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Thread: Bendis on Cancelling X-Men Titles

  1. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by Mokole View Post
    Marvel has made mistakes in the past, like making Sasquatch a mutant, Puck, both avoiding Sentinels who can detect the x-factor, which neither character has.
    That's the thing.

    Take when Northstar & Aurora became elves rather than mutants.
    How stupid was that?
    How annoyed were we all?

    Imagine that times hundreds of thousands.

    That's what would happen if Marvel made every mutant an Inhuman.
    Sales would drop.

    Let's flip it:-

    Sasquatch, Shaman, Snowbird are suddenly Inhumans or Mutants.
    How would you all feel about that?

  2. #47
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    That's the thing.
    No, that's the Thing:
    Click image for larger version. 

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    Phil, you should know this!

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Imagine that times hundreds of thousands.
    We'd have a geek revolution on our hands! Almost as bad as the time the Picard / Kirk factions declared open battle; or the Leia and Han people went on a mass migration.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Sasquatch, Shaman, Snowbird are suddenly Inhumans or Mutants.
    How would you all feel about that?
    About how we felt when the twins became elves. Or when Sas DID become a mutant! A wolf mutant. (Thanks, Loeb.)

    ~ Le Messor
    George Takei: You see, the show was banned after the Star Trek wars.
    Captain Zapp Brannigan: You mean the mass migration of Star Wars fans?
    Nichelle Nichols: No, that was the Star Wars trek.
    ~ Futurama

  3. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    That's the thing.
    Take when Northstar & Aurora became elves rather than mutants.
    How stupid was that?
    How annoyed were we all?
    Imagine that times hundreds of thousands.
    That's what would happen if Marvel made every mutant an Inhuman.
    Sales would drop.
    Let's flip it:-
    Sasquatch, Shaman, Snowbird are suddenly Inhumans or Mutants.
    How would you all feel about that?
    I don't think it's any crazier than DC rebooting their entire Universe (to the New 52). Sure there are plenty of upset fans, but they're in no danger financially, by any stretch of the imagination.

  4. #49


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    No, that's the Thing:
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	4Fthing2.jpg 
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ID:	4339
    Phil, you should know this!
    Now that was funny!

  5. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I don't think it's any crazier than DC rebooting their entire Universe (to the New 52). Sure there are plenty of upset fans, but they're in no danger financially, by any stretch of the imagination.
    DC's reboot added titles though, it didn't cancel them...
    Not having titles loses money...

  6. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    DC's reboot added titles though, it didn't cancel them...
    Not having titles loses money...
    Oh! I am not arguing they'd ever cancel X-Men. (I thought that was clear from my previous posts?)

    I am arguing that they could make a drastic change, like change them all to Inhumans.

    Or something other than "mutants"...

    Rest assured, I'd argue against anyone and everyone, if they said Marvel plans to cancel X-Men. That in itself, is a silly notion.

    But I foresee a big change coming to the mutant world.

    (And it's not because I am holding the Watcher's eye in my hand, I promise!)

  7. #52


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I am arguing that they could make a drastic change, like change them all to Inhumans.

    Or something other than "mutants"...
    But WHY?

    Change is the only constant in comics, things radically change constantly. A few years ago, the X-Men were based in San Francisco, then they were a pair of dueling schools, there is absolutely bound to be a new status quo coming on down the line, but completely changing the entire premise of the series in a way that wouldn't even really result in new/different stories... why? What would be the purpose? The Inhumans already exist, they are a different thing, they are a separate thing, and most importantly, they are a far less popular thing.

    The only connection the two have is that Inhumans may be taking the place of mutants in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, solely because they don't have the rights to mutants. It would be to fill an important gap in the makeup of the world, but it still would have nothing to do with the X-Men, and no such contradictions exist in the comics. They don't have a reason to change mutants to something less recognizable in the comics, so why the heck would they do it?

  8. #53
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Wouldn't the Inhumans be tied closer to The Fantastic Four than The Avengers anyway, which would tie them up with Fox, too, making that a moot point.

    ~ Le Messor
    "It's a moo point. The kind of point a cow would make."
    ~ Joey

  9. #54


    I am not saying that they WILL change it. (I personally THINK they will).
    With the success of the Avengers franchise (in movies - Avengers, Cap, Thor, Iron Man) - and apparently in Avengers (movies) they're not allowed to reference the "Mutant" word. So either, they don't ever say they're mutants and just never ask how it comes up. Or they change how Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver "got" their powers.

    Now we have seen, many times, where things that happened in movies, make it into the comics. Admittedly, typically it's pretty minor. For example, we saw Sabretooth's appearance change for awhile to resemble the Sabretooth from the Wolverine movie. We saw Mystique get the "scaled" look that she had from the X-Men movies (prior to X-Men: Origins).

    So, if they do go another route to explain how Quicksilver and Scarlet Witch got their powers; I could see Marvel making a change to the comics, so any new readers they acquire have that same connection to the movies. Maybe they will just change those two. Maybe they won't even change them. But Marvel has said there's a big event coming that will have a huge impact.

    So I am speculating. I am just saying, I could see it. Just so, everything syncs between comic and movie. And also frees up Disney/Marvel to possibly use the characters since they will be free of "the mutant name."

    All speculation.

