly effective against Kang's forces. Assisted by the [[Silver Centurion]] the Avengers snuck in unnoticed, and clashed with the Master and his Plodex army. In the end Warbird impaled the master with a jagged peice of metal and believed he died. With the Master out of the picture the team used his technology to fend off Kang, but soon as when they triumphed the base disintergrated leaving no trace left.

Yet again it appears The Master had died, but with his history and proven resilience, this is unlikely to be the case as he is scheduled to appear in the new [[Omega Flight III|Omega Flight]] series.

'''Warning: Graphic content and should be read only by a mature reader.'''

When the Plodex Ship captured Eshu it decided it wanted to learn all it could about the human race on any and every conceivable and inconceivable level imaginable. The Master went insane, fleeing the intolerable pain by plunging himself into the soft, warm womb of madness His bones were ground to paste?one bone at a time, one millimeter at a time over the course of months. His blood was intermingled with a variety of liquids to see the effects it would have on his circulatory system, such as tar. His eyelids were turned inside out, his eyes popped out of his sockets like escargots. His tongue was subjected to taste impressions across the analytical spectrum. His skin was pulled off and stretched out, sewn back on, cauterized, liquefied and forced to bear the sensation of needles pricking at its surface, fire at its core. All but his brain was not studied and became incorported being absorbed into the greater functions of the ship, becoming at first a tiny extension of the computer matrix. However, his will was strong, his sense of self indomitable, it took 30,000 but he purged himself of madness and took control of the ship. His brain came to control the unliving machines around it, and were able to comman them to reconstruct his mortal form, but a perfect form this time.

The Master of the World is thousands of years old, and is the perfect human specimen. Thanks to his augementations, he no longer needs to eat as well as excrete waste. Stats are from The Official Handbook Of The Marvel Universe - Master Edition #13

'''Agility:''' The Master has enhanced human agility, which is beyond the natural limits of the human body. It was stated after the Master altered his body into a younger and better body his physical attributes increased. However, how much it increased was never stated.

'''Clone Army:''' Due to his genius biogenetics, the Master can clone various beings and reprogram their minds as he pleases, even to match his own. He created clones of [[Heroes for Hire]] members: [[She-Hulk]], [[Hulk]], [[Hercules]], [[Iron Fist]], [[Black Knight]], [[White Tiger I]] and [[Ant-Man II]] into the villian team of [[Strike Force One]]

[[Image:Master_3.jpg|left]]'''Costume Specifications:''' Helmet and battlesuit composed of unknown metal, including cybernetic mesh enabling the Master to control [[Plodex]] technology through mental commands. Devices within the Master?s helmet and battlesuit enable him to cast illusions disguising his appearance. The full extent of his suit abilities were never stated.

'''Durability:''' The Master has enhanced human durability; skin, bone and muscle augmented to make it stronger and harder than normal human. With the suit the Master has a powerful force field generated around him preventing physical attack and energy based attacks from causing harm. The suit is able to absorb energy attacks and redirects them, even from beings such as [[Warbird]]. His biological system regenerates allowing the Master to live for thousands of years.

'''Electromagnetic Dispersal:''' The Master has the ability to cause [[Guardian I]]?s suit to discharge its electromagnetic pulse allowing him to control [[Guardian I]]?s suit by magnetically alter things around him. Whether the Master has a form of electromagnetic manipulation with his suit was never shown.

'''Energy Blasts:''' The Master is capable of generating powerful energy that has destroyed a [[Ska?r]] in one blast. As well ?a gesture?and the air burns?, he nearly killed [[Tech-Noir]], [[Wyre]], [[Northstar]] and [[Aurora]] all with energy blasts that trapped them and if he held it for much longer it could have killed them. The Master found [[Firebug]]'s somewhat volatile molecules drifting in the wind, so he gathered them all up and absorbed into his armor systems and uses his power to it's full potential

'''Flight:''' Unreavled devices contained in the suit allow the Master to fly. His top speed in flight was never stated.

'''Fighting Skill:''' The Master retains his knowledge of hand-to-hand combat from the days as a tribal warrior forty thousand years ago. His knowledge of how to manipulate pressure points on humanoid bodies is so great he has even rendered [[Sub-Mariner|Namor]] unconscious with one strike. He is also a skilled swordsman.

