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Thread: Hulk - Mayan Rule

  1. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    So here's why everybody in this argument is right:
    Walt's Sasquatch origin did begin with him bombarding himself with gamma radiation.
    However, that bombardment didn't create a new Hulk, but instead opened up a doorway for a mystical creature.

    Gamma radiation is the origin of his getting the power, but not the source of the power.
    If it hadn't been for Tanaraq, he'd likely have been another Hulk.

    So, if he were still in his original body (which he isn't), the way Marvel physics work, he could still be emitting gamma radiation.

    I think I left sense behind a couple of paragraphs ago.
    I think you make perfect sense and can happily agree with everything you've put there.

  2. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    I'm at a loss as to where this is coming from.
    I haven't seen manipulation mentioned anywhere.
    If it has been, I apologise.
    Alpha Flight #2, Vol.4
    "Quasar-level gamma rays concentrated the Hulk-stuff in Sasquatch's cells converted him to human form"

    Gamma manipulation reverted Walter back to human, however, I strongly believe there must have been something else that happened as there was a drawing of Tanaraq in Ranark's cave in AF #3 Vol.4 and he mentioned the Great Beasts were going to return but in the series they never did.
    Last edited by -K-M-; 06-12-2012 at 08:29 PM.

  3. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Alpha Flight #2, Vol.4
    "Quasar-level gamma rays concentrated the Hulk-stuff in Sasquatch's cells converted him to human form"
    That's true.
    I was thinking specifically about Hulk #53 so had put Vol. 4 out of my mind, so I apologise for that.
    (I still however think that had Banner not undergone the accident then Walter would never have attempted to copy it and thus never opened the portal so for that reason I personally can still understand/overlook the line in #53, but that's just me and I'm not trying to force it upon anyone)

    I think the issue with Volume 4 is that if they focused on the Tanaraq connection the Sasquatch would essentially just become Snowbird-lite and thus rendered pointless so they glossed over that side.
    Plus, other than us here I'd imagine no other readers remember Walt is in Snowbird's body and had they spent time explaining that it'd just waste space and lose readers even quicker than they did.

    So/However, the line *could* be explained via two ways:-

    A) Brown was a minion of The Master, brainwashed by Unity ( and wasn't a genius or scientist to start with) so was just running with whichever line The Master fed him, and gamma had nothing to do with the transformation and it was all Great Beadt related, like you noted
    I strongly believe there must have been something else that happened as there was a drawing of Tanaraq in Ranark's cave in AF #3 Vol.4 and he mentioned the Great Beasts were going to return but in the series they never did.
    (The fact that The Master used The Great Beasts as a reason for Snowbird being taken down but not Sas makes my thinking here slightly iffy though, which brings us to...)



    I hate to bring up this card as canon.

    I really hate to bring this card up as canon.

    Alpha Flight Volume 3 Issue 12.
    Last page.
    Last two panels.

    Walt is shown experimenting on himself, and while I don't have the issue to hand I believe the line is something along the lines of 'Langkowski goes back to his favourite pasttime, experimenting on himself again' (very rough remembering)

    Now the only time we've seen Walt experiment on himself before it was with Gamma, back in Vol.1 #11.
    So it's not a leap to assume that he's doing the same here.
    We could also infer from this that he was experimenting on himself with Gamma circa Deadpool #1 & AF Vol. 2 (I don't have the issues to hand, but while it wasn't stated he was, it wasn't stated he wasn't so we have a handbook-style loophole of canon)

    This could also explain/strengthen how he survived The Collective.

    Going with this, Walt is still in Snowbird's original body, and Tanaraq is still the source of his power and the reason behind his transformation BUT he also still has Gamma cells in his body, which while not doing anything due to Walt being immune to radiation are still present in his body and can be manipulated by The Master and sensed by The Mayan Gods.

    That sound like a feasible compromise?

