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Thread: Favorite (Marvel) Heroes and Villains. Not Just Alpha Flight.

  1. #1

    Default Favorite (Marvel) Heroes and Villains. Not Just Alpha Flight.

    The Alpha Flight favorite/least favorite seems to be doing well - so I figured, how about a general - who is your favorite Marvel hero(es) and villain(s)? And what draws you to them?

  2. #2


    Favourite hero: Always has been and always will be... Wolverine.
    Written by Claremont, drawn by Byrne... there has never been another character like him. To me, he defines the essence of a comic book hero.
    Favourite villain: Ultron.
    The first comics I ever read were The Avengers in the early-to-mid 70's (somewhere around issue 135-ish). I remember seeing Ultron in those early issues, written and drawn to be the embodiment of pure evil. Always the most terrifying villain for me.
    The Flight Forever !

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Alphan East View Post
    Favourite hero: Always has been and always will be... Wolverine.
    Written by Claremont, drawn by Byrne... there has never been another character like him. To me, he defines the essence of a comic book hero.
    Favourite villain: Ultron.
    The first comics I ever read were The Avengers in the early-to-mid 70's (somewhere around issue 135-ish). I remember seeing Ultron in those early issues, written and drawn to be the embodiment of pure evil. Always the most terrifying villain for me.
    Amazing. We could be - or could have been - brothers at one time! Well, if blood relation was determined by favorite hero and villains...

    Eons ago (far too many than I care to count, over 30+ years ago) my best friend handed me Uncanny X-Men #121 and Avengers #159. Immediately, I thought Wolverine and Nightcrawler were amazing in Uncanny X-Men. Over in Avengers #159, I thought Graviton was amazing. But then my sister, somehow acquired Avengers #66. First appearance of Adamantium (which would become historic!) - but more importantly, first appearance of my favorite - to this date! - Ultron 6. My freaking favorite Ultron. Ever. EVER!

    Wolverine, however, would eventually fall off my favorite. I was loyally reading Uncanny X-Men #121 onward - and went back and collected the back issues, when I saved my lunch money and could afford it - and somewhere around Uncanny X-Men #200 - things, in the X-Men, in general got messy for me. Then when Clairemont and Lee relaunched the (adjectiveless) X-Men, I saw Wolverine shine again. (Especially with the introduction of Omega Red, who I am bummed never got far more play). But again, Wolverine would eventually fade from interest for me. More so, now more than ever, since he's in like EVERY single book - including six of his own titles or whatever. I understand why Marvel does it - so many people love Wolverine, still - so he is their cash cow at the moment. But they over did it for me.

  4. #4


    Going off the board.

    Favourite hero, since the early days of West Coast Avengers, has always been Tigra. She fun, sexy, moody, she runs around in a bikini, kicks arse - what isn't to love? (Mind you, I think writers have ruined her in the last few years, from what I hear).

    Other favourite heroes include Moon Knight (back in the early days, before they twisted him into a sociopathic killer), Wonder Man (back in his WCA days especially, I loved the red jacket and sunglasses look when he was breaking into the stuntman business), Gargoyle (from The Defenders), Hellcat (love the connection to Tigra!), the Shroud (the villain who is really a hero!), and Werewolf By Night (love me some werewolves!). Oh, and Nighthawk. And "The Captain", lol.

    Villains? Hm, I'd have to think about that...unfortunately, on my way to work, so maybe I will drop back in later with some more thoughts!
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  5. #5


    Comic brothers from different mothers.
    Still love to go back and read some of those old issues. Seemed like back then every Avengers issue was pure gold storytelling.
    And the villains... Kang, Thanos, Graviton, Count Nefaria, The Grim Reaper, Michael (Korvac), and Ultron.
    That period also had my favourite Avengers lineup of all-time... Cap, Iron Man, Thor, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Wonder Man, Yellowjacket, Wasp, and Beast.
    That was the golden age of comics for me.
    The Flight Forever !