'''Immortal:''' Master is nearly immortal, but not invulnerable. He has lived over 40,000 years.

'''Intelligence:''' The Master is stated to have an extraordinary genius, meaning he possesses genius in multiple intellectual fields. He is self-educated in all recorded knowledge of Earth humanity and of the alien [[Plodex]] through mental linkage with computers in his starship base. He?s in possession of knowledge of most of the [[Plodex]] (As of forty thousand years ago) and of humanity up to present. As the Master said, ?I rule from the shadows. I wasted time in battle with superhumans, but have decided of late to work more subtly, to order the world as I wish it?whether it?s people are aware of me or not. To the end, I have destabilize human society?seen that wrong people get elected, that tensions rise, that disasters strike, because humanity must be culled. The population must be smaller, much smaller..for this globe to support it in comfort?.

'''Plodex Army:''' With [[Marrina]]?s genetic code the Master has created a [[Plodex]] army that can survive in all environments and has even made humanoid [[Plodex]] guards. The full extent of the size or variety of his army was never explored.

'''Plodex Technology:''' When [[Kang]] was attacking Earth to take control, the Master came out of hiding and activated giant structures half a mile high, and a quarter mile thick around various major cities in North America. After seeing this [[Kang]] sent a sensor-pod down to investigate. The people of Earth began to attack it, however, ?not a scratch! That thing has a force field as good as the one around [[Kang]]?s orbital base?no way are we break through--!? With that one of the ring towers opens up and with one blasts incinerates the sensor-pod much to [[Warbird]]?s shock. These walls are strong enough to take attack from [[Wonderman]]. They also generate a powerful force field bubble around a city that repelled [[Kang]]?s army as well as hundreds of [[Sentinels]]. They are quasi-organic metal, and can grow replicants by harvesting raw materials from the Earth's crust. If the walls or sentry posts are destroyed he can quickly regrow more. It was said by [[Kang]], ?my studies indicated that the so-called Master of the World would never deign to ally himself with the [[Avengers]]?and that he could repel them easily if they tried to take his technology. He should not have been a factor till much later.? His base is an extension of himself, and can sense anyone who approaches it unless someone hinders his sensors. His base extends in branches and nodules under the entire Northern hemisphere, if a certain part of his base is compromised it could be destroyed. It was said the [[Plodex]] technology could only be understood by a genius and it took the combined intellect of [[Black Knight]], [[Yellowjacket]], [[Ironman]] and [[Stingray]] to partially understand it. The Master base was invisible to [[Kang]]?s sensors and [[Kang]] knew if he wanted to gain control of Earth he would have to do battle with the Master. The Master's technology was crucuial in the war against [[Kang]], if the [[Avengers]] didn't have it [[Kang]] would still be ruling right now.

[[Image:Master_4.jpg|right]]'''Plodex Wolves:''' After finding [[Marrina]], the Master began to create a [[Plodex]] army and created these powerful creatures. In the water they can travel great speeds; as said by Stingray, ?I?m betting It?d leave even [[Namor]] in it?s wake ?. They?re strong enough to cause [[Warbird]] to strain. On land they are faster than any four-legged creature on Earth. A pack of [[Plodex]] wolves pushed [[Quicksilver]], [[Silverclaw]], [[Yellowjacket]] and [[Warbird]] to their limits just to survive. They have limited intelligence, but their overall ability was never stated.

'''Reflexes:''' The Master has enhanced human reflexes, which is beyond the natural limits of the human body. He's quick enough to slice [[Wabird]] with an enhanced sword.

'''Speed:''' The Master has enhanced human speed allowing him to reach a peak speed of 61-65 mph.

'''Stamina:''' The Master has enhanced human stamina allowing him to sustain peak physical exertion before fatigue impairs performance for several hours.

'''Strength:''' The Master has enhanced human strength, allowing him to press 800lbs ? 2 ton range. He has been shown to knock out [[Sub-Mariner|Namor]] with one hit using pressure points. He even broke [[Sasquath I|Sasquatch's]] arm by dodging his attack and with both hands grabbed his arm breaking it.

'''Teleportation:''' His battle suit allows him to teleport to and from his recreated Plodex ship as well as teleport and travel between dimensions.

==Respect Thread==
A thread specifically created listing Eshu's greatest accomplishments in his career as well as stories that help define his character

Click the footnote to view the thread: