Poll: Which appearances of AF characters do you buy?

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Thread: What Kind of Fan Are You?

  1. #1

    Default What Kind of Fan Are You?

    I'm not trying to start something competitive here; different people have different levels of commitment to the characters and that's cool. I'm just curious to get the pulse of this board and see where most folks here are.

    Personally, I only go after appearances that feature the "real" characters, so I haven't been reading Exiles (with the alternate reality version of Sasquatch) or Age of Apocalypse or X-Men: The End, etc.

    What about ya'll?

  2. #2


    I'm an Alpha-Completist, gotta have it all. That being said, Exiles is an awsome book, AF content or no, well worth picking up


  3. #3


    I'm not a big fan of continuing alternate universes...including the Ultimate line. But I would pick up a one-shot or limited series set in alternate reality.

    - pjc

  4. #4


    Just Alpha Flight, though I have bought a book or 5 with EXiles AF or Wolverine and AF.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  5. #5

    Default Re: What Kind of Fan Are You?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael May
    I'm not trying to start something competitive here; different people have different levels of commitment to the characters and that's cool. I'm just curious to get the pulse of this board and see where most folks here are.

    Personally, I only go after appearances that feature the "real" characters, so I haven't been reading Exiles (with the alternate reality version of Sasquatch) or Age of Apocalypse or X-Men: The End, etc.

    What about ya'll?
    Real characters, and in continuity. And it has to be a significant appearance, not some cameo. I'll get just about anything that Mac is in but am less inclined to get chase other characters around. I have yet to pick that "special" issue of Wolverine, for example.

  6. #6


    can I have another option? Like when I feel the story is good or will be? I'm just buying if it's feels good. :P

  7. #7


    The best moment in real life of,.... \/
    I'm a Quebecois, not a french Canadian,...please don't forget it. lol

    HaKuNa-MaTaTa !!!

  8. #8


    Bon, burN@ is having fun with is new avatar...

  9. #9


    I clicked all, cos at some point I intend to have all Alpha appearences, but as say with Exiles, I'm gonna pick it all up in TPB format, but don't feel a pressing ned to run out and buy it immediately.

    burN@, now you have my curiosity running amok. How do super types in full body spandex answer a call of nature? Specific areas of the uniform is made from unstable molecules, maybe?

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  10. #10


    Actually,.... i realy don't know ????

    But is a interesting question

    So this one is the most weird i've inspected !!! =D>

    I'm a Quebecois, not a french Canadian,...please don't forget it. lol

    HaKuNa-MaTaTa !!!

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by syvalois
    can I have another option? Like when I feel the story is good or will be?
    Absotively. I actually tried to make that an option, but it didn't show up when the poll posted.

  12. #12


    Do we need to look at the Appearances forum as proof of my err... habit?

  13. #13
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    I generally pick up every appearance, as long as they're still Alphans. So, I haven't got all Marrina in Avengers, N'star in X-Men, or Aurora in Weapon X. I have relatively few WildChild appearances.

    But I do get a lot of non-Con appearances. Go figure.

    I'm seriously considering getting the rest. If I can.

    A good resource:

    - Le Messor
    "I'll stand by you, even when you're wrong."
    - The Pretenders

  14. #14


    It all depends on the characters. I basically only bought Weapon X for Aurora and I got the back issues of X-Men for Northstar so I guess if it's the twins then I will buy it (although even then I don't have EVERYTHING they've been in). If I heard that an Alphan was going to appear in a title and if they liked them from AF then I would consider getting it. Would love to see Persuasion turn up somewhere!

  15. #15


    My comic provider pulls out every Alpha related book that comes out from Xmen to it all.I buy WX but dont like what Tierri did to my characters, thus my feelings toward him and his Im better attitude

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