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Going off the board.
    Favourite hero, since the early days of West Coast Avengers, has always been Tigra. She fun, sexy, moody, she runs around in a bikini, kicks arse - what isn't to love? (Mind you, I think writers have ruined her in the last few years, from what I hear).
    So this... and Wildchild as your favorite Alpha Flight and...

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Other favourite heroes include [...] Hellcat (love the connection to Tigra!), [...] and Werewolf By Night (love me some werewolves!).
    Tells me you dig the animal related characters!

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Other favourite heroes include Moon Knight (back in the early days, before they twisted him into a sociopathic killer), Wonder Man (back in his WCA days especially, I loved the red jacket and sunglasses look when he was breaking into the stuntman business), Gargoyle (from The Defenders), Hellcat (love the connection to Tigra!), the Shroud (the villain who is really a hero!), and Werewolf By Night (love me some werewolves!). Oh, and Nighthawk. And "The Captain", lol.
    So did you collect THE NEW DEFENDERS (or what some people called "X-Men Lite" because it had Beast, Iceman and Angel on the team). That version of the New Defenders, was by and far, my favorite era of the Defenders. I love, love, LOVE Gargoyle as well (as well as Valkyrie!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Alphan East View Post
    Comic brothers from different mothers.
    Still love to go back and read some of those old issues. Seemed like back then every Avengers issue was pure gold storytelling.
    And the villains... Kang, Thanos, Graviton, Count Nefaria, The Grim Reaper, Michael (Korvac), and Ultron.
    That period also had my favourite Avengers lineup of all-time... Cap, Iron Man, Thor, Vision, Scarlet Witch, Wonder Man, Yellowjacket, Wasp, and Beast.
    That was the golden age of comics for me.
    I firmly believe we may, indeed, be brothers from a different comic mother.

    I have been getting the Avengers Essentials, to read those older issues, without having to dig out my actual copies. Next I want the essential X-Men to get those golden years of 94 through like 175.

  7. #7


    Yes Tawmis, i am an animal lover at heart, especially cats. Yes, i collected (and enjoyed) the new defenders you speak of. the only Defenders team i did NOT like, was what is often referred to as the classic team (Namor, Hulk, Silver Surfer, and Dr Strange - always hated that team). And i was PUMPED when Arachne (Spider-Woman) joined Omega Flight, as she had been dating Shroud and i hoped to get to see some of him (or even have him join the team) - no such luck.

    And i had forgotten about Valkyrie; she's awesome!

    I even collected the short-lived Defenders comics that came out after civil war; man, that was bad.
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  8. #8


    I don't know about Villain, but my favorite superheroes are:

    *Violet from Rat Queens: if I was a superhero and awesome, I would be Violet. I look like her, and I have her heart and spirit.

    *Nightcrawler: He is the heart of everything. I prefer a non-priest Nightcrawler as I am not overly religious, at all, and I think making him a priest pins him down too much and limits the character.

    *Namor: Fascinated by him. I love him.

    *Meggan Braddock: If Meggan is in it, and I have access to it, I'm going to read it. Unfortunately, a lot of the Captain Britain stuff is either super difficult for me to get my hands on, or it's just soooo expensive. I LOVE Meggan. She is probably one of my most favorite Marvel ladies, ever. She's powerful, adorable, and loveable.

    *Quicksilver: He's a jerk, but he has a heart.

    *Northstar and Aurora: My most favorite twins.

    Obviously, I have a thing for speedsters and pointed ears. All but one of my favorite characters has pointed ears. <3 I LOVE EARS.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Yes Tawmis, i am an animal lover at heart, especially cats. Yes, i collected (and enjoyed) the new defenders you speak of. the only Defenders team i did NOT like, was what is often referred to as the classic team (Namor, Hulk, Silver Surfer, and Dr Strange - always hated that team). And i was PUMPED when Arachne (Spider-Woman) joined Omega Flight, as she had been dating Shroud and i hoped to get to see some of him (or even have him join the team) - no such luck. And i had forgotten about Valkyrie; she's awesome! I even collected the short-lived Defenders comics that came out after civil war; man, that was bad.
    I absolutely love Valkyrie. And that's very cool that you collected New Defenders. So if you loved Gargoyle and crew; that means you probably collected previous to New Defenders as well. Did you collected Defenders when it was just the Power Four as I call them?