  10. #55


    But that's the thing; if they change Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver into Inhumans so they can use them in the films (though I think they'll go the route you touched on and just not mention the specifics of their powers which ties into the 'miracles'), so be it, as to be fair they're more Avengers than they are X-Men (Peter David has already said that he was told from the start he could only have Quicksilver in All-New X-Factor until 2015, when he'll be moved to Avengers books) but changing all the X-Men into Inhumans doesn't serve any purpose - Marvel can't just suddenly make a 'Wolverine The Inhuman' film, so it's a null point.

  11. #56


    (in responce to initial post)

    I didn't find it condescending at all, TBH... I've seen people who are like that on the internet. I go to /co/ on 4chan for example... which generally has some useful threads and decent conversation depending upon time of day and stuff.... but there are always those fans who think that a book should be exactly the way they themselves want it, and if anything takes a new direction they don't like they loose their god damn minds with conspiracy theories and act like it's the end of the world. It's always fans of A and B listers... characters who are the most likely to come back after being killed off and such, who ***** the most. I'm totally with Bendis on this.

    I'm not sure what they have planned for the X titles, but it's not like the X titles never change. And I hope Wolverine stays dead for a good while. It will be the best thing that's happened to that character in a long time, what with all the 'Origins' bull****. I hope that when they bring him back that they retcon 'James Howlet' out of existence. I hope when he comes back his franchise will be refreshed a bit. Granted, I'm doubting his death will actually stop them from publishing a book about Wolverine in the afterlife or some ****, but then, that might actually be interesting... they've done everything else two or three times over.

    As to books going on hiatus... well, that's better than putting someone sub par on a book to fill space, or making someone write the book who doesn't want to do so. This isn't the 90's, Marvel has money, so it's not like a crisis where books are being canceled abruptly without tying up any loose ends. I don't think it's really such a big deal, and if I had money, I'd be collecting comics again.

    Also, I would LOVE for them to reboot the X movie franchise. Or at least get a different actor to play Storm. They marginalize her in every movie despite what an important character she is. I think it's because Hally Berry is so god awful.
    Last edited by EccentricSage; 07-22-2014 at 02:29 PM.
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
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  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by EccentricSage View Post
    I'm doubting his death will actually stop them from publishing a book about Wolverine in the afterlife or some ****, but then, that might actually be interesting... they've done everything else two or three times over.
    ... and they've already done that once. Puck was in it. So they still have one or two times to go.

    Quote Originally Posted by EccentricSage View Post
    Or at least get a different actor to play Storm. They marginalize her in every movie despite what an important character she is. I think it's because Hally Berry is so god awful.
    You think it's because of Halle Berry?

    I don't think she's awful - but she's no Storm. I always wanted Vanessa Williams (see Eraser). Actually, I wanted Tina Turner, maybe Grace Jones, but they're both far too old now.

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  13. #58


    Funny, I thought Vanessa Williams would have made a perfect STORM as well.

    I will say this about this thread - it reminds me of the X-Men (since that's the topic).

    It keeps dying.

    Then coming back.


    Then coming back!

  14. #59


    Oh yeah, I know... but sending them to Hell still seems like a stupid idea to me... I don't know if it made more sense in context of the writing or whatever, and maybe it's because I'm not Christian, but I think it's stupid... Especially since 'Hell' is already covered by the Norse part of Marvel Mythology come to life. I'm sure you can imagine how I feel about Nightcrawler actually being the son of a demon or some crap, too... I mean, if a devout member of an abramic religion goes to ether some version of Heaven or 'Hell', cool, I'm down with that... but making characters demons for no reson when their powers had already had an origin, and sending an atheist to hell...

    But yeah like you said, they've only done it once! XD And I mean, was he even REALLY dead that time?

    As to Storm in the movies... Hally can only play abused women. She belongs on Lifetime, not in superhero movies. Pathetic. I'd heard from others that there were deleted scenes for Storm in Days of Future Past, where in the final cut she's just a background character. Given the fact that Storm is a very important X-Man but has been nothing but a 'Sexy Lamp' in ALL the X-Men movies, if it's true she had scenes and they got cut, yeah, I'm blaming Hally for turning Storm into a simpering bimbo. That probably has SOMETHING to do with it.

    I was thinking Iman for storm... She's statuesque, intimidating, but warm and kind underneath, and she actually is from Africa and has an incredible commanding voice... she wouldn't really even have to TRY. lol
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
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  15. #60
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by EccentricSage View Post
    I'm sure you can imagine how I feel about Nightcrawler actually being the son of a demon or some crap, too...
    Worse, the mutant that 'demons' now are.
    I don't like Chuck Austen.

    Quote Originally Posted by EccentricSage View Post
    But yeah like you said, they've only done it once! XD And I mean, was he even REALLY dead that time?
    Oh, who can even keep track?

    Quote Originally Posted by EccentricSage View Post
    As to Storm in the movies... Hally can only play abused women.
    I loved her in The Flintstones!

    Quote Originally Posted by EccentricSage View Post
    Given the fact that Storm is a very important X-Man but has been nothing but a 'Sexy Lamp' in ALL the X-Men movies, if it's true she had scenes and they got cut, yeah, I'm blaming Hally for turning Storm into a simpering bimbo. That probably has SOMETHING to do with it.
    There are many, many reasons why scenes or even entire characters end up on the cutting room floor.
    Do you blame Christopher Lee for Saruman not being in The Return of the King (Theatrical release)?

    ~ Le Messor
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    Last edited by Phil; 07-24-2014 at 07:38 AM.

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