  4. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Walt is shown experimenting on himself, and while I don't have the issue to hand I believe the line is something along the lines of 'Langkowski goes back to his favourite pasttime, experimenting on himself again' (very rough remembering)
    First panel: Walt, hooked up to machines, about to press a button.
    Caption: "Dr. Walter Langkowski has since returned to his lab where he continues to push the boundarties of biotechnology, using his favorite subject."
    Next panel, something like lightning striking a lab in the Arctic. Speech bubble: "Whoops."

  5. #50


    See? All of this is a perfect lead-in for Marvel to do an AF miniseries about....the Beta Project! Once and for all, our very own, Canadian super-hero project, not a shoehorned Project Rebirth or Weapon X/Plus/Multiply/Exponential.

    Maybe they can have the Beta Project trying to create a new Chinook or, better yet, use Puck's old gang to make super soldiers, not bad guys though. Or even the Beta Project to recreate what happened to Puck...
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  6. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    See? All of this is a perfect lead-in for Marvel to do an AF miniseries about....the Beta Project! Once and for all, our very own, Canadian super-hero project, not a shoehorned Project Rebirth or Weapon X/Plus/Multiply/Exponential.

    Maybe they can have the Beta Project trying to create a new Chinook or, better yet, use Puck's old gang to make super soldiers, not bad guys though. Or even the Beta Project to recreate what happened to Puck...
    I'd buy it! (Which means it'll never happen)
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  7. #52
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Hurray, Le Messor! You have taken a fractious thread and, in a brilliant display of logic and diplomacy, made peace amongst us all.

  8. #53


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    Hurray, Le Messor! You have taken a fractious thread and, in a brilliant display of logic and diplomacy, made peace amongst us all.
    I'll drink to that! So will Phil, I'm sure. Many times.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  9. #54


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    Hurray, Le Messor! You have taken a fractious thread and, in a brilliant display of logic and diplomacy, made peace amongst us all.
    Whoa. I know i just woke up from a nap, but i feel like I might have just fallen down a rabbit hole...where am I, and what have we done with logic and reason?
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  10. #55


    Marvel have posted a Q&A with Dale Eaglesham regarding his Hulk run, which features a preview image from Hulk #55 featuring AF:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Hulk55detail.jpg 
Views:	147 
Size:	85.2 KB 
ID:	2511

  11. #56
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    Hurray, Le Messor! You have taken a fractious thread and, in a brilliant display of logic and diplomacy, made peace amongst us all.

  12. #57


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    LOOK OUT! He's turning RED!

    You won't like him when he turns red.
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  13. #58
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    Still better than when I turn purple.

  14. #59
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Whoa. I know i just woke up from a nap, but i feel like I might have just fallen down a rabbit hole...where am I, and what have we done with logic and reason?
    I know, scary, eh?

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Marvel have posted a Q&A with Dale Eaglesham regarding his Hulk run, which features a preview image from Hulk #55 featuring AF:
    Aside from the art I'm not liking this story. Half of the team is in the hospital, the other half was taken out by the villain. AF will never draw in new fans if they are only ever seen as red shirts in every guest appearance.
    Last edited by Legerd; 06-17-2012 at 02:22 AM.

  15. #60


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    Aside from the art I'm not liking this story. Half of the team is in the hospital, the other half was taken out by the villain. AF will never draw in new fans if they are only ever seen as red shirts in every guest appearance.

    Which goes back to what i said here

    Is it possible that the only way Marvel would let another (Volume 4, in this case) AF mini be written, was that somebody had to pitch the idea of making AF a big joke? I mean, c'mon; one member (Aurora) is bat-s%&t crazy, one member (Puck) is bat-out-of-heck crazy, one member (Heather) killed her relatives in cold blood and fled, one member (James) is dealing with his wife and daughter fleeing away from him, one member (Marrina) cycles between the personalities of Wolverine and Deadpool, one member (Walter) is Hulk-dumb...need i go on? Seriously, Alpha Flight is a bigger joke now than when Mailman Mike wiped them out off-panel. It seems like Marvel never wants them to be treated seriosuly, never wants them to be a true heavy-hitter, always wants to treat them like the Great Lakes Avengers or something...I'm not impressed.
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