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Thread: Alpha Flight: The Movie

  1. #91


    She's also awesome in Go, a staggeringly underexposed movie.

    Don't know that I see her as Heather, but all things are possible.
    "You cannot win, mailman Mike. If you strike me down, I shall become more powerful than you can possibly imagine."

  2. #92


    Yeah, GO was awesome.

    You know, I think either Lilly or Warren could be great for Heather or Narya. Both work for me. Lilly would have to dye her hair for Heather, but somehow life would go on.

    Of course, by the time an AF movie is made, both of these women will probably retired or dead. Marvel can barely manage a worthy AF comic book, really. (Gripping about MML, Puck II, and Yukon Jack begins here....)

  3. #93


    I wanted to see what Sarah Polley would look like if the suit was put on her so I drew it out, doesn't look to bad
    plus I'm like one post away from getting Alpha Flight by my name
    Rockin' Roll Martian!!!

  4. #94


    Interesting take on the flag suit.

  5. #95
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    I just stumbled across this article while googling AF info:

    Seems we aren't the only ones thinking about this.

  6. #96


    Wow, that's an impressive find... I'll admit I'm surprised... maybe not because the article is a little older and its possible the article passed by me closer to its original release date... but I thought I would've remembered such an article... oh well... certainly some interesting commentary or ideas... although I'm intrigued by it, I'm not really sure if I like the idea of De Niro as Puck... I'm still quite happy with our selection as a reasonable individual who could pull off a good dwarf superhero.

    composed of a scientist and his “freaks"
    Freaks? Freaks?

    “damaged goods”
    Okay, not exactly the phrase I'd use... but at least the general idea behind much of the Alpha appeal to me...
    The ability to defy death can be achieved...
    It is a state acquired through compassion not greed...

  7. #97


    I don't like this revision very much. Sounds too much like X-Flies meets the X-Men.

    The whole "sinister Dept H" idea has become very deflated for me. If AF became a movie, I hope Dept H would never be mentioned.

    Besides, Department H sounds too much like "Preparation H" to me.

    Also, I think re-casting Puck as a mere "dwarven thief" and murderer doesn't do him much justice. Byrne's vision was much more interesting.

    And making Bochs a betrayer? How horrid!

    I've already said it (but I like repeating myself): treat Byrne's vision as canon, and the core fans will be grateful. Screw with that and you risk alienating them. Especially if the revision is less interesting than Byrne's.

    Notice that he says the film would focus on Heather and Puck, but barely mentions Heather. What will she do, other than become horrified about her dead husband's evil deeds?

    (My version may have the same flaw. I'll go check....)

  8. #98


    I think I still prefer Estella Warren as Heather. Pardon my lousy Photoshop skills.

  9. #99
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Snowsquatch
    I don't like this revision very much. Sounds too much like X-Flies meets the X-Men.
    Oew, no. Not another X-Flies meets X-Men. That's sooo last century!

    (Same thing, serious tone: )
    I got tired of Marvel ripping off the X-Files constantly in the 90's. More, I got sick of them, with their usual attitude, going 'X-Files is popular, X-Files has gov't conspiracy, ergo gov't conspiracy is popular, ipso-facto let's put gov't conspiracy into every title we produce. Vis a vis! Concordantly!'
    (Okay, that got a little less serious.)

    It's a huge part of what I hated about v2.

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowsquatch
    Besides, Department H sounds too much like "Preparation H" to me.
    Well, Departments A through G were complete failures, but Department H feels pretty good on the whole...

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowsquatch
    I've already said it (but I like repeating myself): treat Byrne's vision as canon, and the core fans will be grateful. Screw with that and you risk alienating them. Especially if the revision is less interesting than Byrne's
    Okay, now say it to Marvel. And get them to listen. I'd be grateful for one. The grateful not dead.

    - Le Messor
    "A black eye heals, but cowardice has an unlimited shelf life."
    - Xander

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