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Thread: X-Club #5 Spoilerful Thread

  1. #1

    Default X-Club #5 Spoilerful Thread


    So, anyone pick this up?

    What are your thoughts on the final page?

  2. #2


    I have not read it. I have, however, read some blogs online where people complain about the amount of stuff that was packed into this mini-series, saying that it was too much stuff, too many plots, and too many characters for such a short series. I've also read the basic plot, which, to me, sounded...weird. No plans to pick it up, unless i can find it in a bargain bin somewhere.
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  3. #3


    I really enjoyed it; it was good old fashioned superheroey sciencey stuff, and the 5th issue managed to bring all the plots together nicely in my opinion.
    As to the characters, it only really focuses on the 4 of them. Cyclops and co do pop in occasionally but definitely aren't the stars.
    I can definitely see why you wouldn't pick it up though, I can see that it wouldn't be everyone's cup of tea.

  4. #4


    I really enjoyed this mini, just wacky fun. A lot happened, but it was all resolved and interesting last page. This partnership has been building for years, and the way they did seems to work.

  5. #5


    The starfish and the lightning breath sea creatures were my faves. The whole sexual mechanophile thing never worked for me, mostly because it started too soon after Necrosha / Lil's death to make any sense. Don't want to neg on the X-Club tho.

    I did love the one brutal scene were Madison just rips a hole in the wall to get into the room. That's the "We don't need no stinkin' doors" attitude I expect from an Alpha Flight member.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  6. #6


    It actually started even before Necrosha even when Lil was still alive....yeah...awkward

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    It actually started even before Necrosha even when Lil was still alive....yeah...awkward
    Right. -K-M- and I are referring to a scene in New Mutants #9 (cover date March 2010) where the newly resurrected Cypher looks at Jeffries and Danger and says to Jeffries, "From Mr. Jeffries’ body language I’d say he has feelings for–", and he doesn't say it but he would have said "Danger". That's the first time I can find where the whole Jeffries/Danger thing started. That issue came out just after X-Force #22 when we first learned Lil was on Utopia. AWKWARD.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    "From Mr. Jeffries’ body language I’d say he has feelings for–", and he doesn't say it but he would have said "Danger".
    Ugh. Just ugh.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    That's the "We don't need no stinkin' doors" attitude I expect from an Alpha Flight member.
    That's great! Good work, that man!

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