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Thread: Original Alpha Flight

  1. #121
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default SASQUATCH, TANARAQ...or something else?

    Thanks, -K-M-. These reviews more accurately appreciate what is happening in IMMORTAL HULK# 4. My only quibble (besides the misspelling "Langowski" instead of "Langkowski" in the COMIC(S)VERSE review) is that it is assumed to be a prelude to a HULK-SASQUATCH fight. I don't think that's SASQUATCH.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-11-2023 at 09:21 PM.

  2. #122


    Neither do I. Might be Tanaraq or something connected to the Green Door. Only a few more weeks

  3. #123


    Garry - Have you read Old Man Logan #46 at all?

  4. #124
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Plant food

    Yes, I did. But I thought it would be better to wait awhile to post my opinion on it because (1) it's just the first part of the story and (2) there are a few troubling things in it.First and foremost, the character interaction between OML and Snowbird, Puck, and Shaman is a welcome treat. But Mac's "strategy" is really, really questionable: in the church were the towns-people are dead and the whole group knows they are dead, Shaman tells them his Earth-magic won't work against the alien---and deadly---plant-thing. In other words, he is defenseless and offensiveless. So what does Mac do? He has Shaman and Snowbird stay where the core of the alien is and splits the team up...while he goes to the ship with a piece of the malevolent alien plant-thing...without his force-shield to protect himself. One of the survivors holed up for 30 days summed it up best: "I hope you folks got an alternate plan..." because plan A doesn't look like its going to save anybody.Unless there is a backup team capable of dealing with creatures from space at the ready...I don't look forward to OML# 48 like I look forward to IMMORTAL HULK# 5 because Alpha Flight has gone down the horror road before and it didn't end up good for them (or the readers). However, while OML# 46 is not quite as good as IH4, it's not nearly as bad as The Unexpected and The Immortal Men.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 09-12-2020 at 11:30 PM.

  5. #125
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garry/Al-Fan
    it's not nearly as bad as The Unexpected and The Immortal Men.
    I don't know what those mean, especially in relation to Alpha Flight? (Are they bad things that have nothing to do with our favourite team?)

  6. #126
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Concept, characterization, motivation, and editing

    Back in the day, four things I felt made a good comic book were (1) a solid conceptual foundation, (2) strong characterizations, (3) logical/consistent motivation, and (4) editing that helped make a story better, not worse. OML# 46 has a solid conceptual foundation: Logan and Alpha Flight are friends, and they're investigating something extraordinary. I really couldn't tell you what the concept behind The Immortal Men and The Unexpected is. Chasing somebody?OML# 46 has some good characterization, but Snowbird, Shaman, and Puck don't have any second thoughts about Mac's plan? Shaman concludes his magic won't work without even trying to find out (Shaman's magic worked well in the GREATBEASTS' dimension in ALPHA FLIGHT #24)? I couldn't tell you what the main characters are capable of after 3 issues of The Immortal Men and 2 issues of The Unexpected, even though they are supposedly heroes according to the front covers.Overall, OML# 46 suffers from "horror movie logic" where characters make inane decisions that make matters worse. At least there is a possibility that the second part of the story turns out better; there is no way Immortal Men (already said to be cancelled) and The Unexpected can be salvaged.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-11-2023 at 09:21 PM.

  7. #127
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Are The Immortal Men and The Unexpected comic book serieses?

  8. #128
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Yes, but just barely. They lack all four of the things that actually make up real comic books.

  9. #129
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Okay, thanks.

  10. #130
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Alpha Flight blank

    If there are no other plans for Alpha Flight for Marvel's 80th anniversary, maybe Marvel will consider an ALPHA FLIGHT blank book (like DC comics' recent Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman blank Comics) so AF fans can create their own AF story.

    Preferably with the original volume 1 logo.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-11-2023 at 09:22 PM.

  11. #131
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Original Alpha Flight - updated roster with Roger and Mr. Jeffries

    A 5-page story in the new anthology MARVEL COMICS PRESENTS would be a good way to reintroduce the original members of ALPHA FLIGHT without the risk of launching a series that may not have the audience to support it.
    Last edited by Garry/Al-Fan; 07-11-2023 at 09:22 PM.

  12. #132


    There could be the possibility for an 80's or 90's AF story, so in issues 5 or 6.
    Not sure there will be the focus though as I imagine, pessimistically knowing Marvel, that other characters will be more prominent in those decades.

  13. #133
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    From the solicitation for Immortal Hulk featuring Judd, Alpha Flight/Gamma Flight looks to be in good hands.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  14. #134
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil
    There could be the possibility for an 80's or 90's AF story, so in issues 5 or 6.
    Is that how this series is running? A through-the-ages kind o' fing?

    ~ Le Messor
    "The list of New Year Resolutions you made last year can be used again.
    It's as good as new."
    ~ W.G.P.

  15. #135


    Yah, #1 starts with 1940.
    1-6 have been confirmed.

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