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Thread: If you get the email - they had a spotlight on Alpha Flight!

  1. #1

    Default If you get the email - they had a spotlight on Alpha Flight!

    Does anyone know if they added more Alpha Flight in Marvel Unlimited?

  2. #2


    Meet Alpha Flight

    Originally assembled through a government initiative, Alpha Flight is Canada's premiere Super Hero team. Learn about each member with MU now!

  3. #3

  4. #4


    Oh. That's it? Not like the other GAPING holes in the first volume? -sigh-

  5. #5
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
    Garry/Al-Fan's Avatar
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    Default Alpha Flight increased exposure

    The profile for PUCK reads, in part, as if someone took offense at the anti-Black Razer sentiment and made sure that the character is tied to Judd...which ultimately ties ALPHA FLIGHT to the Mantlo-era...which (I assume) was the problem MARVEL was trying to get away from.While this spotlight on ALPHA FLIGHT is (for the most part) good, I just don't see how minds manipulating Mac and homicidal Heather are going to be an appealing premise for a new series or a springboard for a blockbuster movie.

  6. #6
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Alleged 'heroes' brainwashing and homiciding may not appeal to us, but (sigh) there are plenty of people out there who they do appeal to. (Did I say 'sigh'?)

    ~ Le Messor
    "The law of heredity is that all undesirable traits come from the other parent."
    ~ anonymous

  7. #7


    The article doesn't sell them on the brainwashed homicide though, and as much as we all dislike the Mantlo Raazer period, it's canon, so they can't just deny it happened.

  8. #8
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Good points, Phil.

    Also, I notice they use mostly-all Byrne covers for their profiles. Yay! (The Aurora one is one of my favourite non-Byrne AF covers, and the best one they could've used, I think.)
    Was it established that the Sasquatch on Howling Commandos was our Sasquatch? I'd always thought that was ambiguous. (I've read, like, one issue.)

    I think the Talisman is much older than 300 years, though. (Not Elizabeth, obviously.)

    ~ Le Messor
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  9. #9
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    First, MARVEL announced "How to read comics the MARVEL way." Then, they announced The New Warriors" featuring "Snowflake" and "Safespace." Now, MARVEL is announcing an "America Chavez" miniseries. When an employee makes bad decision after bad decision after bad decision, sooner or later the boss is going to take notice.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  10. #10

  11. #11
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    A comic book that tells you how to read a comic book? If someone doesn't know how to read a (MARVEL) comic book, how are they going to understand the (MARVEL) comic book that tells them how to read a comic book? Really, do you need a comic book to tell you how to read a comic book? Now?And the rollout of characters with no other names than "Snowflake" and "Safespace" when the comic book industry is teetering on the brink of collapse? "Trailblazer"---as someone else mentioned--- has a magic pouch...I mean, backpack...and this is supposed to be a "new" superhero? Really?And lastly a character who has been cancelled and is not well-liked is getting a miniseries? NOW?

  12. #12


    What if a child really wants to get into reading comics but is daunted by them and doesn't know where to start? What if they loved the films and really want to get into comics and this comic that you're writing off as a bad decision without even having read is the gateway for them and opens up their love of reading?

    Why are the names Snowflake and Safespace any worse than Mr Fantastic or Impossible Man?
    Why is Trailblazer a bad decision, but Honey Lemon wasn't?
    And I'm pretty certain Shaman wasn't "new" and that mystics existed before him.

    And as to "a character who has been cancelled" getting a miniseries being a bad decision; by that logic Alpha Flight should never appear again seeing as they've been cancelled 4 times now?
    And America is arguably more liked than AF right about now, and likely to be appearing in the MCU.

    Just because YOU do not like these things, does not make them bad decisions.
    There are 100's of comics out there for middle aged men, and these will continue to be published.
    Comics should be accessible to anyone. This is Marvel doing that.
    I won't be buying them, but they're not for me. I accept that.
    And as long as the comics don't make financial loss then they're not bad decisions.

  13. #13
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Is this book free? Where is this child going to find this tutorial book? How are they going to get to a comic shop? How are their parents? Will there be a comic shop to go to?Once again, comparing apples to oranges and jumping to the wrong conclusions.

  14. #14


    In a comic shop, or on Amazon, or on comiXology.
    Walk, or public transport, or cycle, or a car, or online.
    See above.
    Yes, yes there will.
    What should I be comparing, and what conclusions should I be jumping to?

  15. #15
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    (Most) Nonessential businesses are closed, here; don't know if it's business was usual where you are. People are under a mandatory stay-at-home/work-from-home/shelter-in-place order; don't know if everything is fine where you are. Things have been shutting down for awhile, now. And child on comixology...when they can't even read a MARVEL comic? How do they do that? Are they going to get it through school? (A lot of them are closed, here; libraries, too). How many kids who can't read comics the MARVEL way have Amazon accounts?Reed Richards and The Impossible Man were not given insults as names...purposely.And from the earlier post...I turned 60 in December, and some days I feel closer to old age than middle age, if that matters. MARVEL should go all-in with New Warriors, America Chavez, and Children of the Atom and print a million copies of each---with 17 incentive/variant covers, each---then get speculators to invest in huge amounts of these 3 titles so they can corner the secondary market.Lastly, Northstar & Aurora are in another comic, (as of this writing) Walter is dead and Puck was playing poker with Creel and Titania over his decaying corpse, Mac is brainwashing Heather into thinking she's not a murderer, and MARVEL will eventually exercise the trademark/copyright on Alpha Flight, whether it's popular or not.

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