Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
Now you're all just punking me! LOL
The more I think about the Llan storyline, the more I remember that you're right, I didn't like it that much.
... OTOH, I also remember loving Hudnall's writing; mostly because I devoured #74 (which was part of said storyline) even though I hated the art.

I even started trying to redraw it myself, but never got anywhere.

Quote Originally Posted by Tawmis View Post
I enjoy the original 5 or 6 Friday the 13th's for what they were. Brainless slasher flicks. But when Jason goes to Hell and fights there... and then when he gets shot into space, and starts killing people on a space station... then they haven't just jumped the shark, they have jumped the solar system...
Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
I think that Mantlo's run was the worst run of the volume simply because it was the longest.
There were shorter runs that had worse ideas/plots/execution/dialogue than Mantlo did, but because they were 8 issues long they didn't make as much of a lingering stink.
True - but those runs didn't tend to derail the characters the way Mantlo's did, either.
I don't like Nicieza's run much, but I've loved other stuff he's written. :/

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