Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
There were screencaptures floating about somewhere but I cant find them at the moment.
I can't seem to make one, but it's at 23:30 on a PAL DVD. That timecode should work for you (Phil) and Del. And Seng, if he's watching.
For the rest, it'll be close to that.

Quasar #11 opens with him chasing after some unseen underwater aliens - they're Marrina's children. (I seem to remember reading about it in a letters page, but I don't know where.)
Wolverine #56 does not seem to contain Wildchild, but it's in the Appearances 'W' thread. (I've flipped through it, carefully, but not read it.)

- Le Messor
"If at first you don't succeed, try, try, again. Then quit. There's no use being a damn fool about it."
~ W. C. Fields