    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    *Violet from Rat Queens: if I was a superhero and awesome, I would be Violet. I look like her, and I have her heart and spirit.
    I don't even know this Marvel comic?

    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    *Nightcrawler: He is the heart of everything. I prefer a non-priest Nightcrawler as I am not overly religious, at all, and I think making him a priest pins him down too much and limits the character.
    Can't blame you!

    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    *Namor: Fascinated by him. I love him.
    *Quicksilver: He's a jerk, but he has a heart.
    *Northstar and Aurora: My most favorite twins.
    You have a thing for people with attitudes, along with pointed ears.
    (I suspect when you get ElfQuest, Strongbow is going to be your favorite...)

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I don't even know this Marvel comic?
    Pre-coffee posting sucks for me. I forgot it was Marvel (somehow). Doesn't matter, though, Violet is still the best. Ever.
    You will not destroy my soul and pick it apart, Tawmis! My fave is still Violet and always will be even though she is not Marvel (thank GOD).

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    You have a thing for people with attitudes, along with pointed ears.
    (I suspect when you get ElfQuest, Strongbow is going to be your favorite...)
    And, yes, I love pointed ears AND speedsters. <3

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    Pre-coffee posting sucks for me. I forgot it was Marvel (somehow). Doesn't matter, though, Violet is still the best. Ever.
    You will not destroy my soul and pick it apart, Tawmis! My fave is still Violet and always will be even though she is not Marvel (thank GOD).
    At least you didn't name Snowbird as your favorite villain...!

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    At least you didn't name Snowbird as your favorite villain...!
    You keep testing my nerves and I just may!

  13. #13


    As promised, my long-winded Marvel villains "rant":

    My fave Marvel villain, by far, is also one of my fave Marvel heroes - Wild Child.

    After that, in no particular order, here are some of my fave Marvel villains:

    Garrison Kane
    Sebastian Shaw
    General Clarke
    Grim Reaper
    Master Pandemonium (please don't call him Master Pandabear!)
    Wrecking Crew
    Norman Osborne, in any guise
    The Zodiac Cartel
    Crimson Dynamo
    The Night Shift
    Master of the World
    Morgan Le Fay
    Scramble the Mixed-Up Man
    "the scrambled eggs" - yes, THOSE eggs.
    Puppet Master
    Paste Pot Pete
    Werewolf By Night (also on my heroes list)
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  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    As promised, my long-winded Marvel villains "rant":
    My fave Marvel villain, by far, is also one of my fave Marvel heroes - Wild Child.
    After that, in no particular order, here are some of my fave Marvel villains:
    I think we would get along, smashingly!

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    A lot of people dig Juggs. (Er... you know what I mean...)

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Garrison Kane
    Interesting choice - if I remember correctly, the guy that appeared early in X-Force?

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Sebastian Shaw
    Such excellent taste, good sir. I love me some Sebastian Shaw. The whole Hellfire Club, really.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Another great choice; admittedly, a bit biased because of how he tied in the New Warriors.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Thank you! Another great choice! Both her and Absorbing Man got some pretty cool development. I wish we could have seen more. She reminded me very much of the first impression of Diamond Lil.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Grim Reaper
    Classic stuff there.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Master Pandemonium (please don't call him Master Pandabear!)
    Another wonderful choice. Very unique. Interesting origin.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Wrecking Crew
    So very awesome.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    The Night Shift
    I would love to see more with them.

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Always, always, always partial to him. My first Avengers villain I read in Avengers #159.
    Loved his use in Thunderbolts too (though it sucked that he killed some of the Redeemers...)

