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Thread: Article: Amazing X-Men #10 Sales Figures

  1. #1

  2. #2

    Default people just have short attention spans, or...wait, what were we talking about? Oh, yeah, right...or does almost every series of comics books drop in quality from issue to issue, starting with issue 2?
    I begin to see why short series are the way to go. I hate it, but I see why.
    Last edited by Flightpath07; 09-19-2014 at 05:49 PM.

  3. #3


    I wouldn't say it's a drop in quality, just a drop in readers.

    With a first issue, or a first issue of an arc or new creative team people will try the title out. If it isn't to their taste then they'll drop the book.
    With the way pre-ordering works subscribers are tied to 2-3 months worth of issues so that's naturally when you'll see a drop, or if they've just given it a few issues to see if they will like it this will help retailers judge how many to order for the shelf for casual purchases.

    I'm not a fan of the constant new #1's and trade-sized runs, but like you I do see it in a business sense.

  4. #4


    It's obvious the series is being kept alive by Alpha Flight, who are totally awesome, and that's why it's doing as well as it is. They should leave them in as permanent guest stars, or spin them off into their own book for v5.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  5. #5


    That's a shame as #10 was a very good read. I'm surprised this book has been dropping so much as I loved it right from issue #1

  6. #6


    To be fair August was a bad month all round, and it still beat Hulk, Silver Surfer, Captain America etc...

  7. #7


    I'm surprised it beat hulk and cap.

    Hulk has been struggling as of late, can't seem to catch his stride and goes through way to many reboots and relaunches I think it's actually hurting him

    i like the new silver surfer run, very Dr.who style and it's just fun. Not surprised it's not doing as well though.

    captain america only followed for abit. What I read was ok, but removed from my pull list as already had to many. I thought it was doing very well

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    With a first issue, or a first issue of an arc or new creative team people will try the title out. If it isn't to their taste then they'll drop the book.
    With the way pre-ordering works subscribers are tied to 2-3 months worth of issues so that's naturally when you'll see a drop,
    I was inclined to agree with FP's short attention span theory, but this makes a lot more sense, and doesn't cause cynicism in laboratory rats.

    ~ Le Messor
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