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Thread: What to do with the Originals?

  1. #166


    Quote Originally Posted by Harfang
    ben je comprends pas trop votre systeme federal vu que la France n'est pas une federation mais vous (les canadiens meme si j'aime pas trop mettre les quebecois et le reste du canada dans le meme sac) devez bien prendre en compte tout ce qui fait la particularité de votre pays non? un peu comme la Belgique et puis sans le Quebec le Canada serait un petit pays (en nombre d'habitant je parle ! )
    Je vulais juste dire que le Canada est aussi Francophone donc je vois pas pourquoi je devrais parler anglais !! lol
    Oh, you don't have to speak english if you don't want, the forum is primarily an english forum, but you can speak whatever language you want, I just can't guarentee that many people will respond. Consider that we have over 200 members, and probably less than half (without doing a count) are Canadian, and maybe 50% of those have some understanding of french, and probably 20% feel comfortable reading french, and 10% feel confrotable writing it.

    I'm not quite sure what you mean about "our federal system considering France is not a federation"

    And I DO like to lump Quebec in with the rest of Canada. I consider them a very important part of our country, both historically, and in present times. I want Quebec to stay as a part of this country, and as a proud Canadian, am honstly somewhat insulted at the desire of the separatists to leave the country. I think Quebec deserves to be treated as a culturally distinct part of Canada, as do the members of the Fist Nation. Now this is WAY off topic, if there is desire to continue this converstion, I will split it into a new thread.


  2. #167


    you're right but it's so hard to speak english even if i prefer to be understood by a large people but i'm not Cypher
    c'est vrai que j'aimerai etre compris par les anglophones mais en France l'etude de l'anglais est vraiment baisque on cherche pas vraiment aapprendre cette langue mais plutot a etendre la notre
    I love VĂ©ga/Northstar !!!!

  3. #168
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Re: The "super-secret" Dept. H

    Quote Originally Posted by HappyCanuck
    Actually, Dept H itself isn't supposed to be a secret, just the work it does. Hell, originally, it was supposedly being built in downtown Toronto! (AF.1.90)
    I've been trying to understand what you mean before posting a reply, but I haven't been able to figure out if Dept. H's work isn't so secret [capturing Heather and Puck; creating a bio-hazardous "Weapon X" that goes renegade; getting its own headquarters blown up/having Zodiac wreck it], how is anything about Dept. H secret?

    AFV1# 13 indicates that Dept. H was supposed to be very secret. To support this, Canada's own media could only identify Alpha Flight as a Canadian strike-force in MARVEL TWO-IN-ONE# 83.

    ....but who's going to repair the wrecked restaurant? Will Smith and Tommy Lee Jones, obviously. - Le Messor

    I hadn't even made a connection between Alpha Flight's Agent K and MIB. You guys are goooood!

  4. #169
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    If taken to be like CSIS then Dept. H isn't a secret organization but an organization that deals in secrets. IMO it is the 'face' behind which the other sections (like Dept. K) hide.

    I would guess that JB originally wrote it as a secret section of the government and that later writers brought it out of the shadows.

    I hadn't even made a connection between Alpha Flight's Agent K and MIB. You guys are goooood!
    Damn! Get someone in here and wipe his memory, NOW!

  5. #170
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    The Dept H in 1 #1, the H in v1 #120, and the H in v2 were three different entities. The huge, obvious headquarters was built late in v1, before they got -so- secretive. (But after the equally secretive, but less conspirational, v1#1 version.)
    The Dept isn't secret. Its work is.

    - Le Messor
    "You think everything's a conspiracy."
    "Everything is."
    - The Abyss

  6. #171


    Who would buy a book called "Department H"? Think about all the stories a writer could come up with through that.

  7. #172
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Default Vol. 2 was about Dept. H anyway, not AF

    Quote Originally Posted by PWalk
    Who would buy a book called "Department H"? Think about all the stories a writer could come up with through that.
    Instead of taking another gamble on reviving ALPHA FLIGHT outright too soon, a "Department H" mini-series might be a very good idea. Many loose ends and frayed plot threads could be explored from volume 2, which a lot of people like (sorry, but I'm not one of them). Depending on the sales, it could be the springboard for a new AF series or mini-series. This could be the mini-series that brings AF back.

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