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Thread: What If...?

  1. #76
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    That first lot could've meant I never read comics. I might never have got my hands on Alpha if they weren't Marvel, and if I hadn't, I might never have started collecting.

    ~ Le Messor
    "I just got lost in thought. It was unfamiliar territory."
    ~ Unknown

  2. #77


    Cool, thanks for the reply Le Messor! Also love your different quotes after each post. What do you think of the other scenarios I posted?

  3. #78
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    On the surface, Heather and Elizabeth living somewhere else wouldn't do much... until you realise it'd mean Heather probably never met Michael. Which means Michael - and therefore Narya - would never be team members. The world would've ended half a dozen ways because of that.

    As to the PMs... Look, I know so little about politics, I wouldn't even recognise the deputy PM of my own country if I got off a plane from New Zealand and some guy was waiting to pick her up and I saw that so I walked around those two people and then my parents said 'Do you even know who you just rammed into?'... but I'd probably recognise her later if she became full PM.

    ~ Le Messor
    "I know a lot of people think I'm dumb. Well, at least I ain't no educated fool."
    ~ Leon Spinks

  4. #79


    Thanks for your insight Le Messor! Here are my thoughts if I may:
    1. You make a good point of Alpha Flight being recognizable because of them being a Marvel comic. Nonetheless, I have enjoyed getting to know the DC characters other than the main ones (though I've enjoyed getting to know them too) and getting to know the independents. I was born and raised in the U.S., so it made access to the comics much easier (not trying to rub it in, just stating a fact). It's fun to think about Alpha Flight meeting up with the DC characters (and the ones they have acquired over the years). How would they deal with the Justice League (especially sing Aurora and Northstar battling the Flash!), or the fighting Captain Marvel/Shazam (Shaman's magic against Earth's Mightiest Mortal), or dealing with Booster Gold and the 2nd Blue Beetle, etc. Fun to think about. Also fun thinking about them with Marvel teams they don't usually meet, like Power Pack (another favorite of mine).
    2. Good points about Heather never meeting Michael and Narya, though I wonder if somehow they wouldn't have found out about each other later in life (though would this be in time to help save the world?). I also think about Elizabeth staying with Heather and her family. Where would she have gone? Again, all fun to think about.
    3. I know politics are a touchy subject, so my apologies. However, as an American, I feel this need to know more about the world because so many Americans don't know, especially about Canada! I'll think about the PMs and maybe come up with a list of possible appropriate superpowers they may have had based on their time in office. Okay, thanks again! I'm really enjoying being a part of this website community. I'm sorry I didn't join sooner!

  5. #80
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PlaidMouse View Post
    What if each real Canadian PM was a member of AF? What powers would they have? My guess would be that Alexander Mackenzie would have brick/stone based powers. Your thoughts fellow Alphans?
    Agree in regards to Mackenzie's powers, and think Sir John A. Macdonald would be a master of Zui Quan, or Drunken Fist style of martial arts.

  6. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    Agree in regards to Mackenzie's powers, and think Sir John A. Macdonald would be a master of Zui Quan, or Drunken Fist style of martial arts.
    Love it and totally agree. Maybe even some railroad based powers for Sir John A., but drunken master fits perfectly. For John Abbot, since he was the first PM born in the territory of Canada, maybe some land based powers. He was also a very skilled corporate lawyer and businessman, so maybe powers of speech or persuasion (not to take the limelight from Purple Girl). John Thompson might have size based powers. I'll keep working on the rest. Any more thoughts welcomed! Thanks again Legerd.

  7. #82
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    William Lyon Mackenzie King would have the power to contact and speak with the dead, and Richard Bedford Bennett would have gamma-based powers like he Hulk, but his would increase or decrease depending on his wealth.

  8. #83
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    Richard Bedford Bennett would have gamma-based powers like he Hulk...
    Wait... Canada had a PM named Bennett?

    He's named like my name!

  9. #84
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Wait... Canada had a PM named Bennett?

    He's named like my name!
    OMG! Are you our long lost PM?

  10. #85
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    only the last name... only the last.

  11. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Legerd View Post
    William Lyon Mackenzie King would have the power to contact and speak with the dead, and Richard Bedford Bennett would have gamma-based powers like he Hulk, but his would increase or decrease depending on his wealth.
    Right on! Good call with PM King. Bedford is a good one too, since he ended up as a noble in England. It would be interesting to see him put his money in a CD (slowly become big and green) or put it in the stock market (which would be a lot more fun from a comic book perspective). I guess PM Le Messor is a good successor, given that he has Sasquatch's powers

    Okay, Mackenzie Bowell would most likely have powers related to animals, like Animal Man, due to his affinity for fur coats. Or, maybe powers based on pride, since he had a lot of it, it seems, even though he didn't do a very good job. I see Charles Tupper having immortality, as he waited so long to be PM! Wilfrid Laurier would have unifying or peacemaking powers, a type of calming telepathy, I would think. I see Robert Borden as having some sort of war like powers. Maybe being a human bomb, a human cannon, or a one man army (can make tons of multiples of himself). Yes, the one man army would work the best for Borden. Lastly for this post, I see Arthur Meighen having some sort of powers of resistance (physical or mental), since he spent so long as leader of the opposition with King being PM. Okay, more to fellow. We have 12 more PMs to go! What if we try to finish this list?

  12. #87


    What If Walter had taken Hulk's body?

    Bruce encouraged Walter to take the Hulk body as at that time Bruce was ready to pass on. Walter refused to do that to his old friend, but in this timeline he takes the offer (perhaps due to Beyonder prompting), and its Bruce who becomes lost at the Crossroads.

    Walter returns in Hulk's body- he has all the Savage Hulk's power level, but none of the 'rage power up' - he also cannot transform back into a Human form. At first he is feared, but it becomes clear this is Walter, not Hulk, or even Bruce. Aurora rejects him as 'ugly' which causes Walter pain, but he survives.

    Walter wears a costume and names himself Powerhouse, and having him and Roger in the Box armour gives Alpha Flight some serious fighting power. Plus having Walter back gives them some science support- though the kit has to be scaled up for his new form. With Walter around the problems with Roger's legs are discovered quickly after he gets them, and are fixed using a regenerator Walter is able to cobble together with some help from Hank McCoy. Lionel is confronted early, and is subdued easily.

    Bruce would later return in the body of Smart Alec, free of the Hulk...

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