Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
Yeah, with Marrina it's like they're not even trying to capture her original voice.

Still, it kinda works. Like I told somebody when asked what I thought of her new battle cry:
It totally sucks... but they pulled it off! How do they do that?!?

She's the only one of the first eight I've noticed such a problem with, though.
One of the ladies on Tumblr said something to the effect that these guys are trying to make Marrina into the Machine Man of Alpha Flight. It's a little early for that, but I can see where it's coming from - it feels less like a new direction for an established character and more like a new character with some passing similarities to Marrina. At the same time though, it's also hinted at that Marrina is trying to find an identity beyond attempting to assimilate with human or Atlantean culture, which could be interesting and would also explain a bit of the sudden 180; it doesn't feel like Marrina because it's Marrina deliberately working toward something that resembles her old self as little as possible, which can be both liberating and -- until your own voice emerges from the enthusiasm of embracing a new extreme -- as annoying as hell to everyone around you. Could be an interesting exploration of identity, or just a really irritating character direction. I guess we'll need a bit more than a single page to see where this goes.