Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
The problem with an MCU AF would be that they wouldn't be able to have Northstar & Aurora, or at least have them as mutants because Fox own the rights to mutants (Though it will be interesting to see Quicksilver & Scarlet Witch's powerset in Avengers 2), and Mac & heather won't be able to be named Hudson as again, Fox owns those names due to the bastardization in X-Men:Origins - Wolverine.
Not necessarily, Quicksilver's inclusion in both films proves that there are grey areas, that just because a character was used in one franchise doesn't mean they (or their name) are automatically off-limits in another. It just depends on if the Hudsons are considered to essentially be Wolverine supporting cast, or if Alpha Flight is its own entity independent of the X-Men books they debuted in. And until explicitly told otherwise, I CHOOSE TO BELIEVE.

The mutant thing is true, but there are any number of easy excuses they could make for the twins to have powers, I wouldn't really call it a problem.

Department H exists in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, that has to be worth something, right?