My favorite used to be Snowbird. She fell into the exotic female category of characters like Storm and Starfire, but over time, that's changed.

I think my alltime favorite Alphan is Marrina Smallwood. Not so much for what was done to her, but for her potential. I loved that the nature versus nurture debate was pretty much personified in her (although I wish nurture had won out), and her being a small-town girl was a really nice touch. That she grew up without any of the angst or self-loathing that one would likely see had the character been created in today's comics climate was another nice touch.

It just seemed like no one really knew what to do with her. Marry her off to Namor. Turn her into a sea-monster, and then kill her (twice).

I would have loved to see her stay the sweet, even-tempered small-town girl. Heh. The literal small fish in a big pond, as it were Ah, well, there's always fanfic for that

Not sure what to make of Marrina 2.0 in the new series quite yet, but I'll wait and see.

Least-favorite? I never read religiously after Byrne left, and didn't read anything after Alpha 1.0, so it's a toughie.

I think maybe Wild Child, because I (admittedly, maybe unfairly, since I assume a lot of work was done with him later in the series) saw him as basically another Wolverine.

Take it and run,