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Thread: Wolverine #304 (2012) - Return of an Alpha Flight member

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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Popular superhero comics have almost always been based around teenagers. Original X-Men were teenagers. And teams like X-Men have had many teenagers on them. FF always had teen-like angst, with the jokes and stuff between Johnny and Ben, and with Johnny being so immature. Spider-Man was the teen with the jokes, swinging through the city, one step ahead of the authoritative figure of J. Jonah Jamison.
    I've got nothing against teenagers or fun in comics, I just don't feel that being 'fun' should be an excuse for sloppy writing - "Why did that just happen? Oh it doesn't matter because it's fun!" "Why are there all these Bamf's with no explanation or reason? Oh, people won't care because they're fun!"

    Comics about teens hit with a wide variety of audiences. Teens can relate, but so can adults as we have all been teens (and most of us, mentally, still feel like we ARE teens). Children can relate, as they are approaching (and looking up to) teenagers.
    Again, my issue was never about teenagers.

    This, to me, is a perfect setting; a school. It is silly, it is humorous. But, take away the super-powers, and it is a lot like real life. And that is what makes it work.
    That's fine, but you can have humourous and fun and real life AND good writing.
    That was what I liked about Byrne's AF - The Puck/Walt banter, and his FF - The Jonny/Ben banter, as you mentioned above.
    Fun, but made sense.

    But again, I seem to be the only person online who feels this way, so it's probably me.

    As far as Wolvie the Headmaster not fitting with other people's versions of himself, I think this Wolverine was more taken from the popular and successful Wolverine and the X-Men animated series.
    But its not though; it's direct 616 continuity straight out of Schism, and crosses over with Uncanny X-Force and AvX, hence the disjointed.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    "Why are there all these Bamf's with no explanation or reason? Oh, people won't care because they're fun!"
    Ah, but one of the characters (can't offhand remember which one) asked about them too. I beleive it was Logan (?) who said he would explain later. Just because everything isn't explained upfront, doesn't mean necessarily that there is no good reason for it. As an aside, I really loved the (original) Nightcrawler limited series with the Bamfs and all that, it was one of the most fun series i have ever read, and I was proud to pass on my love of it ot my daughter.

    But again, I seem to be the only person online who feels this way, so it's probably me.
    I think you are too hard on yourself, sir! Just because we disagree, doesn't mean we cant be civil.

    Unless we are in a civil war, then we cant be civil, because that would just be silly.

    But its not though; it's direct 616 continuity straight out of Schism, and crosses over with Uncanny X-Force and AvX, hence the disjointed.
    IMHO, it is more disjointed for Wolverine to be on 16-hundred different super-teams.
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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Ah, but one of the characters (can't offhand remember which one) asked about them too. I beleive it was Logan (?) who said he would explain later. Just because everything isn't explained upfront, doesn't mean necessarily that there is no good reason for it.
    Well when it's explained I'll gladly eat my words and my hat

    I think you are too hard on yourself, sir! Just because we disagree, doesn't mean we cant be civil.
    Oh, not just here.
    I've been saying that for a while, as so far I haven't seen a bad review.

    IMHO, it is more disjointed for Wolverine to be on 16-hundred different super-teams.
    I agree, so giving him an extra title and role and team really isn't helping.

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