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Thread: "Oeminga Flight" & Wishful Resolutions to Old

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Barnacle13
    At a minimum Alpha Flight should get a memorial service or funeral. I'm really shocked and disappointed that their deaths got no more than a few panels. It would be a great segue into Talisman accepting the mantle of Shaman also.
    I don't really want to see the battle where AF died. But I sure wants to see the repercussions. What made Jean Grey or Mac 1st death so good where the times you saw the characters mourn.

    Not like when the clone Mac died in Wolverine, the speach after he's death as how he was good and blablabla was so fake, I felt he's death served nothing but to get ride of him, so spare me the speach please! That was a cheap death. AF deserve better than what clone Mac had.

    In that aspect, I do hope we will see the consequence of AF death in Omega Flight.
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  2. #17
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    I think I dreamed last night that I read #1. It was good, mostly about Shaman... it basically resolved where he is now, etc...
    Nothing new. No spoilers; I think we know all about #1 by now. Judging by what I read last night.
    In my dream.

    - Le Messor
    Calvin: "Bugs fly in such crazy loops and zigzags. I wonder why they don't get dizzy and barf."
    Hobbes: "Maybe they do!"
    Calvin: "Eww, gross! Ha ha ha! But then why would they keep flying that way?"
    Hobbes: "Maybe bugs *like* to barf!"
    Calvin: "EWWWW! They WOULD! Ha ha ha ha! BLAUGH! I tell you, Hobbes, it's great to have a friend who appreciates an earnest discussion of ideas."

  3. #18

    Default Undeveloped Characters

    I have to admit, I would also like to see some resolution to the "Hull House" characters. I tend to be a sucker for wanting to know more about characters that don't get a lot of "air" time. Not only would it be nice to see the return of Flex, but some development of Ouija and Flinch would be cool to see as well ( particularly since they are pretty much blank canvases). I guess wanting to see them return stems from the fact that there are so few known Canadian heroes out there that it would be nice to see development of those that we know exist.

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