A couple of thoughts from a long-time lurker:

- Great, great art. I do not remember when AF had such a great art except for the Byrne issues and the early Jim Lee issues. AF vol. 3 had some great art too, but with the dreadful Lobdell plot, it's better left forgotten

- Perfect characterization. Mac was bland, but he is Mac, and being bland (or dead...) has always been part of who he is. Heather came off as a bit off, only focusing on her child, which makes sense. Everyone else was spot on. Best, strongest Aurora we have seen in a long time. I especially enjoyed the Weapon X use of her powers.

- The political analogy is a bit far-fetched, though interesting considering our recent elections. Montreal was surprisingly well-depicted, all the streets that were named were accurate and actually made sense. Even the French that was used was right on target. I believe it's the first time an AF issue really felt accurate language and landscape wise for someone from that part of the country.

- Good timing, a lot of humour (who would have pictured Snowbird handling parking tickets!), a lot of sensibility (Jean-Paul scenes with Kyle had a nice gradation for anyone who may not know them, with the realization they are a couple only being really apparent on the last page) and a lot of questions (Kara portrayed as the ennemy when she might just be fighting on the right side...and what the heck is with Marrina's new attitude?).

Overall, an extremely solid issue, on par with the Byrne issues or the very first issues of Volume 2. I am back on board and seriously impressed.