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Master of the World
    Yes! Loved that Busiek used him later in Avengers!

    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Scramble the Mixed-Up Man
    He was interesting for sure; especially compared to his brother (an element I loved; one shapes metal; one shapes flesh!) Not sure he would rank in my favorites, however!

  15. #15
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    The Alpha Flight favorite/least favorite seems to be doing well - so I figured, how about a general - who is your favorite Marvel hero(es) and villain(s)? And what draws you to them?
    General! (Mik salutes.)
    Going broad won't change my answers - my favourite comic book character is still Nemesis in that one Byrne appearance (still not counting Mantlo's origin of her!); villain still the DreamQueen. However, in the spirit of this thread:

    Favourite non-Alphan Marvel heroes:
    the original New Warriors
    (Nicieza's NWs and the Byrne / Claremont X-Men are some of the few serieses that have ever inspired me to anything like the love Byrne's Alpha Flight did. Peter David's Young Justice did, too, but that's DC.)

    I like the idea of Cloak and Dagger, but have never regularly read their series.
    Power Pack are cool, too.

    I'm going to list Psionex somewhere between the fave heroes and fave villains. (My dad, who sometimes used to read my comics, keeps saying Pretty Persuasions is his favourite character.)

    Dark Phoenix,
    Um... y'know, I'm having a much harder time thinking of them than I expected. Weird.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Eons ago (far too many than I care to count, over 30+ years ago) my best friend handed me Uncanny X-Men #121 and Avengers #159. Immediately, I thought Wolverine and Nightcrawler were amazing in Uncanny X-Men.
    Ironically, I thought Wolverine and Nightcrawler were uncanny in Amazing X-Men.

    I figured out a while ago that I had most of the Fantastic Four #200-300; so, for the sake of it, I bought the rest. (Still missing one - #226, I think).
    I then looked into The Avengers to see if I had a similar sitch - and it was #100-#200 that I have a lot of. I haven't got to the point of hunting them down yet, but I'm considering it. There's some great storytelling there - Roy Thomas's era, wasn't it?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I was loyally reading Uncanny X-Men #121 onward ... and somewhere around Uncanny X-Men #200 - things, in the X-Men, in general got messy for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    So did you collect THE NEW DEFENDERS (or what some people called "X-Men Lite" because it had Beast, Iceman and Angel on the team). That version of the New Defenders, was by and far, my favorite era of the Defenders. I love, love, LOVE Gargoyle as well (as well as Valkyrie!)
    I've never collected Defenders. All I've got is an Avengers / Defenders hardcover.
    I think I'll start considering it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    *Violet from Rat Queens: if I was a superhero and awesome, I would be Violet. I look like her, and I have her heart and spirit.
    *Quicksilver: He's a jerk, but he has a heart.
    All but one of my favorite characters has pointed ears.
    Assuming that's Violet in your avatar, wouldn't that be two round-ears?

    People used to tell me I should get my ears pointed by plastic surgery. (Mostly people who thought I looked kinda Vulcan already.)
    I never did it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Crackity Jones View Post
    *Nightcrawler: He is the heart of everything. I prefer a non-priest Nightcrawler as I am not overly religious, at all, and I think making him a priest pins him down too much and limits the character.
    Ugh... and now you're reminding me of Uncanny #s 423-424... Ugh. Using The Uncanny X-Men to promote bigotry and intolerance is a novel approach, I'd say.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    I love me some Sebastian Shaw. The whole Hellfire Club, really.
    As originally conceived, they nearly made my 'list'.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
    Another great choice; admittedly, a bit biased because of how he tied in the New Warriors.
    Like him, (Terrax), mostly for that reason, but not a favourite.

    ~ Le Messor
    "Everyone needs a nemesis; Holmes had Moriarty, Bond had Blowfeld, even Maggie has that one-eyebrowed baby."
    ~ Lisa
    Last edited by Le Messor; 07-12-2014 at 07:06 PM.

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